
Transmigrating as the Overpowered Villainous Cultivator

"What lies beyond the unspoken words?"- Zhang Xi Yin Upon awakening to a peculiar scenario, an unknown individual carried him like a sack of rice. He then heard the voice of a female AI speaking to him before being left alone. With assistance from the system, he discovered that he had transmigrated into a game. Despite his weariness and idleness in using his wits, he agreed to something that would later change his entire life. However, at the time, he believed it was all just one long dream. When he opened his eyes once more, he found himself within the body of a blind cultivator who turned out to be none other than Moon Emperor – one of the most powerful individuals in all 12 realms. As this new identity became familiar to him, troubles associated with being Moon Emperor began chasing after him and disrupting his personal desires and ambitions. "Obsession and greed – why must I care if they are seen as evil? From now on, I will do whatever I wish. If pursuing goals is deemed greedy or persistently chasing after desires is regarded as obsession, then we are all villains – spawn of evil. No one can live or die as a saint."- Zhang Xi Yin Update Schedule for 2024!Temporary Hiatus Each chapter contains over 1500 words! Status: Ongoing Reminder: Please keep an open mind while reading this novel. The title is subject to change but was previously known as "Birth of the Greedy Guardian".

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45 Chs

CH2.3: A Step Further

CH2.3: A Step Further

It might have been a grave mistake to leave Yīhán in Qi Fei's care.

Grinning, Qi Fei raised his eyebrow at me questioningly.

"That is his name. Lan Yīhán." I explained and gently pat the chair next to me, Yīhán obediently sat on it. He somehow reminds me of an obedient little child, like my neighbor's child to be precise. 

As I stared at Yīhán, I remembered that I hadn't heard him speak, he would only keep nodding or shaking his head as a response which makes me quite curious. I wonder if he will sound the same as I did? He would don't he? It would be strange if his voice suddenly changed.

I turned to face Yīhán who is sitting still by my side, "Yīhán..."

Yīhán stared at me and tilted his head.

"That's your name. From now on, you are Lan Yīhán. Do you like it?" I asked expectantly. Somehow I feel like a mother waiting for her child to say its first word.

Why am I acting like this?

Yīhán nodded eagerly, I waited but it doesn't look like he's going to speak.

I sighed in slight disappointment. Although I did already knew he wasn't going to speak...wait.

I'm really losing my sanity...

I took a deep breath to recompose myself.

"Wen Hui, have the kitchenhand of the inn prepare us our breakfast, tell them to prepare a white tea." I commanded, but I don't really need to eat, but Yīhán and Qi Fei does. Also, it's my first time calling him by his name.

"Yes boss!" Qi Fei replied before jumping down, twirling in the air from the inner hallway outside our room. He could've just used the stairs really...

"Like it..." A familiar deep voice softly whispered. Surprised, I immediately turned back to Yīhán's direction. His eyes staring directly into mine like he usually does to anyone. He really feels like a child, but he also reminds me of a lifeless doll at the same time. 

"Yīhán, you like your name?"

With a straight face, Yīhán nodded again. I smiled, feeling satisfied knowing that he is able to speak at least, Qi Fei is very useful after all. I placed my hand on his head, patting him gently.

It feels so strange to be doing this to my previous body... but since Yīhán is a part of my soul with the difference being the separate body, doesn't it sort of make him a different person? Hmm...

... Something like twins, maybe? 

Wait, Is this what they call, "coping?"

Let's just say that Yīhán is my younger brother. I wonder what would my life be like if I really had a sibling? Was it something like with that spoiled child back then from my childhood? Growing up, I'm always surrounded by silver spooned people, aren't I?

Several moments later, our meal finally arrived and I ate my meal quietly while Qi Fei kept talking to Yīhán. I didn't interrupted him because he was teaching Yīhán the names of the dishes he ordered as well as some table manners.

After having our breakfast, the three of us took a carriage to visit the market district. I have the system but I'd like to see what they have to sell in the famous market district also and I had been specifically wanting to visit a special shop for travelers. Just how fun would it feel to finally experience going on an auction pavilion? I've only ever read that on articles and novels before I came here.

I grinned but then I noticed Qi Fei giving me a judging look, he must find it strange that I kept making random facial expressions when I rarely ever speak, well to them that is.

"My, isn't staring rude?"

"I think that only applies to the ladies, Boss" Qi Fei bluntly retorted. This guy can easily get himself in trouble...

"How about those who are neither of those?"

"Uh..." he awkwardly smiled, unable to think of an answer immediately

"...But how can you say that you are neither a man or a woman?" He added.

I sneered,

"I have no penis or vagina and breasts." Yes, I don't have any for some reason and the system won't cooperate when I requested for more background information about my current body, maybe because this one is meant to be just a side character? But how come Qi Fei had one when the system itself said that he isn't important to the story? Oh wait, I only had that information because of the passive effect of Omnicient Insight on Qi Fei, I wonder if It can work on me too? I should try to work on it when we return to the inn.

"... oh... you look so proud about it..." Qi Fei hesitantly commented, probably unsure if he should pity me or tease me. "So you can only shit? " he added. His choice will always be the worst.

I remained quiet but I had the same judging expression on my face like he did before.

"Well I have an ass don't I?" I replied with a heavy sigh. I actually don't either...

Maybe i sold my insides, who knows?

Qi Fei only laughed as he delicately fans himself, he certainly looks like a spoiled aristocratic child especially with his way of dressing. But who am I to judge, Qi Fei was the one to dress me up everyday.

I don't have any complaints though, I'm too lazy anyway and there's so much layers, it's confusing. But unexpectedly, the hanfu* isn't uncomfortable to wear at all. It's just that Qi Fei would always have me wear a guān* with a lot of hanging ornaments, it's a bit too... Flashy and heavy.

I guess I do have one complaint..

Also speaking of aristocrats, well... the whole caste system, it seems that the main capital isn't so cruel to push away the commoners out of the capital walls but the nobility around them certainly doesn't shy away from hiding their disgust towards them.

I wonder what would happen if this people from the noble families were to experience working day and night just for a small amount of money that could barely buy them enough food, they'd probably rather die, don't they?

How ridiculous would they be, if so.

They'll most likely do, especially the ones who only uses their time flaunting their riches, that would make them lose their sanity like the ones who gambled their whole savings back in the modern times.

About 3 hours later, we finally arrived at the entrance of the famed market district.

The coach man gently assisted me to descend from the carriage, Qi Fei and Yīhán went down by themselves.

The coach man probably thought that I'm a lady, didn't he? Oh well, I guess he's not wrong either but also not quite right...Is this considered unfortunate or the opposite?

Just as I was about to enter a shop that I had been eyeing, a young boy around my current age stopped me by standing on my way. Is it a young beggar? Doesn't really look like a beggar though...

A character data window appeared in front of me, but there was barely anything, I set it aside and approached the child. 

I ducked a bit so I won't seem too arrogant in the child's eye. He looks to be just around my age but we have quite the height difference...

This feels nice. Anyway,

"Are you hungry, child?" I asked, the child only gave me strange look. Is it because of my appearance?

"I'm a worker of this shop but i'm also an errand boy, well it's just an additional service that I offer but I don't accept illegal errands, just to make it clear. You can go run to the black market if you're into those." The child strictly said, why does his eyes looks like he's judging me? I haven't done anything...?

Yīhán stood on my side, he handed the child a bag of dumplings as he try to smile at the child. He probably learned this from Qi Fei, I guess isn't such a bad influence.


I paused, raising my eyebrows. How amusing...

Isn't those his favorite? He would never go to sleep without eating that. Like an infant with it's mother's milk although Yīhán has no mother. I feel like I undirectedly insulted myself...

The child sniffed the bag of dumplings as he stare at it.

Is he checking it for poison? I wonder...

He squints his eyes before he happily took the dumplings. He smiled brightly at Yīhán, well I do admit that Yīhán has some sort of comfortable aura around him. It's probably the reason why I'm going crazy this days...

"Name??" Yīhán asked, tilting his head slightly to the side. Why does he sounds so gentle too? I don't remember sounding like that while I was at his body...

I'm really going crazy, why do I keep talking about Yīhán?

"I'm Qian! Li Qian!" The child happily shouted, he went inside the shop and shouted at everyone to make way for us. That's... well although quite unnecessary, it would probably proved to be useful... in some way ...

My body is currently 20 years old and this guy should only be a year or two, younger than I am. But how different we are. But then again, I was 30 years old...ahahah...

Yīhán followed the child while Qi Fei followed the two, Qi Fei spared a short knowing glance back to me before burying Yīhán with a bunch of fabric that he picked up which caught the attention of the old lady in the counter. Adding fuel to the fire, I see.

Meanwhile, I went around the shop looking at their merchandise. They have some decent pills, herbs and some middle rank techniques too, quite impressive for a small and old store but that's probably just for show, it's not the only things that they have.

After looking around, I picked up a box of 2nd tier pills and went to the counter. I went to the counter and handed the box and a wooden token to the old lady who manages the "shop".

Sadly I actually have a second reason to check the shops of this world and that is because...

... almost everything is still locked in the System shop.

That's right, I was only given a chance to buy those skills because I'm a new player...

But in the bright side, I also received a lot of items and plenty of money from the hidden mission and the Quests for cultivating two skills.

Also speaking of the system, it suddenly kept loading after I entered the shopping district, making me unable to create a copy of the token. How strange, I wonder why? It's seriously inconvenient. What a timing too...

I can't seem to use my skills too at this moment, this will be difficult if I can't use my skill in the auction, and I really needed the system's help for our agenda in this place. I wonder if there's a way for me to utilize my skills without requiring the system's assistance? I should ask the system when it's back to normal...

Well I guess, I can use a bit of underhanded method, I'm joking... anyway,

It can't be helped, I should probably buy some time until the system is back.

I shrugged, Qi Fei should be making his move soon. What I did just now just out of my personal interest. We have yet to do the stupid thing we came here for.