
Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

# food # beastsworld # infrastructure # cozy Chang Xia was an anomaly in her tribe. She didn’t dress up, make friends, or play with others. She liked to hoard all kinds of wild vegetables, and didn’t eat meat as she claimed it was hard to eat. The entire tribe was worried she wouldn’t grow up properly and die. When she became an adult, she chose to marry a sickly boy. Then, Chang Xia planted a field of wild vegetables that she had hoarded to feed the entire tribe. She built house caves and roads so that the tribe would no longer suffer from the cold. She even conquered the whole continent with delicious food. Finally, the tribe found out that the sickly boy Chang Xia married used to be the strongest totem warrior in his tribe. At this point, they also understood that Chang Xia was the most outstanding of them all.

Orange Willow · General
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40 Chs

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Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Nan Feng, where did Chang Xia go?" Root said anxiously, pacing.

Chang Xia had just recovered, and she was already starting to fuss? Why didn't Chen Rong stop her? He had interacted with Chen Rong before and thought he was a steady child. Now it seemed that he was still not steady enough. He had to be beaten.

Nan Feng had nothing to do, so she helped Chang Xia fill the stone vat with water.

"Father, I told you. Chang Xia has decided to go to Salt Lake today to collect salt and pick some white fruit. It's almost time for her to come back." Nan Feng raised her right foot to show Root the rattan shoes on her feet and said, "Father, go find a place to sit by the beast lair and I'll teach you to knit rattan shoes. Later, you make a pair for Mother. That way, Mother won't have to worry about gravel or limping when she's out picking and collecting."

At Nan Feng's explanation, Root stopped fretting.

He asked Nan Feng to take off his rattan shoes and examine them carefully.

At the same time, he rubbed the rattan shoes on his feet a few more times. The rattan shoes were moderately soft and hard, much more comfortable than animal skin and grass shoes.

"The way to make these rattan shoes was taught by Chang Xia, too?" Root said happily.

The animal skin and grass shoes that were popular in the tribe were taught by Chang Xia.

"Yes!" Nan Feng nodded and sighed. "Father, Chang Xia is so smart. Unfortunately, her body is a little weak."

"How is her body a little weak? All these years, if it weren't for the shaman's precious medicine, she would have collapsed. It would be difficult for her to even transform, let alone live to adulthood." Root sighed thinking about how the shaman sent Chang Xia to the tribe back then.

Root and the others were worried that the poor beast cub might not live long.

However, Chang Xia did live up to expectations.

With the precious medicine of the shaman, she had escaped death many times and survived.

The tribesmen were extremely patient with Chang Xia.

Her people would give her a share, no matter who got the good stuff.

If Chang Xia were raised by someone else, she would have died.

"Father, don't worry. Didn't the shaman say it? As long as Chang Xia manages to survive her adulthood, she'll be able to spend the rest of her life in peace." Nan Feng picked a few of the thin vines Chang Xia had spread out and slowly knitted them against her vine shoes.

It didn't take long.

Nan Feng had really imitated it.

"Father, try—"

Root took the vine shoe and pulled off the hide-and-grass shoe.

He got up and walked back and forth a few times.

"These rattan shoes are indeed comfortable to wear. They're a little better than animal skin grass shoes." Without a word, Root squatted down and pulled out the thin rattan strips, planning to weave a pair for his mate. As he worked, he instructed Nan Feng, "Nan Feng, when you have time, cut some thin vines and return to the tribe. While you're at it, pass the weaving method of the rattan shoes to your clansmen."

"We'll ask Chang Xia about that when she gets back," Nan Feng said.

"You're right. You should ask Chang Xia. I was too anxious just now. After all, the rattan shoes will have a huge impact on the tribe." Root agreed with Nan Feng. The people of the Heluo Tribe were simple and honest, and the clansmen were very united. The beast tribe implemented private ownership. Even Root could not take his clansmen's things for no reason.

Time passed as the two of them wove vine shoes.

At noon, a shadow approached the den.

Root and Nan Feng quickly looked up and sensed a familiar aura. Both of them looked happy.

"Finally back," Root said happily, putting down the thin vine.

"Chang Xia, there's someone in the house—"

Chen Rong carried Chang Xia and headed straight for the Heluo Tribe. As soon as they arrived at the tribe, Chen Rong sensed two auras in his beast lair.

"Who is it?" Chang Xia asked curiously.

Who would come this way at this hour?

"I think it's the clan leader and Nan Feng," Chen Rong replied. His beast eyes narrowed. He guessed that the reason for Root's visit had something to do with Chang Xia. After all, she had said that she would hand over Fish Ball's cooking to her clansmen.

At the same time, she also wanted to share the recipes for the river prawns and stew.

"The Patriarch is as impatient as ever," Chang Xia sighed.

Chen Rong paused. In terms of impatience, was Chang Xia qualified to criticize others?

"Chang Xia, aren't the salt and white fruits you brought back a little too much?" Root was about to wave and greet them when his gaze landed on the things on Chen Rong's beast body. He was immediately shocked.

"Is it much? I don't think it's much at all." Chang Xia took Nan Feng's hand and jumped down from the Chen Rong. She saw the hostility in Root's face and quickly explained, saying, "Chief, salt is used to make pickled vegetables and pickled meat. I'll seal the salt to keep it from getting damp. White fruit will be used for research and I'm going to make it into food that's easy to store."

"Fruit paste?" Nan Feng teased.

Chang Xia pinched the tender flesh at Nan Feng's waist and defended herself. "I'm not going to make fruit paste. I'm going to make flour or noodles. Just wait. I'll tell you when I'm done. Anyway, I won't waste these white fruits."

"Sure, it's up to you." Root didn't ask for more details. After confirming that Chang Xia wouldn't waste food, he turned around and helped Chen Rong unload his back basket and hand held basket.

"That's a lot!" Nan Feng put a hand to his forehead and looked helplessly at Chang Xia.

Root said nothing more.

He believed that Chang Xia knew what she was doing.

Since she had promised not to waste it, she would do it.

"The white fruit can be laid on the ground and dried. Move the salt into the beast lair first." Chang Xia instructed Chen Rong to move the salt first. The white fruit was directly dried in the sun while the sky was clear, so it was convenient to be grinded into powder. Looking at the several baskets of white fruit, Chang Xia whispered, "The amount of white fruit is a little too much. We have to trade for some pottery jars with the tribe. Otherwise, there's no place to store the powder."

"I can make barrels," Chen-Rong said.

They had nothing to exchange for pottery, like wooden barrels and wicker baskets but Chen Rong could make them.

"You know how to do it?" Chang Xia asked, pleasantly surprised.

Chen Rong nodded. "Yes."

"Then make more wooden barrels of all sizes. Just like woven wicker baskets, you don't have to make them all the same size," Chang Xia instructed.

At the side, Root and his daughter listened quietly to Chang Xia's conversation.

They were filled with emotion.

Indeed, after the marriage, the child had grown a lot.

"Chang Xia, if you're short of clay pots, I can help you set up an exchange with the tribe. You helped a lot by giving them the recipe for fish balls," Root said seriously.

Early in the morning, he sent Nan Feng to the White River to catch a few fish.

Mu Qin followed Nan Feng's instructions and succeeded in making delicious fish balls. Even though Nan Feng said that the taste was not as good as what Chang Xia had made, Root and Mu Qin were already very satisfied.

Fish Balls were delicious.

Apart from the delicious taste, it was very suitable for the elders and cubs of the tribe to eat.

At the same time, it meant that the tribe had a new source of food. Even in a cold winter, the tribe beasts could fill their stomachs with one more kind of food. It took a great weight off Root.

"Chief, I want to exchange some resin with the tribe for the fish balls. Can clay pots be exchanged?" Chang Xia rubbed her hands nervously. Neither she nor Chen Rong could participate in the hunt for the time being.

Not being able to hunt meant being unable to obtain animal skins, animal bones, and so on.

The tribe exchanged mostly animal skins and bones. The rest were food.

"You can." Root nodded as he helped Chang Xia pour the white fruit on the ground. He explained, "Nan Feng said that in addition to fishballs, you also know how to cook river prawns and have new ways to stew meat. If you're willing, I want you to teach the tribe all of this."

"I do." Chang Xia nodded quickly. All the white fruits in the basket were poured out, and the salt was moved into the beast lair. She looked at Chen Rong and said, "Chen Rong, go to the lake and catch some fish and prawns. At noon, the patriarch and Nan Feng will stay at home to eat."

Neither Root nor Nan Feng refused.

Chen Rong nodded, washed his face, and walked towards the lake with his basket.