
Transmigrated with the strongest summoning system

Dawn lived a life full of regret. He always regretted his life choices. Thankfully, it wasn't over for him. One night after being lectured by his father he suddenly woke up in a strange new world, filled with magic. In the magical world, Dawn was able to awaken two Heaven-defying talents never seen before in the history of mankind. Armed with the power to summon creatures from another dimension and supplemented by his levelling system. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of Eternal life. . . "Oh, you can defeat one barbarian, what about 10,000 barbarians," Dawn said with an indifferent voice.

tjjfche · Eastern
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129 Chs

White Haired Young Man

Name - Dawn Asylum Age - 18yr 1 month

Level -1.8

Title - nil

Mana - 80

Strength - 1.8

Agility -1.8

Perception -1.8

Defence -1.8

Vitality 1.8

Talent - Summoning, Gaming system.

Skills - Concealment, Absolute Combat Mode.

Techniques - Void Walkers Flow level 3, Starfall Palm, Astral Serpent Dance.

Finally! Dawn had levelled up. He was dying to see those numbers going up. What a beautiful sight, Dawn looked at his status with an intoxicated expression on his face.

Mary looked at the behaviour of Dawn with a strange expression on her face. She moved to the side and sat down in a meditative position to recuperate.

Dawn was inside in his sea of consciousness looking at the summoning talent tree with an amazed expression on his face. A new portrait was shining in white light.

Dawn summoned the status of the new monster to appear in front of him.

Name-Earth Titan

Cultivation - Peak of Body Refining Realm.



Dawn was now a cultivator at body Refining rank 8.

He had achieved something that was deemed impossible. He was proud of his achievements.

Some might argue all of his achievements were because of his Gaming system, but they aren't wrong.

Dawn's achievements were because of the Gaming system, but there was nothing to be ashamed about it because it was part of him.

Just one more bear through and he will be a cultivator at the peak of Body Refining Realm, thinking up to this point he frowned. Again! I will be transported to some random corner of the universe.

Dawn was tired of this random teleportation. He wasn't given room to breathe in this entire month.

While Dawn was Thinking about Random things.

Mary walked near him and bowed. " Thank you for saving my life, I will forever remain indebted". She smiled and said Gratefully.

"It was nothing." Dawn humbly replied. It was nothing on his part, he barely had to do anything,

And he didn't regret his decision to save her. After all, he got crucial information from her regarding this trial.

Before she could speak anything Dawn spoke," Let's part ways, if fate has it we will meet again."

The smile on Mary's face instantly stiffened. She knew what her fate was going to be if she left Dawn's side. She looked at Dawn Face and hurriedly swallowed the words that she was about to speak.

Mary suddenly heard a booming sound coming from the northern direction. She turned her head to look at what was going on, she found nothing. She turned her head in the direction of Dawn again, only to find that he wasn't there. He had left without even bothering to tell her.

Dawn was currently making his way out of the forest. He was jumping from one tree to another.

He was hoping To find a good hiding spot. He didn't want to focus too much on hunting and searching for opponents.

He will be actively looking for opponents when there are a lesser number of people. Dawn did not even think about Mary. After all, who was she?

After 15 minutes he was able to find a safe hiding spot away from the crowd of people. Dawn relaxed his body and sat in a meditative position while running Voidwalker flow to the maximum.

He glanced inside his body only to find black mana flowing through his veins at an astonishing speed.

Almost all of his blood had converted into mana.

Dawn's heart pumped his mana with maximum force.

The mana circulated throughout his body 4 times in a single minute. When he tried to increase the speed of the flow he felt a piercing pain throughout his body. Dawn's body was reaching its limit, if he wanted to circulate mana even faster he had to break through to the next realm and build new channels.


Half a month passed. Dawn, who was immersed in circulating his mana, had begun to form an incomparable coordination with his body.

Although he still couldn't bend mana according to his will, he believed his mana control over mana had become more firm. Actually what made him ecstatic was his control over mana was increasing rapidly.

Even though this experience was brief, it allowed him to achieve greater heights during his subsequent training.

While Dawn was training religiously, he heard a voice in his head.

"Warning! Warning! 15 days have passed and the trial ground will now shrink by 100km and it will further by 1 km every passing hour" The voice was cold and monotone.

Dawn came out of his hiding spot and looked at the sky in front of him. He could see a wall made of fire was rapidly moving in his direction. Everything that came in its path was destroyed mercilessly.

Dawn narrowed his eyes he was able to find a man running for his life, behind him was the wall destroying everything in its path. The mana threw every luggage that he was carrying to run even faster and ran for his life but he wasn't able to escape his fate. One minute later he was swallowed by the fire.

Dawn looked at this scene indifferently and he started moving toward the centre. A map had appeared in his sea of consciousness after the warning. According to the map he was 20 km away from the centre.

Now it was time for some action. Dawn thought resolutely while moving.

At the centre of the circle, a young man with white hair was looking at a group of people shivering while kneeling on the ground, with a cold expression on his face.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" The white-haired young man snorted coldly and said in a frigid tone.

The people kneeling on the ground made a face filled with internal struggle. One by one they sighed and swallowed something in their mouth, the people started falling to the ground with foam coming out of their mouths.

Several white stones flew toward the white-haired young man and merged with him.

Impossible!! challange Can this book achieve the 999 collection without a contract?

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