
Transmigrating as the third prince: Conqueror of the seven multiverse

In a futuristic world where space adventuring is a common happening, the coexistence of genetically modified humans, humanoid species and none humanoid entities in one universe under one power. A young man woke up as the only surviving Prince and the rightful ruler of the Universe. With the help of the Almighty Star system, Would he be able to bring the known and unknown universes under one power? and live his long awaited life of peace and luxury? Join Ghengi on his road to greatness not forgetting, it might be his… doom. Sorry… please my English is average. Please I am not the owner of the cover image and will gladly remove if the owner wants me to. Hope you like the Novel.

King_Sparo · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

12. Just a large base?

[ Status

Name: Ghengi Alaric (Third Prince of the Alaric family)

Race: Pure Human

Tier: 1 (0/10)

Lifespan: 1132 years remaining


HP: 5000/5000

MP: 10000/10000 (+100 per minute)

Stamina: 100%

Strength: 100

Agility: 100

Intelligence: 1000

Constitution: 500


Attack: 1000

Speed: 1000

Defense: 5000

Skills: Advanced Telekinesis(lvl 1), Extreme Regeneration(lvl 1), Extreme perception(lvl 1), Extreme Bloodlust(lvl 1), Extreme Dash(lvl 1).

Available stat points: 0

Available skill points: 0

Cosmic Merits: 0+31098]

Not as he expected, but he still received Cosmic Merits for clearing the mutated creatures.

Ghengi was looking forward to getting some experience to level up from tier one to see what the benefits would be, but in turn, obtained the precious Cosmic Merits he longed for.

At this moment his holder's system sounded in his head but, he noticed a slight change in it's tone or so he thought. It might be an illusion for the system to all of a sudden announce something to him, in a joyful sweet tone.

The sound came with a panel which displayed the exact same words.

[ Congratulation to host for obtaining a hundred Cosmic Merits. The Tab "Holders Shop" is now refreshed ]

Ghengi quickly checked it out. There were two tabs at the very top right corner displaying sell and filter, which would probably lead to another panel that corresponds to their names.

The panel below showed the list of things for sale by other holders. With only the top two items on the list having a timer. Upon his deductions, he estimated they were from the system and will refresh randomly every 24 hours with a limited amount of three that can be purchased.

[ Holders Shop

15:08:32 left

- Bag of ordinary rice (50 kg)- 0/3

Price: 1 CM

- Box of regular cigarettes packs- 0/3

Price: 1 CM

Holders list

Trader: June wist

Item: 0.5L bottle - 7 available

Price: 0.5 CM

Trader: Seth Gloves

Item: Compressed food - 4 available

Price: 2 CM

Trader: Silicon Zen

Item: Small unexplored planet - 2 available

Price: 1000000 CM

Trader: Li Fin

Item: Bloodmoon twin dagger - 1 available

Price: 250000 CM

Trader: Jawn Fernandes

Item: Top grade training capsule - 1000 available

Price: 25000 CM

Trader: Lily Drain

Item: S metal ore - 2 available

Price: 5000 …]

The list went on and on but Ghengi was not interested in them or the price was too high for him.

Even though some items seemed overpriced, it was still within the range set by these systems. The system will offer a price range when putting up an item and you input the price you want. Which is within the range.

Looking at the special list, he felt someone might be pulling strings to get him angry on purpose. How can a system's special item be plain rice and cigarettes?

Not wanting to think much about it he turned his attention to the item names of the holders selling special items. He recognized Zen from the chat and noted the other in his mind as well.

Looking at his mire balance of Cosmic Merits, his hands etched to buy something. After several thoughts and calculations these are what he bought.

[ Top grade training capsule x1, S metal ore x1, Compressed food x4, Bage of ordinary rice x3, Box of regular cigarettes packs x3.

Total amount: 30014 ]

[ Cosmic Merits: 1084 (-30014)]

Looking at the merits going down faster than it goes up he raised his head and commanded.

"Sindy, Send in a team of hundred light drones to Earth R324 let the drones widen the zone more than ten times and clear every mutated creature as long as it is not human."

'Yes Commander, consider it done.'


He then withdrew the items he purchased from the shop and placed the rice and cigarettes in the storage dimension.

The research lab was not working so he placed the capsule in for research and luckily for him, it would take only 32 hours to complete.

Taking out the compressed food he tore up the synthetic rubber and saw something that looked like dried flat bread but he still tried it and to his surprise, it was not bread nor any type of food he had tasted before.

It seems raw on the surface but the mixed juicy and spicy after tastes made him devour one more after completely eating the first one.

Just then did the system inform him that the after taste is as a result to a special mixture of high nutrients that makes you feel the taste but it is not actually food you are eating.

It is quite similar to the nutritional supplement he bought before, just that they have completely different ways to enter the body.

As for the S metal ore, he could only place it in the storage space as the research lab is currently working on the training capsule.

'Commander there seems to be a group from the humans camping underground preparing to come to the surface.'

'Here is the live footage.'

The screen showed an x-ray video of a group of around hundred gathering at one of the steel entrances that leads to the sewers.

They were surrounded by hundreds of people but after some time the surrounding group went back into the depths of the sewers.

The remaining people started to climb the sewers lader that leads to the surface. With the length of the lader, it can take them at least ten minutes to get to the surface.

Ghengi's face showed a slight frown before turning to normal in a millisecond. If they get above ground before his transport ship and drones, he would have to with another plane or create a new plan all over.

"Sindy, how far is the transport ship from the location?"

'It is estimated to arrived at the destination in two minutes thirty seconds.'

"Good. Follow the plan."

'Yes Commander.'

The transport ship arrived a few seconds after the reinforcements of a thousand light drone arrived.

The light drones immediately spread out in all directions as the transport ship stopped and floated a few inches from the ground.

The first synthetic robot to come out of the transport ship flashed pass the opening gate with a tiny metallic structure in it's palm.

When it arrived at the specified location, the spot was quite far from the city and the sewer's entrance, it placed the metallic structure on the ground carefully and retreated to a gathering place of the hundred synthetic humanoids that came down from the ship.


A loud bang revibrated throughout the surroundings and a gigantic steel box mysteriously appeared out of nowhere. It is three times the size of the runed city and a towering height comparable to twenty stories.

It had covered half of the runes and the entrance faced the sewer's entrance which was a few meters from it.

The hundred synthetic humanoids that came out of the transport ship immediately run towards the gigantic structure which massive gates opened for them automatically.

The transport ship also flew over the steel to a magnificent view. The exterior is only 10 meters thick walls and the interior is an advanced city built from unknown metals. But with the view alone, this is definitely not the normal steel.

Ghengi who was looking at live feeds could not help but ask, "Is this really just a large base?"

'Yes Commander, it can accommodate hundred million people with each having at least two vehicles, it have both attack and defense capabilities, camouflage, synthetic trees that generates oxygen automatically, super advanced sky cover and many more.'

'But it also needs energy banks to fully function.'

Ghengi heart sunk when he heard the last part, even though he had expected to use sooner. But this palm sized large base really turned into such a magnificent advanced city.

"Okay just send a few through the storage space."

'Yes Commander, will do right now.'

Just then the city view from the transport ship stopped and the sewer's entrance came into view.

'Commander they have emerged from the sewers.'


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