
Transmigrating Into a Xianxia, Thankfully I Have a Dungeon System

Update: Hiatus for a while My name is Joe. I've been playing games about dungeon-building all my life with the hope of being able to manage or create one myself. Of course, I know there were no dungeons IRL, but who knows? A good friend of mine who knows of my obsession with dungeons gave me a birthday gift yesterday. It was a game in a different genre than what I played usually. But since it was a gift he gave me, I played it. Though there weren't really any "dungeons" in it, the oldies Eastern aesthetic took me in. I played it as soon as I got it from him, no questions asked. What did it give me?! Unwanted transmigration into this world of extra bullshit!!

ZenByMoonlight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


When we exited the Empire's records center, large floating questions could be seen in the sky. It was part of the calculation contest, and everyone could join in on it. Their answer has to be sent to the committee if they want to continue their participation. Those who answered a certain number of questions correctly would pass to the next round, while the ones found lacking would be disqualified. 

The same questions would be shown in every region for those who wanted to join but couldn't since they live far from the capital. Their answers would be collated by the security force of each region and sent to the capital.

I saw the questions in the sky and refused to look at them any longer. It made me think of my high school days when math period was another name for hell. I could still solve them without any issue whatsoever but it was not a matter of whether I could. It was a matter of whether I wanted to; I didn't want to.