
Chapter 1: Death(?)

This was another day in modern-day Japan. Adults heading off to work while children heading to their respective schools and colleges. Using the many forms of transportation such as cars, buses, subways, and even bicycles depending on how close their destination is.

Here we find a youth, no older than 25 years old making his way to the local college on foot. Currently, he was a final year student wondering about where he should apply for work after he's done with college. This youth goes by the name of Kageshi Dyre. He's about 6 feet tall, weighs in at around 175lbs, and has shaggy black hair with white at the tips just above his shoulders with black eyes behind his small square-ish glasses. He's currently wearing a light blue shirt with a silver coat over it, with dark grey pants and a pair of black shoes. He's also carrying a one strapped backpack over his shoulders where he keeps his books and other personal items that he carries during the days.

He was currently looking at a list of potential businesses on his smartphone he needs to apply to before the end of the week if he wants to be able to get a job by graduation and none of them seemed to fly out at him while he's scrolling through. Just so you know, it's not like he's a picky person looking for a high paying job that requires minimal work in the beginning because of laziness nor was he an ambitious type of person either. He was just looking for a job in which he would be comfortable working for as recent graduate that won't take advantage of him because of it. Just because he's young doesn't mean he's not able to see through some of those businesses as he has experience with them before when he was younger.

He managed to make it to college and to class while he was absent-mindedly looking through the different offerings and still found nothing that appealed to him. Seeing that, he put up his smartphone and went into classes to experience another day of lectures. During said lectures, he along with the other students were reminded to send in their applications to businesses, even if it's to give them a chance at getting a low-level job where they can accumulate the experience they need for better jobs later in their lives. Whenever he heard this, Dyre always sighed and looked out the window as he was just not sure what he should do.

After school, Dyre decided this was a day he needed a breather and he only got those when he went to the local martial arts gym to work on his Taekwondo and Muay Thai training. Over the years, he has learned both martial arts and has goes to practice them whenever he's stressed or in need of a breather, which just so happens to be every few days if not every day due to him having the need to work part-time to pay for his bills since he lives alone. He was orphaned in his youth during his last year of middle school due to an accident that claimed the lives of both his parents and has been living alone since. During the initial days of working and schooling, he noticed he started getting easily stressing so he decided to look for a way to relieve his stress. It was during this time that one of his teachers recommended visiting a martial arts gym. Seeing that he had the extra time in the days and that he saw nothing wrong with it, one evening he decided to visit the gym his teacher recommended, which just so happened to be a mixed martial art gym. There he learned many martial arts but decided to stick with just Taekwondo and Muay Thai as his instructors noticed that he took to those two better than the rest. So he did and due to the practice over the years, he is currently at the level of assistant instructor in both martial arts. That being the case, today seems like it will be another one of those days he decides to take a breather.

On his way to the gym, Dyre noticed a group of people walking across the road on the pedestrian crossing when he noticed a child that was walking with her mother drop her doll. He immediately smiled and was about to continue walking along his path when he noticed a truck speeding towards the said child. Looking at the truck, Dyre noticed that the driver seemed to be having trouble with the break as he looked like he was struggling with his feet while pushing the horn to warn people to get out of the way. Others saw the truck and immediately ran while the little girl hadn't moved as she was scared stiff. Seeing that no one else was moving and he would make it, Dyre made an immediate dash towards the child. Noticing in a split second that he wasn't fast enough to grab the child and jump out of the way, he resigned himself and immediately jumped towards the girl, pushing her out of the way just in time as the truck flew right by her, hitting Dyre in the process and sending him flying into a wall then crashed into a light post. While a bunch of screams was going on about the accident that just took place, Dyre was busy laughing to himself while thinking how funny it was that he died in a way similar to his parents who died a decade earlier. His last thought before the darkness took him was that "I guess a decade of living alone was enough. I hope in the next life I won't have to go through such loneliness."

Unfortunately for him, death had other plans for him.


It is currently October 10 in the Konohagakure. To an outsider, it was currently a festive day used to honor the death of the villagers and the greatest hero the village has ever seen 6 years prior as well as celebrate the defeat of the kyube no kitsune by the hands of said hero. To a resident villager, it was the day to hunt down and beat said beast in human form. And to said so-called "beast", it just happened to be the worst and last day for him in this world.

"STOP DEMON! We just want to finish what the Yondaime started 6 years ago," yelled one of the villagers chasing a young boy through the streets of Konoha. The crowd consisted of at least 50 villagers, civilians, and shinobi alike.

Said boy was running for his life, quite literally. Making sharp turns, jumping over trash cans and fences when he could while sliding under them when he couldn't, the boy was running. He was also dodging projectiles that were being thrown at him; most by the shinobi's hidden in the mob of villagers. These projectiles included kunai, shuriken, and bricks as well as common items that can be found and thrown in such a village.

"CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE? I HAVENT DONE ANY OF THE THINGS YOU KEEP SAYING I DID!" yelled back the boy as he was busy diving under another fence. This statement just so happened to rile up the mob even more as they took their chasing up a level, actually closing the distance a bit and getting better with their aim as proven by said projectiles actually cutting bits of skin in passing now.

"Get him! Don't let the beast escape," yelled another villager as they chased the young boy. Now they were at the end of the village and passing the protective wall.

The boy fleeing from the mob happens to be the container of the strongest bijuu in existence, the kyube no kitsune. His name is Uzumaki Naruto, an orphan. Like many that night 6 years ago, he was orphaned by the attack of the kyube. At least, that's the official story that was told to the village. In actuality, he is the son of the famed Yondaime Hokage, but this secret was kept from the village as he had many enemies when he was alive and the current Hokage didn't want young Naruto to have to be facing assassination attempts from shinobi from villages like Iwa or Kumo. The sad thing is, the Sandaime Hokage never took into account what he would have to face in his own village or how bad it would be or he wouldn't have made such a decision. The irony of this entire situation was that the Yondaime's last wish for young Naruto was to be seen as a hero for the village for keeping the demon at bay, but instead, they spit on his decision and instead decide to hunt his own son in his name. He should be rolling in his grave at the moment but even then, it was his decision so even in death, he has to live with it.

Back with young Naruto, he has just made it past the safety of the village walls and was running through one of the many forests surrounding the village. After another 15 minutes of running, he managed to make it to a clearing before one of the thrown projectiles finally dealt a direct hit, stabbing into his right calf. This resulted in Naruto stumbling and rolling until he crashed into the trunk of a tree. Seeing this, the villagers surrounded the downed boy, each with a hideous and disgusting smile on their faces. When he managed to look up, Naruto noticed the looks each of the villagers were giving him and it scared the crap out of him. He tried to back away but his back was already on the tree so he couldn't move. Seeing this, the villagers started laughing at how pathetic the boy looked.

"WHY? Why are you doing this? What did I do to any of you to deserve any of this?" the young boy screamed in between whimpers of fear and pain.

Some of the villagers that heard this sneered and while they were closing in on him one of them answered," Why are we doing this? Don't you remember kyube? You killed our loved ones on this day 6 years ago and we're just returning the favor."

"But I never did anything to you. I wasn't even there and I'm not this kyube you keep calling me. I'm Uzumaki Naruto," sobbed out Naruto while seeing the mob close in on him while his back was to the tree while a kunai was sticking out of his calf.

"Oh, but you were there since you are the kyube no kitsune in human form. And for that you're going to die," said a villager viciously while looking down on Naruto before he and the rest of the villagers started beating down on the 6-year-old Naruto.

The beating was bad and brutal. Naruto was beaten, stabbed, cut, and whipped. Halfway through he curled up into a ball but that did little besides protecting his important organs for more than a few minutes. After those minutes his guard loosened enough for a few kicks to get through hitting parts of his stomach just over his liver, kidneys, lungs, and even his heart. At some point during the vicious beating Naruto's heart had actually stopped, signifying his death but before anyone could notice, foul chakra started leaking out of his body, restarting his heart in the process.

This caused the crowd of villagers to back off as the chakra burned them whenever they got close. Seeing this, some of the villagers started screaming about the kyube escaping but before they could do anything both the Sandaime and a squad of Anbu appeared in the clearing. Seeing the state the young boy was in, Sandaime was fuming and ordered the Anbu squad to arrest everyone present and send them to T&I while he went over to Naruto to check on him after he saw the kyube's chakra recede back into the seal. He went over and picked up the young boy before he rushed towards the hospital thinking that he could still save him from the amount of injures he has, considering that it looked like the kyube's chakra had removed most if not all of the life-threatening internal damage.

Little did he know that the boy he wanted to save was already dead.

This is an idea I got while reading sitting down one evening bored out of my mind whether to read a Naruto fanfic or go read a wuxia light novel. While doing that I got the crazy idea about how it would be like if someone from modern times transmigrated into the naruto-verse. This is just a prototype using Naruto as the main focus this time. All I can say is read and review. Let me know your thoughts if I should keep going (well I'm gonna keep writing this, just my speed will be affected is all) or if this is a miss. Just a heads up, flamers will be ignored. You can criticize as much as you want but the moment it crosses over to flaming I'm done with that review, you have been warned. Again, let me know your thoughts people.

Secondary Note: For those of you that find this series familiar, yes it is the one that's on Fanfic.net. I originally posted it there and decided to carry it over to Webnovel. I hope y'all like it :)

PopcornSectMastercreators' thoughts