
Transmigrated With Boros' Powers In Another World

Jack, was an average boy and extremely bored with his life, till one day a magic circle appeared at the floor of his classroom. After that, he was transmigrated to another world, one full of excitement and adventure. Follow Jack as he travels the vast Plane of Existence, living his life to the fullest. ----------------------------------------------------------- Now I kinda ranted a bit, so feel free to ignore the text but I'd suggest reading it if you want to get an idea of what I will be giving you as an author. First and foremost, I do not own the cover, or any powers/abilities/characters which may appear apart from the ones I make up or my OCs. All rights are reserved by their respective owners obviously. Now, my Mc ain't gonna be a beta trash drooling over every girl he sees, and neither is he gonna explicitly hunt for a harem or girlfriend in general. I am inclined to do no harem, BUT I might do a harem of 2-3 girls if really needed, but I'd like not to have a really shitty harem full of 1000 girls. Other things that should be noted, do not come into my novel expecting R-18 content either, I don't think that is really needed in a fan-fiction and if you really need some of that content you know where to find it. Power Stones would be appreciated, and finally, I do this as a hobby so don't be expecting much. TLDR Release: Whenever I feel like. Power Stones: I would appreciate them. Grammar and Vocab: It is readable, and at a good quality I'd say. Harem: Maybe, I mean I rather not but I am willing to maybe do it. R-18: No, you can go to other places for that. Plot: I mean I barely planned anything but there will be an over arching plot, not just an aimless story with no point and stuff just happens because why not. Summary: I know its too big but I had a lot to say.

AntiSimp · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 3 Nexus of Reality

"They've arrived." Someone in a hooded robe shouted. "Finally, it always varies with these people." An old man responded. As people rushed around, the class of students looked around in curiosity till their gaze landed on, Jack.

"What the fuck!?" Someone uttered as they gazed at Jack in shock and fear. Currently Jack had grown a whole head taller, his face was covered with one gigantic eye, as dark blue lines ran through his face from his eye. His head was covered in spiky pink hair, and his body covered in a set of spiky golden armor.

"It worked, and not only that, I got an armor set as a bonus." Jack said as he looked at himself, to the side even Conner was confused. "Jack?" He asked, confused as to if the being was his former friend or not.

"Yes." Jack nodded as Conner sighed with relief. Hearing this the rest of the class also calmed down, but they still gazed at Jack as if he was a monster.

"So where are we?" Conner asked curiously as he looked at the magic circle they were standing on, after that he attempted to leave the circle, only to end up crashing into a barrier.

"We're trapped?" Conner stated, as suddenly a man and a woman exited from a passage above where they were standing. "It seems everything went well." An old, aged man said before turning around.

'Wasn't that fucking Gandalf?' Jack thought in shock, before the woman began to speak. "I am record keeper, Nico Robin before I can let you all free and explain what is going on, I require to know the powers you gained." The woman with long black hair asked, as she gazed at the group.

'Okay, okay, now Robin from One Piece? I am dreaming right?' Jack thought as someone spoke up. "I got Master Marksman, Uncommon, it allows me to be extremely proficient with almost every gun, and will allow me to grow extremely fast with gun related topics." A boy spoke up.

"Good, that's only appeared a few other times." Robin said as she wrote down in a book. "Name?" She asked, looking at the boy. "Clay, Clay Jones." He answered, hearing this Robin nodded.

"Okay, to be clear I only need your first name, and the ability you acquired when entering the Core." Robin said as they all nodded. 'That kid forgot his other 3 abilities anyway.' Jack thought as someone else went up to answer.

"I got Swordsman, Common, the name is pretty self explanatory. My name is Kurt." The boy named Kurt said concisely. Hearing his ability even Jack pitied him, even if it was only slightly. 'I mean if he got 3 good abilities prior, he can make up for that easily.' Jack mused, before someone else answered.

Eventually they all finished apart from Jack and Conner, and the highest ability they had acquire was only Uncommon. This was a bit sad, considering nearly half the class had Uncommon abilities.

Seeing as everyone else finished answering, Conner cleared his throat and walked forward. "I acquired the Rare ability Gura Gura no mi apparently it allows one to create vibrations and such. My name is Conner." He said, immediately stunning his class, and mostly Robin.

"Did you say, Gura Gura no mi?" She asked him in shock. "Eh, yes that's what I got right?" He stated confusedly as he looked towards Jack. "Indeed." Jack replied, hearing this Robin nodded before immediately writing this information down.

"And you?" She asked, curious as to what his ability could be. She had never seen anything like Jack before. "My ability is the Epic level Boros Genetics, basically an overall booster, which also grants regeneration." Jack explained.

"Oh and my name is Jack." He continued, almost forgetting to say his name. Nico Robin was shocked, hearing these two. 'Normally we only get 1 Rare at best, and even then its nothing special, like One For All. But this time, we not only got the Gura Gura no mi, a power said to be able to tear the world apart, but an Epic ability.' Robin thought as she looked at the book.

When she wrote down the abilities and name of the class, they all glowed in specific colors, indicating that they were truthful to a degree.

"Okay now that the formalities are over, let me explain where you are." Robin said as the barrier suddenly disappeared.

"You're in the Nexus of Reality, a place where all of the Innerverse collides. In the Nexus there are 9 planets each with a set purpose. Currently we're on the Indescribable Planet, which houses a vast amount of magicians from various parts of the Innerverse. Here documents of everything that occurs within the Nexus are kept." Robin explained as they all nodded.

"So when you mean all of the Innerverse collides, do you have people like Superman, Captain America, Sonic and Piccolo?" Jack asked, curious as to what the Nexus was.

"Well yes but no, some of the people you mentioned are definitely here, but not everyone. Every now and again people from the Innerverse are transported here in huge swarms and once they arrive they're already informed about what is going on." Robin added, explaining best she could.

"Wait, so you know we're from the Outerverse?" Jack questioned. "Of course why else would we summon you?" Robin declared. "People from the Outerverse tend to grow much faster than people from the Innerverse, although some of us start out at extremely high levels of power." Robin continued.

"Bu-" Jack attempted to ask, when Robin cut him off. "Anyway, we have to hurry up, the ship will be leaving any time now." She said, as she motioned for the class to follow her.

Seeing this, Jack walked up the stairs and followed her down the tunnel along with everyone else. "So do you know this place?" Conner asked quietly, as they trudged down the tunnel.

"Honestly no idea, but we should be fine." Jack replied. Hearing this Conner simply nodded, before continuing down the tunnel. Eventually they reached an open area with massive ships waiting.

"This is the Millennium Falcon, the ship we'll be boarding." Robin explained as she pointed to the massive spaceship in front of them.

After looking around a bit, they boarded the ship, and Robin sent them to a specific room, before leaving them to their own devices.

"So how did you get an Epic Jack?" One of the asked. "Luck and intuition." He simply replied. "What do you mean intuition?" The same person continued with the questioning.

"Hmm, I bet, that a few of you did in fact get a Rare ability, but didn't pick it due to its odd sounding name." Jack stated, as some of the class did in fact look away awkwardly.

Considering the chances of a Rare were about 1/20, and they had 3 options to choose from each, excluding Conner and Jack, at least 3 of them should have gotten a Rare, but they didn't, they were all Commons and Uncommons.

"I wouldn't want an Epic anyway, if I'd have to look like that." Someone else said as they crossed their arms in victory. "Ya who would want to look like a cyclops." They concurred as they began to ignore Jack, in their eyes he was still the same old loner.

"Well who cares anyway, I bet this is just a hyper realistic dream I am having." Someone in the class said as they waved their hands in the air. "Bow down to me, figments of my imagination." He continued as everyone looked at him as if he were an idiot.

'I better be able to part ways with these bozos the second we land, in fact, where are we going?' Jack pondered, as they hurled through space.

"So any luck on your side?" A man with carefully combed brown hair asked, as he piloted the ship. "Yes a lot in fact. Either way, what benefits us benefits you as well." Robin said as she looked at the incoming planet.

"Ya I know, regardless we should arrive in about 20 minutes." The man said. Robin nodded before turning around and walking towards where the Class was set.

'The Green Marble sure is wondrous.' The man thought as he gazed at the mostly green planet. The planet was akin to Earth but most of its surface was actual land unlike Earth, on top of this were various buildings of all shapes and sizes, at least that's what it looked like on the ground, to the pilot all he could see was various patches of buildings.

'This is taking forever, I can't last another hour with these dumb asses.' Jack thought as he gazed at the group of shouting teenagers.