
Transmigrated With Boros' Powers In Another World

Jack, was an average boy and extremely bored with his life, till one day a magic circle appeared at the floor of his classroom. After that, he was transmigrated to another world, one full of excitement and adventure. Follow Jack as he travels the vast Plane of Existence, living his life to the fullest. ----------------------------------------------------------- Now I kinda ranted a bit, so feel free to ignore the text but I'd suggest reading it if you want to get an idea of what I will be giving you as an author. First and foremost, I do not own the cover, or any powers/abilities/characters which may appear apart from the ones I make up or my OCs. All rights are reserved by their respective owners obviously. Now, my Mc ain't gonna be a beta trash drooling over every girl he sees, and neither is he gonna explicitly hunt for a harem or girlfriend in general. I am inclined to do no harem, BUT I might do a harem of 2-3 girls if really needed, but I'd like not to have a really shitty harem full of 1000 girls. Other things that should be noted, do not come into my novel expecting R-18 content either, I don't think that is really needed in a fan-fiction and if you really need some of that content you know where to find it. Power Stones would be appreciated, and finally, I do this as a hobby so don't be expecting much. TLDR Release: Whenever I feel like. Power Stones: I would appreciate them. Grammar and Vocab: It is readable, and at a good quality I'd say. Harem: Maybe, I mean I rather not but I am willing to maybe do it. R-18: No, you can go to other places for that. Plot: I mean I barely planned anything but there will be an over arching plot, not just an aimless story with no point and stuff just happens because why not. Summary: I know its too big but I had a lot to say.

AntiSimp · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 13 Mall

"Today, we'll be learning about some basic knowledge in the school." Madara said, as he looked at his shivering class. After yesterday, a fair amount of them were a bit spooked.

"Seeing, as you all are a bit shaken after yesterday, I'll tell you some things which you might enjoy. Firstly, today is Wednesday and Friday has the last lesson of the week. After that you have a weekend just like in your old world." He explained, as the entire class grew happier because of it.

"Apart from that, there's a few things I have to show you. So get up, and follow along." Madara stated as he motioned for the class to follow behind him. He then led them through the school and eventually to a door, which led to a big open area.

"This, its like a mall!" Holly exclaimed, as she looked around extremely excited. "Yes, this is the Green Marble Academy Mall, here you can purchase all types of goods. Here your weekly allowance, this will be given every Monday at the first lesson. This is about 100 Green Marble Dollars, GMD for short." Madara said as he turned around and handed them all 10 green slips of paper.

"Also, today your Fighting Teachers all agreed you can have a break, but you'll have to double time tomorrow." Madara stated, as he specifically locked eyes with Jack. 'What the fuck? I don't even want to look around this shitty mall.' Jack thought till he remembered something.

'I need soap.' He thought as he slammed his fist onto his palm. "Dismissed, don't make any trouble here, I'll be watching if you do." Madara finished before disappearing.

"EEEE! I am so excited, lets go buy some make up, or maybe some clothes!" The girls said as they split up. Seeing this, the boys just nodded to each other, and split up into their own groups.

Luckily Jack had managed to snake away, without attracting any attention to himself, till. "Ah that's where you went Jack." Conner said as he slung his arm around his friend.

"You better pay for the soap after yesterday's stunt." Bill demanded as he came to the side. "We should try buy some snacks. I miss, gummy bears." Kurt said to the side as everyone looked at him oddly.

'I never pegged him for the type to like such things.' Jack thought before realizing what had happened. These 3 had yet again slung themselves around him.

"Well we have all day, so why don't we just go buy some soap first." Conner suggested, as they all seemed to agree. After that they went up an escalator and looked at a nearby shop. It was named, Soapy Clean.

Seeing this, they assumed it was a bathing utilities shop, so they entered. As they expected it was. it had white stone floors, and the walls were also painted white.

The clerk smiled, when she saw them enter. "New students I presume? Here you can find anything you may need or want when taking a shower or a bath, to simply brushing your teeth, or anything really. As long as it has to do with cleaning the body, we have it." The clerk explained as they all nodded.

Seeing Jack, her eyes lingered in surprise for a moment, but she quickly averted her gaze. 'I've never seen anyone like that before.' She thought as the group of 4 looked around.

"That's what I was forgetting, a toothbrush." Conner remarked as they began to look around, splitting up in the process. Unlike what one might think, this shop was quite huge considering the sheer amount of variety and products it held.

As Jack was browsing he eventually picked a bottle of 3 in one shampoo and body wash. 'Haha, if those shit heads want to share with me, I am only picking this.' Jack thought, before going to the wash mitt section, and picking himself out a blue one.

'Hmm, 2 GDM, but wait, there's the 4 pack for 6, fuck it, I'll just buy the 4 pack they'll just owe me some cash.' Jack thought as he grabbed the 4 pack and put back the blue wash mitt.

After that he went to the toothbrush section, where he found an odd scene. "Sorry." Kurt said as he took his hand off the 4 pack of toothbrushes. "Oh no, sorry." The girl replied back, till she realized who it was.

Immediately her face froze over. "Never mind, I deserve it more than you, anyway." She said as she grasped the 4 pack before turning around and walking off in a huff, her silver hair glistening.

'What the? Who the fuck does she think she is?' Jack thought, as he realized Kurt noticed him. "Don't bother, she isn't worth it." Kurt stated as he simply grabbed another 4 pack of toothbrushes.

"I see we had the same idea." Kurt said as he looked at the 4 pack of wash mitts. "Ya, whatever. Lets just go and pay." Jack responded as he turned around and walked towards the counter with Kurt in tow.

There they found Conner about to pay for not only a 3 in 1 soap, but a mop and bucket a 4 pack of wash mitts and toothbrushes. Seeing this, Jack immediately pulled him back.

"Idiot, put back the other things and keep the mop and bucket, Kurt and I got everything else." Jack said as he looked at the two in surprise. "Oh okay, sorry." Conner replied as he simply went and put the other things back.

In that time, Kurt and Jack had already paid, and the line was empty. So Conner simply paid and they got ready to leave. "Wait, excuse me do you know where the friend we came in with went?" Conner asked, as he noticed Bill was gone.

"Ah him? He left a few minutes after you entered the store." She replied, as Conner nodded gratefully. "Well thank you then, we'll wait for him outside." Conner said as all 3 of them went outside.

"Tsk, why do we have to wait for that idiot?" Jack said as he continually tapped his elbow. "You don't have to, but if you don't then you won't get anything." Conner uttered, as Jack looked at him confusedly.

'He did go for the stuff right? The shop clerk even said he left a bit after I talked to him.' Conner thought, as suddenly a figure came into view. It was a boy with 2 plastic bags in hand, each filled to the brim with snacks.

"Finally I made it back. I see you idiots bought everything." Bill said as he raised the two bags in his hands. "I guess I'll share these then." Bill continued, as Kurt looked at him with a look of appreciation.

"You got Gummy Bears?" Kurt asked curiously. "Well, I got the most similar thing I could find." Bill answered as he looked to the side. Seeing this Conner smiled, and Jack just looked at him oddly.

'Is this the same scumbag I know? Did an alien takeover his body by chance?' Jack thought as Bill looked at him oddly. "Seeing as you brought the soap, I'll let you have some." Bill declared.

Hearing this Jack just nodded, not knowing how else to respond. "Anyway, I think we should go shop for some clothes while we're at it." Conner suggested. They all agreed upon hearing this, including Jack oddly enough.

'Once I have enough control over my power, I won't need to wear this armor anymore.' Jack thought, before they began walking to the closest clothes store in sight. 'And at that point I rather not strut around naked.' He continued on this train of thought, as they neared the store.

After a day of shopping they all went back to the dorm, and ate their fill of snacks and sweets while watching a couple of movies on the tv.