

The next day Alayna accepted the apology gift with both hands, there were pills, money, and spirit stones. After thinking about it the whole night, if she was Olivia, for her child she would have acted as a hooligan.

So, she assured the servant who came to her cave that all was forgiven and forgotten. The business on that day was very good and the good thing was that later that evening, she received a ding that her side mission was completed and had been for a while.

Because she was busy, she had muted some of these notifications so she received the pill that she was dying for.

A few days later her main mission was also got completed and she took a day off to just enjoy the rewards.

As promised, she was given the cultivation technique, The Heavenly Inner Peace Script, it was a technique that promotes inner peace, a mediation technique that can make one fight any inner demons.

She was in love with it so she pated on it and just like a game the scroll vanished and all the information was loaded in her head.

This was quite unusual but then she realized that she didn't need to suffer and meditate like crazy for her cultivation to increase. As long as she completes the missions given to her, her cultivation will increase without her lifting a finger.

It was already hard enough to take care of the shop, it was also one of the reasons why her cultivation was still stuck at martial apprentice 2nd level, it was quite an embarrassment but knowing that she has a guardian protecting her secretly, she was relaxed.

Receiving the cultivation technique made her embarrassing cultivation shoot up to martial apprentice level 9 and with just some push she will be able to break through to become a martial disciple.

Alayna decided to celebrate as she wasn't able to reach this stage even after working for decades. This calls for celebration, Alayna didn't bother to check the rewards of the shop.

After dressing up, Alayna had a destination and it wasn't going to be the town. She wanted to go to the city and check if she can buy a few things there. After receiving her 10% share of profits and her gift money, she was loaded.

The advantages of having slightly higher cultivation were the ability to move at an incredibly fast speed. She couldn't fly as her cultivation was still slow so the only thing that she could do was walk fast.

She didn't forget to write a notice in the shop before she leaves, it wasn't a bad thing to take a few days after all. she had been working every single day and never taken a day off and her days were piling up.

As for how the customers will react, that was none of her business. With that thought in mind, Alayna truly traveled to the city and found a carriage to take her there.

Back in the Dark Forest, the shop was surrounded by angry people. They have come so early in the morning to buy some food. Although the food in the shop rarely finishes, they didn't like waiting in line so they came early.

Who knew that they will find the shop closed and no sign of Alayna, only a leave notice was posted on the front and it made those that saw it so furious they wanted to smash the place?

One of the new customers who had heard so much about the shop was so angry that he tried to blow up the place and the result made everyone fear the shop with everything they have.

They watched with horror as the man got zapped by lighting and a martial emperor's aura was released and pressured all of them turning their legs into jelly.

[I finally see why they were so daring to open a shop here.]

[They are very powerful, at least I didn't cause any trouble.]

[I feel sorry for that person, without even having a taste of the good stuff, he got zapped and blacklisted!]

They didn't dare linger much, since the boss lady will open the shop after three days, they decided to go back and return when she is back.

Alayna had no idea that troublemakers had been taught as she was enjoying the freedom of traveling.

Alayna reached the city in the evening and checked into an inn. The next day she went shopping and bought herself some latest clothes that were trending, jewelry, and food.

Although the food from the tuck-shop was nice, it was only suitable for breakfast and she wanted a variety.

She also watched some hot places in the city and after a day of shopping, she went back to the inn. The next day she returned back home and the carriage sent her to Draak and she returned to the Dark Forest on foot.

It's just that something got her attention, the road wasn't as narrow as before but it was big. The road was more of a road used by carriages and cars, and seeing this road that wasn't there before, she smiled brightly.

It seemed the changes made this time was big and she couldn't wait to see them.

Alayna increased her pace and followed the road. She stopped when she saw two paths, one on the right led straight to the shop while the one on the left leads to her cave.

Luckily there was a signboard that clearly gave directions, so unless the person was muddleheaded and illiterate, they will not take the wrong direction.

Seeing the signboard, she was also anticipating what changes were made to her house. Without her realizing it, the Dark Forest had become the place that she calls home without a question.

She walked quickly on the wide path admiring the lamps that lit the way, as this was a forest it was usually dark so lighting was highly recommended and needed.

She was soon standing in front of something she couldn't recognize. Her tuck-shop was barely 3 square meters and yet after not being home for three days, she was staring at a convenience store.

Yes, her tuck-shop had upgraded into a convenience store and the shop was just so huge she was loving it. The shop was roughly around 30 square meters now and it was big enough to accommodate a lot of things.

The front of the convenience store was made with glass just like the modern ones, the door was a double door but not a revolving one. She unlocked the door using her fingerprint and entered inside.

Next chapter