
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Ch.1: Hell, Heaven, Or Transmigration.

He laid on the cold, stone ground while holding his shoulder. In front of him was a woman with a petite body, features, her overall look was like a doll. She had red eyes and blond, long hair.

'Why...did I start off here?! I'm already about to die, damn it!'

He then started to recall what happened a few moments ago.


"H-Hey, guys... Isn't this... Isn't this too much?!"

A brown haired teenaged guy was at the edge of a tall cliff with a ocean behind him. In front of him were over 20 people, each armed with either guns or baseball bats. Their attire was that of a biker gang.

The year was 2020. The month was December and the date was the 25th. Being in nothing but boxers, the brown haired guy was freezing his ass off but was too overcome with fear to realize it.

"Too far?! You... You took my money and fucked my girlfriend! This much is nothing!"

Time froze and the brown haired guy looked at an imaginary camera. 'Now, yes, I did do that but come on... If your robbing a gang leaders money, then your definitely not gonna see the light of day 24 hours later. Anyways, I took it upon myself to lose my V-Card and his woman was looking fine, so... Yeah..'

Time unfrozen and the brown haired character looked back at them.

"Do you want your money back?! I can do that, okay?"

"Oh, we have the money, and let's just say,... Your mother is a fine woman.."

The group of men laughed as the brown haired man slowly began to realize his words. He left the money at his house as he's just a 15 year old kid. Where else could he put it?

"Well, anyways, thanks for this pleasure. If you hadn't stolen my money, then your mother wouldn't have been raped. It's all your fault.."

He gritted his teeth and quickly eyed a rock. It was no bigger than a fist and had a smooth like surface. 'Mother... Forgive me...for being such a useless son. I thought I could make you happy when in reality, I've brought you even more pain..'

The men perked up and aimed their guns at him. 'Our problems stopped when dad died, and another will as well when I join him..' He quickly squatted towards the rock while going into a run at them.

Not even a second later, his body jumped back, leading him to fall off the cliff and towards the water. On his being, red spots started to appear as it also leaked down the corner of his mouth.

'I..can't even cry for you, mother..'

An image of a brown haired woman showed in his head as he saw the depressed smile of her. Her smile put his pain receivers on hold as he felt one with that smile she had.

He landed into the water, a small smile forming on his face as the light that the sun radiated slowly started to fade away.

'Maybe...in another life..'

As he thought that, he hit a hard surface. 'Tch..' From the water that filled his body, it released out from his mouth along with other various things. 'What....the fuck..?'

He kept throwing up, not noticing the being standing over him. He had a small smile and wore clothes that rivaled someone going to the beach.

'Damn.. Am I dead? Death... It's cold and hot... Hell? Well, of course I'm here. What...was I expecting..?'

He layed there on the ground that was neither hot, cold, or warm. The ground also had no color and was transparent. That being said though, his eyes could not see through.

"Young man. Young man!"

The person standing over the brown haired teenager said with a little bit of aggravation. He has said everything to get his attention for the longest, only to be ignored.

'Hm..? Oh, that must be the main man himself, Death. I wonder if he... I wonder if he actually looks like the skeleton in the robe...'

He slowly started to look up, seeing the figure smile at him. 'Death...looks a little too Devine. Ha, oh I see. This is a trick. Like showing me an angel to get my hopes up, only to send me to the first floor of hell..'

"No,..No, this is..No, I am, God. Your not going to hell...unless you want too. Don't recommend it though..."

He stared at the complex looking man. 'God? He looks like a middle aged man you'd at the beach though...' God in question cocked his head back and snapped his fingers.

The two then appeared at a white round table that had cups of tea on it. 'Tea? Well, my mouth is tainted by sea water..' He shrugged and picked the cup of tea up and took a sip from it.

The God stared at his nonchalant attitude. He was actually confused as to why he was acting so normal.

"Hey, you know your dead, right?"

The man looked up from the tea and at him. 'Well, yes. There was no way in hell I was getting out of that one...'

"Yeah, I know."

"Then...why are you so calm?"

"Well, I *could* be screaming my ass off, but I see no point. Knew I was dead ever since I took that money. If I was to live through that, then I'd call it a miracle."

You'd either be in disbelief or acceptance when you die. Depends on how you die to be honest.

"A miracle, huh? If you consider that a miracle, then what if I told you that you could get a second chance at life? What would that be?"

He stared at the man who claimed to be God. Another factor of him not being so surprised by all of this was because he smoked weed before dying.

"I'd consider that a selfish act by God. You...if you really are God, then you'd know about the things I did. I'm not fit for Heaven, if that place is even real. Hell would surely welcome me on the first floor."

"Ah, selfish huh? Yeah, that may be. But, since my first creations were made, you were the only one to meet me in person like this. And for that, you must be special."

"Special? I'm nothing of the sort. Just a kid who stole a gangster's money to pay for my little brothers education, only for my mother to get raped and caught up in the matter.."

He sighed while getting up. To his left, he saw 3 doors. The one on the farthest left was red, the one on the farthest right was white and the one in the middle was grey.

"Yeah, I know. You did a lot of things for your brother and I can actually respect that. And that's why, I'll give you 3 options,...or 3 doors per say.."

He appeared next to the brown haired kid with his arm wrapped around his neck. He then pointed at the red door.


He pointed at the white door.


He pointed at the grey door.

"Transmigration. Pick one and decide your future course. I'll accept anything."

He sat back down while the brown haired kid stared at the 3 doors. 'Hell, the place I deserve to be the most. A place where my father would be waiting for me. Heaven, a place where my mother and brother would go to. And...Transmigration? That's like...being put into another body, right..?'

He reviewed his options. He immediately ruled out Heaven. A place like that was for the good. Something he never knew of. This left him with only Hell and Transmigration.

'I would have instanly picked Hell if he didn't say anything about Transmigration. As with that, I can potentially go back to earth and watch over him. See him grow up, his first love, fight, field trip, I'd be able to see it all..'

'In hell, I'd see my bastard of a father that abused us. I can stay their with him in hell for an eternity as that's what it felt like when I was younger.'

"Hey, God. Would I be able to go back to earth if I picked Transmigration?"

He walked up to the door. The God was drinking some sort of wine when he asked that.

"No, that would be reincarnation. Transmigration would be like you going into a soul of a movie character."

"So basically, I'll never be able to go back to earth?"

"No, not necessarily. You see, have you ever read...manga or comics?"

"Hm? Yeah, no. I'm dirt poor. How could I afford that?"

"O-Oh, right. Sorry. Anyways, if you chose Transmigration, then you'd get a power. The power is random and it could be something like teleportation. That's why you could go back to earth, just not being on earth when you transmigrate."

"So...I'll be on a completely nother planet, but if I got teleportation or something, I'll be able to come back to earth?"


That one word was enough for him to decide. He would use whatever power he got from this Transmigration and go back to earth, eventually to watch over his brother.

"Then, I'll like to chose the grey door."

The God smiled while nodding. All humans would turn to power in order to get what they really want to achieve.

"Okay. Then its settled."

"Wait, what...world am I going to? Is it random?"

Before he was going to open the door, that was his last question.

"Yeah, its random. And don't worry, we'll start

you off with a strong power. From their, you decide your adventure."

The 15 year old kid nodded while twisting the door handle. 'Objective: Survive. Survive long enough to see your baby brother grow up. Survive...to apologize to your Mother for being a bad son..'

He closed the door behind himself and...
