
Transmigrating to the Desolute Era with a Farming System

Not knowing where you are is really not a nice feeling. Let's go on this journey and see where our protagonist takes us.

Shelly_Pasimupindu · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Going to the base

I drove the car for four hours without stopping. I could see that everyone really wanted to be at the base before dawn.

As we neared the base, I could see a tall wall. Even though I was near, I could not see what was inside the wall. When we were a kilometer from the wall, I could see people on top of the wall. I was so happy to see people for the first time ever.

We were stopped when we got to the gate. They told us to get out of the car in order to get tested for the zombie virus.

" Listen up, everyone get out of the car. Line up nicely so we can get you tested and get you inside before dawn. My name is Lawrence, the head of the armed guards."

We lined up and they started testing us. There was a machine I have never seen before which was testing us. When It was my turn, they scanned my whole body and gave me a green badge meaning I did not have a virus and it was safe for me to enter.

I got in my car and drove to the next booth where I was told that I needed for my stay. Whether it was temporary or a permanent stay.

" Hello ma'am, my name is Lisa. Are you staying permanently or temporarily."

" I'm staying permanently. How much should I pay and can you explain all the things I need to do."

" Staying permanently costs 20 crystal cores or 10kg rice. We have houses to rent which costs five crystal cores per month or you can buy your own house but it costs two hundred crystal cores or you can pay with food stuffs.

You have also to be tested about what levels your powers are at and if you would like to work or not. "

" I would like to rent a house then. I prefer somewhere with less people and is in a good condition. "

I paid with ten kilograms of rice and was given an identification card with my name and everything and was told to go test my powers before being sent to choose a house after I was done.

" Hello I'm Alice, you can put your hand on that screen there and it will scan you."

I was scanned and my hand was tingling, maybe it was caused by the scaning machine.

" You have thunder and space attribute powers and your thunder powers are at level two and your space is also at level two. You know you are the third person I see who have thunder type powers.

I will give you a red badge. There are five types of badges. A green one means you are a commoner without powers, yellow for those who are armed with weapons and have strength or speed type powers, orange for those with water and other powers. Those with space or thunder type of powers like you are given red badges and are of great importance to us. The fifth one is for the base leader and impirtant people which is purple. "

I was given the badge and was on my way to look for which house I would move into. I was so happy to own my own house for the first time.