
Transmigrating as the dead character

Devils_Snare33 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Finally, it is time to go to the enemy territory/ex- fiance's territory. Urghhh!! I don't think I can do this. I looked into the mirror to see my reflection. What's the use of being handsome when your fiance has ditched you,huh??

" Young master, it's time to depart" Rihan said

" yeah, I'm coming" I heaved one last sigh and prepared myself to face whatever that lies ahead. Downstairs, Reina and Lucas was waiting to send me off. Lucas was all teary but I appeased him with some chocolates. The Duke nodded at me.

Outside there awaited, a group of men who was hired to protect me. Among them, I noticed a blonde with green eyes. He had the same description as one of the leads in the book. If I remember correctly, his name was Zack. He would later on become one of the companions of the male lead. By the way, Rihan's son is also joining me. He has the same sharp eyes as his father. I didn't expect no less from him.

" Let's depart" I commanded.

I mounted the horse and the journey began. It was really lucky for me, that Leonard's body remembers everything or I wouldn't be riding a horse this elegantly right now.

The journey to the Maclean Territory was really tiring but fruitful too. I managed to form friendly relations with almost all of em. Rihan's son surprisingly is so much more easy to talk to than his father. His name is Yutah.

Everything was going really well until it wasn't. Every day, I chose to be with the men while eating and also shared the night watch. This really helped me in getting closer to them and raise my reputation among the people.

It was the third day when it happened.

"Hey Zack, don't you think the young master is different from the rumours" One of the guards spoke.

" Yeah, he seems nice" He nodded.

" Wow, a compliment from Zack. We should record this"

" Haha..so funny"

A sudden scream could be heard from the other end of the road. Zack and the other guards who were on duty went upto check.

" Inform the other guards and keep the young master safe." Zack said to others. Meanwhile Leo woke up from the scream and a blue screen was displayed.

" A quest..huh?"



Difficulty level: Medium

Reward : 5000 points

Failure upon quest will bring upon serious consequences.


I went outside armed. A group of men who were masked emerged out of the drakness, their intentions were clearly not good. Their Swift attack was targeted at me. Suddenly, Yutah came into my rescue.

" Young master, we have dispatched some soldiers for your protection, we will handle this"

" No" I took my weapon and started to fight alongside him.

" We will end this together."

Yutah was surprised to hear this but only for a second, then he had the same masked expression.

" If you say so, don't say i didn't warn you"

" Don't talk , focus"

As chaos ensued, I tried to fight back with all my might against the assailants. I have been working on my strength and mana. It really has paid me off. Of course, I'm not great as Yutah or Zack but I held my ground pretty good. All of my men are getting tired. We should end this as soon as possible.

" Well.... well what do we have here?" One of the masked man appeared out of nowhere. Even with a glimpse, I could tell he was powerful.

" I think the report we had gotten about our young master is wrong. Is it not folks??"

" Who are you?" I asked gruffly

" Well now isn't that a great question? We were commissioned to kill you. Now, we are just doing our job. So, I'm gonna give you a deal fair andd square?"

" What deal?"

" A fight one on one...just me and you. If you win, we retreat but if I win, I get to kill you. But don't worry, I will spare your guards. So how about it?"

" How can I trust you? Moreover, you are clearly have reached atleast intermediate level"( reference to different levels of awakaners)

" I could control my level to primary, then it's fair right? "

" I still can't trust you" He laughed at this. Interesting thought the masked man. " I think this is gonna be fun" thought the masked man.

" Well i could swear on leghar( leghar is an ancient manuscript from the origin of the empire. It has unique properties, if one swears on leghar and doesn't fullfill it, he or she will be disintegrated. There has been many records of this happening. So no one risks swearing on leghar.But as anything there are ways to escape too.)

"Okay, then do it." The masked man chuckled.

" Does that mean you're willing to do it?"

" Young master...don't do it!! He is tricking you. There is definitely something suspicious. Moreover what is of us, if we can't protect you" Yutah appealed

" Stay back...this is my decision. I can't watch you guys die for me. If it's me they want, then I will do it." By this time Zack and others had reached to hear the commotion. The soldiers were all shocked and touched by the words of the young master. " We will surely protect you." They all thought in unison.

" I'm in" I said to which the masked man smiled deviously.