
Transmigrating as the Overpowered Villainous Cultivator

"What lies beyond the unspoken words?"- Zhang Xi Yin Upon awakening to a peculiar scenario, an unknown individual carried him like a sack of rice. He then heard the voice of a female AI speaking to him before being left alone. With assistance from the system, he discovered that he had transmigrated into a game. Despite his weariness and idleness in using his wits, he agreed to something that would later change his entire life. However, at the time, he believed it was all just one long dream. When he opened his eyes once more, he found himself within the body of a blind cultivator who turned out to be none other than Moon Emperor – one of the most powerful individuals in all 12 realms. As this new identity became familiar to him, troubles associated with being Moon Emperor began chasing after him and disrupting his personal desires and ambitions. "Obsession and greed – why must I care if they are seen as evil? From now on, I will do whatever I wish. If pursuing goals is deemed greedy or persistently chasing after desires is regarded as obsession, then we are all villains – spawn of evil. No one can live or die as a saint."- Zhang Xi Yin Update Schedule for 2024!Temporary Hiatus Each chapter contains over 1500 words! Status: Ongoing Reminder: Please keep an open mind while reading this novel. The title is subject to change but was previously known as "Birth of the Greedy Guardian".

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45 Chs

Chapter 26: Main Story

[Dragon Shrine Sect][Zhang Xi Yin's Narrative]

I sat on an empty seat beside Qiao Gong who sat in the farthest back behind all the other inn servants. He remained silent, but stood to greet me politely when he saw me approaching his direction, I bowed in exchange. 

Who knows if I can also use this guy later on. It would be easier to manipulate a person if they think that you are a good person.

Earlier after my first match, the system appeared which informed me that the main story of the game has finally started today.

It became unexpected for me as it took quite longer than anticipated, I thought that the story quest would immediately start once I ascend into this realm. I wonder would happen to Li Qian to mark the official start of the story? Speaking of that guy, it looks like he is still inside that coven-- pavilion of the old master that took him as an apprentice. 

He must be still reading books. His situation reminds me of my childhood, but lucky him that he isn't getting hit in the butt for reading too slowly. 

If old people were also to do the same thing within this timeline, I wonder what would they use?

What a wasteful curiosity, Zhang.

'System screen open.'

⟨⟨Greetings, User000000008! A new main quest has been prepared, please check the quest system!⟩⟩

⟨⟨Warning! Please claim your rewards immediately from now on, since this character will now be playing through the main story, system punishments will now be applicable! Do you want to learn more about the player system punishments?⟩⟩


I want to go home, I can't believe that I'm doing to say this, but I want to return to the inn and just lock myself inside my room for as long as I want.

The window in the system screen changed and a list of the system punishments started to fill the whole window screen. 

At the end of the list, it says the words... "Remember, the player may not attempt to exploit any features! Have fun playing!" 

The developers are stupid to think that a mere warning would be enough for someone who was penniless...

With a sigh, I claimed all the rewards that I had accumulated from the previous event and the ones that I gained from doing something random. 

It's really infuriating when the game also punishes the player for not being able to claim the rewards as early as possible.

Knowing how the system likes to work, I would probably have to pay a huge amount of system points so I can avoid that stupid punishment system.

I bet that only those with punishment kink would like this idea somehow.

⟨⟨User000000008 has received a total amount of two billion system points.⟩⟩

⟨⟨Items has been successfully transferred to the system inventory. A saint grade technque item has been transferred to the user skill inventory, the player may use this to learn a random saint grade technique. Would you like to apply this item now to obtain a guardian grade bonus effect?⟩⟩

The system is having an identity crisis again. Why is it being so generous?


I'm not being manipulated into following a character script, am I? 

⟨⟨Loading... Generating random technique...⟩⟩

⟨⟨Searching for additional bonus effects...⟩⟩

⟨⟨Generation completed!⟩⟩

⟨⟨Please pick the card of your choice.⟩⟩

It sucks that the game really doesn't show what's behind these cards, but I can't just sit and let the system fool me, right?

'Omniscient Insight.'

The two cards in the upper left are both water based technique, the additional effect for the first card widens the range of attack, while the second card has the additional effect that would give the caster a stronger defense against earth based technique. 

The additional effect of the first card is already useless for me, while the second card could be useful, but it's not worth it. It's better to check on all the cards.

After that, I spent a long time checking on the other six cards, until I'm left with the last two cards to check.

These two seems to be sparkly. Is it a special technique?

The ninth card is named Emperor's Blood, a saint grade technique, the element is unknown. It would give me the ability to have a better body constitution similar to those emperor's, the additional effect is abnormal strength.

This technique is impressive, but such a great technique can't be without a rotten side to it.

The tenth card is named Duanxu, there is no classification for it's possible element and even the grade level is also just question marks instead of the saint grade label, but those aside, this technique would give me the ability to manipulate any living being and a stronger resistance to damage from cultivators that are in the same realm with me, which is something that I have been honestly craving for. Isn't this a bit similar to Qi Fei's ability though?

Well, I can finally have that guy under my control. Imagine the resources that I could gain through him.

This is exciting...

I desire both of these, but aside from the possibility that these might have some backlash, wouldn't it be too much for a weak immortal to wield such an ability?

How suspicious.

I want it.

'I choose the tenth card.'

⟨⟨Understood. Loading the item data... ⟩⟩

⟨⟨Loading Complete.⟩⟩

⟨⟨Congratulations, User000000008! The technique, Duanxu has been listed among your abilities!⟩⟩

This is enough for now. I need to check on Li Qian.

The system screen disappeared and the loud shouting from the crowd blasted my ears once again. The sound of the metallic weapon of the contestants clashing with each other resumed, mixing with the loud cheering from the crowd.

⟨⟨Attention! You have an available story quest to check!⟩⟩

Oh? Haha, finally. I was getting bored...

The system window changed and displayed the quest window, unfortunately, there is only one, but it's a main quest so I'd expect that this one wouldn't be so short like the game event.

I read through the information attached to the main quest, but there isn't much to know aside from the objective, which is to keep Li Qian safe.

Well, I think that's already done, who would possibly be dumb to assault someone within a great sect?

The system screen disappeared as I teleported behind a giant ginkgo tree, I had to be careful with my movement or I would make so much noise due the leaves that filled the concrete ground that surrounded it's foot. This tree is located just among the three around the northern area of the Zhú Pavilion where Li Qian has been confined at.

Quietly, I watched for anything unusual around the area, but found nothing.

It would be better if I have someone to watch over him. Oh, that's already solved. I'll have Ying Mei to watch over this guy closely. Although I doubt that anyone would be stupid enough to harm a person from this sect, this guy is still very weak that anything could simply harm him.

I wonder what if a protagonist accidentally dies? Will the story reset? Does plot armor exist in this game too? Hahaha of course it is. Who am I kidding?

Suddenly, I heard a loud crashing sound from inside the pavilion. I remained quietly hiding behind the tree, some leaves of the tree had landed on my hair.

Is he in trouble? I'm not in the mood to play hero yet, so I'll just watch for now. Let's watch the protagonist a bit and see what he's capable of~

[Inside the Zhú Pavilion][Li Qian's Narrative]

I stood away from the old pot that Master Jung had recently brought, according to him, it was a gift from a old acquaintance.

I wonder what is the worth of this old pot? It looks very... ancient. Is his acquaintance trying to insult him? This pot has cracks and dents all over it, is Master ignorant towards subtle insults?

Suddenly, I heard a chilling voice speak behind me.

The voice asked. "My master would be glad to see that you care so much for his... piece of art."

I turned around, but there was no one.

I spoke calmly. "Who's there?"

There wasn't any reply, cold wind blew and opened the windows behind me.

This is strange... I'm certain that this isn't done by those immature disciples. The aura from the wind earlier carried a suffocating metallic scent. Almost similar to those vile assassins.

Had mother found me already? No, that can't be the case. It won't be easy for them to cross to this realm, unless they joined hands with that emperor once again.

Although I can fight, it's better to hide it as much as possible. One would immediately recognize that I was a part of a clan of assassins by analyzing my style of fighting.

I carefully moved around, watching for anyone who could be lingering around the pavilion. Suddenly the old pot from earlier exploded behind me, I ducked on the ground. The pieces of the pot scattered around, some of it stabbed the wooden walls and the paper screens, along with this, a head rolled just a few inches away from my feet.

I froze.