
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Ch.8: Beef With A Kid.

He threw the kid to the floor and stared at him. 'Smh. He died too quick and didn't let out a single squeal. My fault for going directly for his small heart I guess..' He bent down and tapped the lifeless body.

"Your probably thinking, 'What if this was your little brother...?'. And to answer that, I don't know how'd I'd react to this being my little brother. I probably won't feel anything but regret."

"Well, whatever, for a two year old, hes quite good at shutting his mouth. Hes clingy though. Well, to me atleast. It's cute for him to cling to me though. He keeps me warm at night.."

"Now, this Sigil..[Heart Locater: Able to see where the heart of any being is located at. Weakness: Blurs visions and causes eye strain..]"

"Man, I like this one. Now I can say some future corny stuff that is bound to make my face scrunch. Damn, I wanna smoke weed. Shit, Tory told me to come by, right?!"

He started running away, the kids dead body turning pixelated and into the ground as he did. He had to run a long way and decided, 'I'm already late. Might as well..' He then turned invisible, went into a bathhouse, stared, and came back out while sighing.

"The deed is done."

He darted towards her place once again and soon arrived after an hour. He didn't even knock on her door and busted in, only for a naked girl to be sitting on her bed while crying.

"I'm here... Sheeit.."

He quietly backed up only for chains to wrap around his leg and pick him up, causing his head to be closer to the floor then his legs ever were.

"Where...have you been?!"

She spoke with aggression and sadness. 'Sleeping, eating, killing, being a pervert and know I'm here. I've done it all, huh..' He licked his lips while nodding at himself in approval.

"Huh? Oh, around. I got lost.."

"Lost?! Oh, I get it... You just didn't want to meet with me again. I bet you forgot what I said, huh.."

He cocked his head back. 'You ain't wrong, but I don't like how your assuming that. Wait, how did me getting lost equvilate to me not wanting to see you? Your my first friend in this world. I was just...caught up with myself.. I should be saying this outloud, huh..'

"N-No, I swear I was lost! A-And uhm..careful, yes carful(!), I was being very careful by not trying to run into other players. I didn't wanna get my shit dropped on the 3 day with these powers, hehe.."

He sniffed while shaking his head. 'Blood... You smell like blood.. So, you did get into a fight?! Oh, no, I'm sorry... It must have been too tough for you..' She saw how his clothes were ripped and how he was sort of bloodied.

'Hehe. I'm...a jerk, but a genius I tell you! Making it seem like I was in a fight truly worked out for me, huh..' He sighed as the chains slowly sat him down. 'Felt like that thing was getting a little too touchy.. Going under my pant leg and shit..'

"I'm sorry, Kazemi. I..I shouldn't have attacked you like this. Instead, I'll speak first next time.."

The chain cupped his face while blushing. 'What the... The chain can blush too?! You know, that waterfall is very clear..' You could see a picture behind it which is what made his focus shift.

"Nah, your good. I should have messaged you. I guess we both made mistake..?"

He fell to the floor while sighing. It felt better on hard ground. It gave him comfort. 'You ever wondered..if fish could see water? Or how you can't look up while sticking your tounge out?'


Yeah, I caught you! Cute face G. I can see the emotion in it through the screen.

"Hey, did you get an alert about some sort of event?"

He pulled his phone out to show her. She put on panties and a bra, walked up to him to see the phone, giving him a view of the yellow sun with rain.... 'Rain?! Why is it raining?!' She took the phone out his hand while nodding.

"Yeah, I got this one too. Tommorow at noon on the dot. I wonder what it could be.."

One of the many perks of laying on the ground was that you couldn't see said perk. 'Noon on the dot..? That's when I wake up though..' He groaned out while scratching his neck.

'I think...yeah, I totally left the water in the bathtub going. I was too amazed by seeing such clean water that I was hypnotized in the sound it made. Is his house gonna be fine? My house. Is my house gonna be fine? Wait, this might be a good thing. I..can live here, right?! Maybe I'll get some new pussy instead of used..'

"An event though, huh...? Have you ever been in one?"

"Quite a few actually. It was all capture the flag though. But since this just shows the Snake around the icon for the event page, It means it's new. We'll be going in blind."

He groaned even louder as he got up, sluggishly walked over to the small pond and drowned himself in the water. Tory became surprised by his weird nature then wrote it off as something of the norm.

'Okay.. So far I can turn invisible, walk in the air, and see peoples hearts. If this next challenge ain't hide and seek or some shit then I'm fucked. Or, I could be a bitch and let her protect me. Die, or swallow my pride..? Die....or swallow my pride...

Swallowing Pride Like I'd Swallow Di-

Yeah, I'll swallow my pride. Ain't nothing wrong with being carried by a girl. Oh! She can bring people to the brink of death and I can take their powers. We'll be called, 'Soul Reaper'. Pretty fire, right? Yep, came up with it on my own. No need to be embarrassed by my advanced intellect. I'm killing myself.'

He pulled back while breathing heavily. 'She seems unfazed by this while I'm obviously scared. I do dumb shit when I'm scared. Like that time where I stole money from these gangsters because I was afraid of my brother not getting any education.

Oh wait.

"So...did you get a new Sigil?"

She asked as she handed him a towel. 'Its the fact that's it's only been two days and some hours since we met and yet she treats this as normal..'

"I did actually. Yeah, the kid gave me something that literally allowed me to see hearts. Crazy, right?"

He laughed while shaking his head. What happened next was chain to his throat, blood lust feeding on the fear he gave off. 'Oh, come on man I can't got 1 day without this thing on my dick!'


He sighed at her cold words. 'Oh.... So killing kids is a no-no. Is that a offical rule or something?'

"Yeah, a kid. About 6 years old I think, maybe younger. He was scared and confused when I killed him."


"Yeah, a kid. The ones that cuss at you and have dirty iPads."


"Because... Wait, what happens when the timer from 5 hours goes to zero? I swear you said that both players die, right? Nah, maybe I'm trippin'. I should have waited for the time to pass so we could both die. Yeah, that's better.."

He pushed the chains away while turning around to face her. He saw the the disgusted frown that made his arm twitched slightly.

"They were a kid, Kazemi! How could you... How could you kill him like that?! That's too cruel.."

She started crying which confused him. 'Yeah, I understand that killing a child is wrong. Heck even I could see that that child had a better future than me. But you must be on crack like I am if you think that I'll let that little bastard live, only for me to die. Hell no! I was told that it was survival of the fittest between mutants! It was either him...or me!'

"Survival Of The Fittest, Tory. Answer me truthfully, would you have rather see me die, the kid die, or us both die? Answer honestly."

He walked passed her and sat on her bed. 'I'm actually curious though. A random kid shes never seen or me, a weirdo she should have never met. Who will she pick?'

"You want an honest answer, huh..?"

She turned around with her head down. 'Oh, I see. Your tone... Yeah, I see..' She was bawling her fist as the chains that watched over him fell to the floor.

"You, obviously! I'd chose you anyday!"


Kazemi then looked over at an invisible camera. 'Yis sir... Oh, you thought she would chose the kid? No logic in that to be honest. First of all, can a kid reach the top shelf for his girlfriend?! No, he cannot! Can a kid kiss a girl? No, he cannot! Cooties and that! Can a kid...have the power to protect...his girl...'

He sighed.

'Well, kid, neither of us can do that to be fair..'
