
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Ch.52: Secret.

"Who's kid is that?" Tio asked while looking at the child in Shea's arms. Tio and Tory were sitting at a small table outside a tea shop when Shea came up to them. "M-Me and Kazemi found her in the sewers..." She then sat down and explained everything.

After explaining everything to her, it left a disgusted taste in both their mouths. "Myu, was it? I'm sorry you had to endure such a thing.." Tio cupped her face resulting in tears from Myu. 'People really are cruel. To enslave a small child is something inhumane..'

Tory bawled her fist, a deep frown shown on her face. Shea then told them that Kazemi went to go fight with the group of slave traders to which they agreed to go as well. As Shea handed Tio Myu because whe wanted to hold her, Tory pulled her off to the side.

"W-What is it?" Shea asked while seeing a smile slowly form on her face. "So? How did he react to seeing Myu? Did he get all red in the face? Did he tell her how cute she was?" If she had a tail, it would be wagging right now.

"W-Well, the thing is,.." She thought back to all the moments he had with Myu, "He didn't show much of a reaction. He was just concerned. I even found him in a depressed mood at one time.." That wasn't something she expected to hear and so her expression went down. "I-I see. Thanks you.."

She nodded and went along. 'He didn't become happy..in the slightest? Why? Why did he..change so much?' She thought while looking down at her belly.

'I know that anyone would change when seeing their friend die in front of them, but I didn't know It'd have this much of an impact on,.. well Kazemi...'

She rubbed her belly while fearing for the worst. 'How would he react..when I tell him about you..?' She shook her head off the dangerous thoughts then smiled. 'I-I know you, Kazemi. You'd never do anything to make me sad..'

She thought of herself as being selfish in this moment, 'So that's why...that's why you'll accept this, right? Right?' She didn't know why she was second guessing herself when the Kazemi she loved would always accept her.

'I'll tell him..' She showed a genuine smile. 'I'll tell him..'


Kazemi walked through the doors of a church resulting in everyone turning their heads towards him. 'These are the buyers, huh..?' The people got up and pulled out all sorts of weapons. "Who are you?!" Random people shouted at him.

To no avail however, he didn't respond back to them. "It doesn't matter! Let's get him!" They all charged at Kazemi from all sorts of directions. 'They probably have the products in the back or underground somewhere...'

He put his hands out to the sides of himself. The people were then met with wind sickles that cut off their limbs, not killing them completely however.

The ones that could speak called him a monster while the others that were on their last thoughts could only pray to God.

"W-Who are you?! And why are you here..?" The person on stage said in fright. Kazemi ignored the man while jumping up to be face to face with him. "M-Money! I'll give you money! The slaves? Take them! You can have 'em! Just let me live!"

He got onto his knees while crying and praying to God. "Why did you do all of this?" He said in a low voice. "Huh?! B-Because I..because of money.." He felt forced to speak the truth and so he did. "Money, huh? I..see.." Kazemi placed his hand upon his face.

"I haven't done this in a while. To a human atleast."

The man slumped to the ground with white eyes while Kazemi walked past him and behind the stage. What he saw next were multiple races in cages. They were all beaten and bruised up while in rags.

Upon seeing Kazemi, some shivered as they thought he was going to buy them while others just accepted their fate.

Kazemi went up to a cage with a woman and her daughter, both of them having ears like dogs and a tail like one as well.

"Are you our new master..?" The small girl asked and was immediately told to talk to Kazemi with respect. "No, I'm...I'm here to save you all.." He placed his hands on the bars of the cage.

He shifted his hands back a little, causing the entire face of the cage to come off.

"I'll..protect you all.." The mother and child then noticed that their slave collars were gone and that the man had some blood on him. Kazemi then helped them down and told them to wait here.

He started going around, freeing all the slaves. He would then give them all food from a storage ring, clothes as well. He told them that they can go live a free life now, free of anything. Some slaves wanted to stay with Kazemi to which he said no.

They thought they could retaliate from such a simple answer but in the end, they were shown who really had a say in things. "I'll...help you all out, okay?' He told them to line up in which they hastily did. One by one, he touched their heads, givining them skills of such.

Some were given good luck while some gave them good cooking skills. Kazemi had went back and took the skills of the buyers and gave them to these people, not sacrificing his own power.

He did think he needed skills for his random skill generator, but things like, 'Sweat Reduction' had almost no purpose to him. "Have a good life everyone.." He made a hole in the ground that led to the sewer system.

"I gave you all power, clothes, money, and freedom. Do something good with your life, okay?" The people said "Yes Sir" in unison while jumping into the hole with smiles. After seeing everyone off, he covered the hole up and left through the roof.

He was now high up in the sky, so high in fact that he could see the entire city. "A beautiful city...that had such horrid secrets.." He pulled his swords out and dropped them. "A beautiful world...with a dark past.." The sword pierced the top of the church and went down into the earth.

They caused whirlwinds that destroyed the building from the inside out. Parts of the building flew into the ocean while others raised themselves up to space, completely disappearing from anyone's view.

Kazemi then felt eyes on him, causing him to look back at the presence. He saw the group of people he's been traveling with, creating a smile on his face.

'Tory looks way more beautiful than usual today. Why is that?' She seemed to be glowing especially bright today.

'Maybe it's because I haven't seen her in a while. Yeah, that's probably it..'
