
Transmigrating Into An Abandoned Baby's Body

Mediocreikara · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Cold sensation of impending doom

The teen college boy looked ahead of the road. He, too, is getting drowsy. His head keeps on swaying back and forth. He also occasionally bump his head on the glass creating a beat with the accompanying music.

Suddenly, his neck got very cold and his head seemed to fly. There seemed to be someone forcefully trying to wake him up from his drowsy state. But, he just thought it off as the passing wind from the air conditioner in the car.

He is not really asleep as his eyes are half closed and half open. He still consciously hears the music playing, and the sound of passing cars.


The cold sensation got so intense that his hair stood up from his neck going down to his whole body. If earlier the cold is just trying to shake his shoulder, now, it seemed trying to slap him with all its force.

His head buzzed from the sensation and he finally fully woke up after few minutes, but then...

Time seemed to flow slowly...

In front of him, a tree seemed so large is slowly and gradually filling up his whole view...

He saw as the glass in front of him shatter slowly...

He saw how his legs seemed to curve from being bent forcefully...

Then finally, he saw as his body slowly leaned upfront. And his face smashing to the tree trunk...


Time flowed again naturally.

"Shit! Dude! Someone crashed! Quick, call 911!"

A guy smoking by the side spat his cigarette as he got shocked by the sudden loud noise.

The other guy that stood beside him, which got his neck slapped, quickly took out his phone and called for the emergency dial.

Sound of sirens quicky suffocated the area as ambulance and police cars arrived. The ambulance parked behind the crashed car, while the police car bariccade the half of the road.

Three paramedics and two police officers got off and got to the crashed car immediately.

"Open the back doors first, quick."

With that, the police officers forcefully opened the dented doors that has its windows cobwebbed from shattering.

Upon inspecting, they saw a middle-aged man groaning painfully while holding his leg, and pointing to his front.

"Save my son, please!"

The police officers then let the paramedics inspect the situation.

"The old man is not critical, slowly bring down the front sits after we take him out, make sure not to forcefully do it, it might harm them."

The police did as told while the paramedics sat the old man in a wheel chair.

They first lowered the seat in the left side as it was nearer. There, they saw a guy in his 20s wearing casual black uniform.

His head has flowing blood from the slight scratch of glass on his forehead, but other than being unconscious, no visible damage is on him. They quickly wrapped a stationary holder for his head then laid him on a stretcher.

They then moved to the right, but there, what they saw, was a bloody paste of a human being. His upper body is completely disfigured, his head is smashed so much to a pitiful width of three inches. His chest up to the head is completely crashed. While his bottom body is bloodied.

The police officers called for paramedics as they don't know what they will do. The paramedics inspected the scene first, but did not immediately retrieve the body. They first tapped his pulse on his wrist then moving to his neck and finally through his back. But even with all of these checks, the result was...


no pulse...

no breathing...

he is dead...

They did not remove the body immediately as its position is kind of tricky to handle with, and to avoid harming him in the off chance that he is still somewhat alive... but, it would take consecutive miracles for someone not breathing and has his heart stopped to live again.