
Transmigrating Into a Xianxia, Thankfully I Have a Dungeon System

Update: Hiatus for a while My name is Joe. I've been playing games about dungeon-building all my life with the hope of being able to manage or create one myself. Of course, I know there were no dungeons IRL, but who knows? A good friend of mine who knows of my obsession with dungeons gave me a birthday gift yesterday. It was a game in a different genre than what I played usually. But since it was a gift he gave me, I played it. Though there weren't really any "dungeons" in it, the oldies Eastern aesthetic took me in. I played it as soon as I got it from him, no questions asked. What did it give me?! Unwanted transmigration into this world of extra bullshit!!

ZenByMoonlight · Fantasy
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62 Chs

cultivation explanation

Not long after the youngster called Song Teng left the inn, gifts of precious herbs, pills, and weapons catered to both Jiang Wei and Jiang Mei started pouring in. I believe it was his way to apologize for everything that happened.

But I gained something from this interaction with him. Jiang Wei was right. The young master Long we had met before was not of the pleasant sort. He felt similar to the corporats back home, always keeping up appearances and scheming something. Although Jiang Wei exaggerated when he said the guy was looking at his sister lecherously, I think there were some true parts from the rumors about him.

Why else would he find someone clearly smitten with Jiang Mei, and then purposefully manipulate his words to make it as if I'm a fraud just because I don't have any Qi. Even though unbeknownst to him, it was really the truth.