
Call of thee Void 12

Ellianor stared at the figure, which moved its head to stare back at him.

He narrowed his eyes, their faces stuck staring at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move and start talking.

It awaited like an abyss, it awaited for Ellianor to blink.

Ellianor refused to blink and stared at the abyss with his own eyes.

The orange light that made the "eyes" of the darkened figure was deep, as if deep, turvy, and contaminated water, impossible to see beyond them.

So deep, yet hollow inside. His eyes were vacant, even if the thing stuck to the coffin could see and move.

His form corrupted, but Ellianor could guess who it was before the corruption overtook him.

Ellianor knew his name: Siegfried. The warrior that defeated the monster many years ago, and now was pinned to the coffin, almost like a fly.