
Chapter 10 - Technology Tree.

Shawn had trouble taking the book as it was a very big one. He returned back to his seat in the library and began to open the book.

When stephanie came to see what he was reading "Woah. Dude don't tell me that you want to finish a whole book like that in two days"

'I just think that I could learn somethings from reading it. After all, there are a lot of books on the internet and some are just rubbish" Shawn said.

"Then might I suggest that you do something" Stephani said.

"Yes I'm listening" Shawn said.

"Why not just speed through the book and hot down a few keywords to use and research on the net.

After all there are computers in the library and you won't have to spend weeks at home reading an entire encyclopedia before

you even start to write"

"Good Idea Steph. I'll do it" Shawn said as he started to look at the chapters of the books and scanned through the first few words on them.

Holding his notebook and his own he jointed the main points of some chapters he found to be interesting and skipped the other chapters.

After 25 minutes he stood up and went to the computer section. Sat down, turned on a computer, went to the browser sections and began to type the keywords that he had written in his notes.

After 45 minutes, he was done with the research that he wanted to make. He needed to do this for both his essay and for implementing new things into the world of Ornio.

He already had some ideas and he still had ten minutes left before the bell was rang for the 10 minutes break. He would then go to get some snacks. When it was the next break he would goof around and during the lunch break section he would go to the cafeteria to have his meal.

The next five minutes were like an eternity for Shawn as he felt exhausted from the research that he had been doing. He would come again to the library after another time but that was when he was done with his essay.

Like that, the school periods went fast and before they knew it the bell for bringing an end to the school day was rang.

Students greeted their teachers goodbye as the teachers left the class and the students packed their books unto their backpacks and left the school.

Shawn along with his two siblings and his friends all left the school together. Shawn was still trying to find a way to escape from Richard's questions and demand for his answers to the maths assignment.

He thought hard as he was walking out of school and came up with a plan. What if he..

*Nevermind* He concluded his plan and took his siblings home.

At this time of the day, his mum Emily would be back from work and ready to meet her children.

Shawn brought Stacy and Lucas to the house after saying "goodnight and see you tomorrow to Stephanie" to which he was replied to.

Shawn got home. "So you was school today" Emily said as she appeared from the living room apparently, she had cleaned the room.

"School was fine" Shawn said as he dropped his siblings luggage such as stacy's lunchbox and went straight to his room that was upstairs. He dropped his bag and began the formulation of his essay.

Good thing that he had no assignments else to deal with so it was very easy for him to spend a lot of time formulating an outline of the essay before he began writing.

He started with "Many Civilizations of man all over the globe have had a certain character in the way of life of people today in one way or another. From these civilizations that were in the early beginnings became more civilizations and more civilizations all starting with a certain thing derived from the past civilization.

Two and a half hours passed and Shawn had written 600 words for his essay. The break he spent goofing around was also used to make a rough outline of things that he would use to detail his essay.

He came downstairs to the dining room. His father had already arrived from work and Shawn joined the family in eating. He enjoyed the meal and talked with his parents about the

essay that had been given to him.

"Well from my idea. Civilizations have always been dependent on the histories of other civilizations to push for their own unique idealogy. No idea is formed without having a subject matter" said Nick.

"I agree with you honey. Civilizations also take practices that were responsible for past civilizations successes and dump the ones that made them fall while trying not to repeat it" Emily added.

The dining table was filled with discussions of civilizations. "You two sure do know a lot of history" Shawn said.

"Yeah. You could call us the history scholar parents" Emily said.

In his mind Shawn was like "Nope!!"

After having dinner, Shawn returned to his room and continued his essay assignment. When it was 9:45 pm he went to bed and when he opened his eyes he was back to the system and the map of the world of Ornio.

"Right where were we system" Shawn said.

*Ding* Host had a quest to create an effective action that will affect the world development*

"I have one right now" said Shawn.

"I'm introducing the new world feature which is technology tree.

The technology tree works in this format. An individual creates a totally new thing and this causes the technology tree to bring it as a new invention.

From that invention another user or maybe the user uses it to create another invention or improves to bring a new one. e g from making a candle into a lighter.

As more inventions are made for the betterment of the people's lives, the technology tree stores this inventions and brings them up for people to use to trace back records and time periods.

The technology tree will contain the name of invention and age along with it's use and requirements"

After saying all these a notification bell rang near Shawn's ear. *Congratulations you have completed hidden quest. Processing unique bed of action and determining CP....

*Congratulations you have been rewarded 2,500 CP*

"It seems like it was a very good idea to implement" said Shawn.

The world due to unclear records had troubles when it came to dating back the time of historical events and inventions made.

The technology tree could also help I. tracing history. After that Shawn proceeded to look at what other quests were left for him.

*Ding* Congratulations you have completed six quests. Rewarded 2,000 CP*

Requirements for Upgrading.

1. Earn at least 12,000 CP

2. Have at least five races on your world.

3. Complete at least Six quests - Done

4. Have a overseer for your race or world - Done.

5. Create a realm - Done.

He only two one more quest to complete. and 3,000 more CP to gain. "I'm already out of ideas" said Shawn.

Then his thinking cap produced something.

"Wait do I have a free gift" he asked.


"Then show me" Shawn said.

*You'll have to roll the wheel of fortune to unlock gifts*

"Show me this wheel of fortune" Shawn said.

A wheel appeared showing various names and Shawn didn't understand some at the moment.

Then he saw a race on it "Free race"

"Roll!!" he said.

The wheel of fortune spun and after a few seconds it stopped spinning.

Shawn prayed in his heart for the wheel to hit the free race tab but instead it hit.

*Free spin* which meant that he could spin again.

Filled with happiness and relief Shawn ordered for the wheel to be spun again and this time it hit the free race.

*Ding* Congratulations you have unlocked the free race tab*

*You can either choose to create a new race or choose from the existing races expect races that are two ranks higher than your current rank*

"I think that I'll just create another race since I might not get the intended race that I desire.

Plus my creativity hasn't been blocked"

"Use free race point to create a new race. Also how often those this wheel of fortune come"

*The Wheel of Fortune comes every 1,200 years. If skipped becomes known as wheel of fortune point*

"Alright then. Time to get creating again" Shawn said as he stretched his imaginative knuckles and began to draw"

As he was drawing.

"System what would have happened should I had no wheel of fortune points"

*Then you would have had to wait for a certain animal race or a new sentient race to evolve from the world*

"That sounds really long. I'm very lucky" Shawn said.

System replied *It is*