
Chapter 116:What If? [3]

As the swords hit the invisible glass floor below us, they instantly shattered into thousands of pieces before turning into corruption and accumulating into multiple blobs on the floor.

Facing the claw attack of the corrupted figure, I stood still, swinging my own dragon's claws at him.

As my claws hit his arms, his claws, in turn, hit my arm, leaving a trail of blood and corruption.

Although I wasn't immune to corruption, I couldn't be corrupted.

Wincing in pain, I dashed backward, ignoring the blood pouring out of my arm, and stared at the area of his corrupted body I had hit.

There was a dent in his arm, albeit small, but the important part was that the dent wasn't regenerating.

From the dent, corruption flowed out of the figure's body, weakening the figure and causing him to shrink in size.

However, a moment later, he simply manifested a makeshift bandage made out of corruption and placed it over the dent.