
Transmigrating Into An Abandoned Baby's Body

Mediocreikara · Fantasy
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4 Chs

It began with a bang!

Saturday evening in a house clearly made of cement because no paint is plastered on it, a group of people wearing black and white dresses sat. The sound of rain hitting the roof reverberate as the group was in silence.

Earlier that day, they were mourning for their relative has died. A very important one to them and in can be argued that she maintains the amicable relationship between these families. The grandmother, died. She was buried earlier in the afternoon, while the sun directly hits them with no visible cloud in the clear blue sky.

These group of people sat in silence in their dead relative's house waiting for the rain to stop. No chatter, no unnecessary playing of cards, nor anyone trying to strike up a conversation. To add to the silence, there was a power outage on the gloomy and rainy night.

In the very inside of the house, a picture stood with a candle lit up on its side. A group of old women were sitting while holding their rosaries and praying for the deceased one. They are chanting prayers, not wishes, but, with them being close to the dead grandmother, they definitely wish her the best in heaven or rest peacefully after her struggles on earth.

A guy wearing black jeans and black polo shirt was sitting just before the room where the prayers are held at. He is holding a flashlight while pointing it at the roof to illuminate the light through it so everyone can still see despite having power outage. He is observing everyone as they make gloomy faces. And also, very vigilant as he was afraid of the atmosphere that night has brought to him.

After about some time when the day is approaching midnight, the rain stopped and the electricity also returned. He gazed as his other relatives left right after the rain and rode their car. He is also fidgeting as he is worried. Worried about the next day to come.

One of his relative offered him cooked corn, but he promptly denied as he is worried that it might took too long for him to eat it. He glanced at his father taking bites of a corn, and said,

"Dad, shouldn't we leave now? The rain stopped already. And... I have the thing tomorrow."

His father looked at him, but didn't reply, instead he looked at her mother making her reply for him,

"Can't we just sleep here for tonight and leave early tomorrow? It just rain. The roads are slippery and it's halfway to midnight already."

"But... Mom, the test I have tomorrow, decides if I pass or fail my subject"

He said, without even a shred of gloominess in his voice. On that day, he did not cry nor felt sad. He was empty. He's thinking of the exam to come during the time where his grandmother is being buried or during the mass in the church where everyone prayed and paid there last wishes directly to their god for their deceased loved one.

He's thinking of the equations to use, the diagrams he memorized and the problem examples he read while the other were mourning.

"But... son..."

"I really have to go home Mom."

As he said this he urged his father to go, and being someone who spoils his son a lot, he agreed, leaving his wife.

In the car, they woke up the driver sleeping and told him that they will leave first. The driver didn't say anything and just wiped out his drool and started the car.

The teen guy at his college sat across from the driver while his father sat at the back. His father didn't think much about it. He just thought that maybe it's one of his rebellious days and got was still emotional due to his grandmother's death.

The car moved through the muddy road and paved its way while marking the mud with dents from its tires.

The sky rumbled as lightning occasionally pass from cloud to cloud, and thunder accompanied it right after making the night gloomy. And as seemed to avoid the gloomy atmosphere, the driver played music on the radio.

They were halfway toward their destination, when suddenly...

The driver tried to step on the breaks of the car...

But with the gloomy atmosphere...

The relaxing music...

And the drowsiness from sudden disruption of his sleep...

He, accidentally, stepped, on, acceleration...