
Transmigrated to Another World: Cursed XinYi

The story revolves around a young and beautiful girl XinYi who was killed by her lover. Things take a turn post her death when instead of dying XinYi gets a new life in a new body in a different Era. with a new body and a new life XinYi faces several challenges. Right from saving herself from Qian. will she ever be able to fall in love with someone? what more is waiting for XinYi to come?

silklove_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

XinYi had a red spot on her forehead

XinYi was at Chaoxiang's house. But when she saw the hut built for herself, she was surprised. That hut was built for her in the most isolated corner of the house. Even the maids of that house would have a perfect place to live than compared to her.

Even inside the hut, there was only a bed, wardrobe, and a chair. There was a very simple looking vase on top of the wardrobe. There was only one flower in that vase, which was yellow in color.

Even though she was Chaoxiang's daughter, she doesn't even have a single maid for herself. Chaoxiang is a vizier in the king's court.

XinYi always does her work by herself. Every work, like cleaning, brooming, and washing clothes, she does these works alone. Even she cleans the garden by herself. In this house nobody loves her.

XinYi doesn't even have a glance at her father for the past three years. Her father doesn't even like to see her face. All the reason behind this was XinYi stepmother Chang-Ying.

XinYi stepmother used to make her do all household works when her father Chaoxiang was not around. The body in which XinYi was living her real mother was no longer in this world. Even though the owner of that body had a father but still was living a miserable life like an orphanage.

She was all alone, and nobody had ever loved the old owner of that body. Vizier Chaoxiang only loves her elder daughter.

When XinYi came back home, it was already a little early in the morning. XinYi sat in front of the mirror. The time when she got the body, she didn't even have a single glance at her face. She doesn't know what that body looks like. This was the first time she was looking at the body. She looked carefully at that body.

XinYi found that body really beautiful. Everything was beautiful except that mark on her forehead.

XinYi was combing her hair when she heard some noise from outside of her house. It was no other than her fiancé Shoi-Ming, who was a prince, Vizier Chaoxiang, with his wife Chang-Ying and her elder daughter Chi Xinru.

Chi Xinru is the start of this Chaoxiang's family. She was expert in every art, from magic to studies, she was ahead of everyone. Chi Xinru is a start in Chaoxiang's eyes. He loves her most in all of her daughters.

Chaoxiang was really angry that time. The plane which prince Shoi-Ming had made against XinYi was already going on as he told everything about the incident to XinYi's father. When Chaoxiang heard everything about XinYi he was extremely angry on her. He believed Shoi-Ming very easily.

Chaoxiang was banging on XinYi's door very loudly. On the other side Shoi-Ming was really happy as he thought that XinYi was already dead and even if she was alive but the marriage would be discarded because she went to meet another man (Qian). Shoi-Ming was happy thinking about all this.

XinYi took a glance at the door and started to style her hairs properly. Now Chaoxiang was boiling in anger he had decided to break the door but Chi Xinru intrupted.

"I think XinYi is sleeping that's why she is not opening the door." Chi Xinru stated. Now Chaoxiang's anger had crossed all limits. He broke the door. And slowly-slowly everyone entered the room.

"When you are at home then why weren't you opening the door?" Chaoxiang said when he saw XinYi in the room.

XinYi smiled and looked at her father. "Father, if the daughter of such a big family does her work on her own, then it is wrong, isn't it?" She said while the head of Chaoxiang went down when he heard it from her. Chaoxiang stared at Chang-Ying with anger in his eyes.

"Why treat my younger daughter like this? Why does my younger daughter have to do her work by herself?" Chaoxiang asked Chang-Ying. He was feeling very embarrassed because it was all happening in front of the prince. He was feeling insulted in front of the prince.

Chang-Ying was a clever lady. She fastly replied.

"I had done all this for you XinYi. Just look at your body. Weak hands and thin body. I did this to keep you healthy. " Chang-Ying said.

"Yes dad, mom did all this for the well-being of sister." Chi Xinru took the side of her mother.

Chi Xinru is star of the family. She was very famous and beautiful. There were alot of marriage proposal for her from different-different kingdom's prince. But, Chaoxiang rejected all the marriage proposals.

Chi Xinru was the star for Chaoxiang and he wanted to find the best marriage proposal for her favourite daughter. He believed everything that Chi Xinru said without thinking twice. He looked at Chi Xinru and then thin XinYi.

"Look at yourself first. Look how thin and weak you are. Your mom did all this for your well-being. You are 13 but you look like 10 years old. All this was done to get you classified, daughter." He said.

XinYi didn't say anything. She looked down and started smiling. She started to feel the things which the old owner of that body had felt everyday. She wasn't able believe that a father could discriminate so much between his own two daughters. One is treated like a queen while the other one is treated like a servant.

'Her life was more bad than hell.' XinYi said in her mind. She was feeling very bad for the old owner of that body.

XinYi was very sad after seeing all this. Even though she knows that this was not her own family but she could feel her pain.

After listening to her father XinYi went to the kitchen and took the month's food out infront of them. In the name of monthly food. She had given very less amount of rice and just pickles. She kept all that on the chair.

"Dad I can understand why I didn't have anyone to help me. But for health I need proper amount of food right? And who can be strong with such food?" She said,

The real owner of the body was very excited to meet prince Shoi-Ming that she didn't even had a meal before going to meet him.

"Even the servants doesn't get this type of food? Right?" She asked Chaoxiang. Chaoxiang was embarrassed after seeing all this. And he stared at Chang-Ying with anger. When he started to say something Chi Xinru intrupted between them.

"Dad don't say anything to mom. It's not her fault. This had happened because of lazy and slacker servants. My mother never behaved bad with anyone. Believe me dad. My mom always treat XinYi like her own daughter. But If you punish my mother for the servant's mistakes, it would be unfair, wouldn't it?" Chi Xinru said while trying to protect her mother's name.

XinYi was watching everything but she was smiling in her mind. XinYi was wondering why Chang-Ying got so much praise for getting her step daughter to do the housework. How could someone do that? She understood that nobody could win from this mother and daughter team. She decided not to argue further more with them. She stood silently.

In that time, Chang-Ying also got a chance to escape and she also put the entire blame on the servants.

"Little daughter, I didn't have any idea about your problems. But now I know everything than I will make sure took all care of you in future." She said, both mother and daughter were really smart. They knew how to save themself from every situation. Seeing the situation under control, Chaoxiang heaved a sigh of relief.

"She is my youngest and dearest daughter, take good care of her. Chang-Ying it is your responsibility to keep three servants for my daughter." Chaoxiang said to Chang-Ying.

"I will just send three servants here." Chang-Ying replied.

XinYi was sitting in the corner watching this show. Chaoxiang doesn't have any mind even though he had all the proof infront of his eyes he still couldn't able to understand anything.

In reality, Chaoxiang knew everything, he just wanted to save his honor because at that time many high-ranking people had come to his house. He doesn't have any love for XinYi that's why everyone behave like this with XinYi.

XinYi knew that she couldn't continue arguing with that mother and daughter. And her magical power had also diminished because of this weak body. Currently, she couldn't leave the house because she need a shelter to live.

"It seems I had misunderstood aunty and it is my fault, so will you send the servants, right?" XinYi asked Chang-Ying.

"Yes, absolutely XinYi, I will send it right now." She replied.

"But, I don't have a place to keep three servants aunty." XinYi said while looking around her place.

Chang-Ying understood what XinYi wanted to say. She was angry but she couldn't say or show anything on her face.

"I will call the craftsmen tomorrow and tell them start the work of repairing the house." Chang-Ying said in a sweet tone.

"Aunty, will you do one more thing for me?" XinYi bowed and thanked her.

"YES, yes why not. You can tell me without hegitation." Chang-Ying said in a very soft voice.

"Now you are giving me servants then you could atleast increase my monthly expenses. Currently I only get two yuan. But, from now on I have to pay to servants also. Only 2 yuan will not work. Right?" XinYi said.

Hearing this, Chang-Ying got angry but she did not say anything. Every royal family's children would definitely get at least 30 yuan even Chi Xinru gets 40 yuan. That is 20 times more than what XinYi gets.