
Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

# food # beastsworld # infrastructure # cozy Chang Xia was an anomaly in her tribe. She didn’t dress up, make friends, or play with others. She liked to hoard all kinds of wild vegetables, and didn’t eat meat as she claimed it was hard to eat. The entire tribe was worried she wouldn’t grow up properly and die. When she became an adult, she chose to marry a sickly boy. Then, Chang Xia planted a field of wild vegetables that she had hoarded to feed the entire tribe. She built house caves and roads so that the tribe would no longer suffer from the cold. She even conquered the whole continent with delicious food. Finally, the tribe found out that the sickly boy Chang Xia married used to be the strongest totem warrior in his tribe. At this point, they also understood that Chang Xia was the most outstanding of them all.

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40 Chs

Collecting Salt

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Bring both the back basket and hand held basket with you."

After the meal, Chang Xia quickly emptied the baskets in the beast lair, placed them aside, and tied them to Chen Rong.

Salt Lake was located near Mount Kana and not close to the tribe.

However, beast forms traveled quickly.

They could reach Mount Kana in an hour. If they left on time to collect the salt, there would be enough time in the morning for them to collect it and pick the white fruit.

In front of the door, Chen Rong shapeshifted.

A huge wolf that was three meters tall was completely silver-white. A tuft of golden fur grew between its brows, echoing the golden wolf's eyes.

He looked extremely handsome.

"How attractive!" Chang Xia exclaimed.

She had seen the beast bodies of Nan Feng and her clansmen. At this moment, she was looking at Chen Rong's beast body in a daze, her eyes filled with amazement. Chang Xia determined that even the tribe leader's beast body was not as burly and handsome as Chen Rong's.

Joy flashed in Chen Rong's golden eyes.

Apparently, he was pleased with Chang Xia's praise.

This was an ordinary beast form. Once it entered battle and activated the Fighting Wolf Clan's totem, its silver-white beast body would be dyed with golden stripes.

However, this would only happen if it was a life and death battle.

The beasts rarely activated their bloodline totems to fight.

Chen Rong bent his knees to make it easier for Chang Xia to tie the back basket and hand held basket.

Then, he rolled up Chang Xia with his wolf tail and placed her on him.

"Chen Rong, let's go get the salt from Mount Kana," Chang Xia said loudly.

The beasts only knew how to carry their mates and cubs. Unless there were special circumstances, they wouldn't easily carry others.

The tribe wanted Chang Xia to get married, even if she could not go out hunting.

With a mate, Chang Xia could at least participate in field picking and collecting.

This way, they wouldn't have to worry about her starving to death.

In the morning, shallow freshwater fog curled around mountains and rivers.

Chen Rong identified the direction and sprinted toward Mount Kana's Sacred Mountain Salt Lake. At the same time, Nan Feng of the Heluo tribe sought out her father, the clan leader, Root.

She told Root about the fish balls.

She also told Root about Chang Xia's desire to build a house cave.

"Are fish balls really as good as you say?" Root asked grimly.

He was in no hurry to ask about her building a lair. Nan Feng had suggested lending wood and stone to Chang Xia, and there had been no objection at all. The exchange of resins with the tribe had not been refused or agreed upon.

He asked about the fish balls directly.

Nan Feng thought of the aftertaste. He couldn't help but lick the corner of her mouth and answer, "They're delicious. There's no fishy smell at all. They're very tender and chewy. They're fresh and smooth in the mouth. In addition to the fish, the river prawns made by Chang Xia are also delicious. By the way, the stewed meat is also especially sweet and tender."

If she hadn't been stunned by the smell of fish balls and river prawns, Nan Feng was definitely most concerned about that pot of stew.

The simple stew exuded a fatal attraction in Chang Xia's hands.

Nan Feng quickly restrained her emotions and stopped reminiscing. After all, her saliva was almost dry.

"Do you know how to cook it?" Root felt a little hungry, and the barbecued meat on his hand didn't taste like much. Nan Feng had used too many words to describe Chang Xia's fishball, river shrimp and stew, and even without eating them, Root seemed to smell the food.

Nan Feng stiffened and smiled sheepishly. "Father, you know my barbecue skills. You think I can make fish balls that complicated? But I'm sure Mother can."

The roast meat made by Nan Feng's Mother was very famous in the tribe.

Even the stew was highly regarded by the clansmen. Of course, this did not include Chang Xia.

"Go to the White River and catch a few of the black carps that Chang Xia mentioned. Later, let your mother try to make them. If it really works, I'll help Chang Xia exchange resin with her clansmen." Root glanced at Nan Feng. His beast child was good in every way, but she was stubborn.

This had been going on for years.

Root was worried sick that she couldn't find a male to marry.

He had scolded and nagged at her.

However, Nan Feng was unwilling to listen, so he could only drag it out. With Nan Feng as a comparison, Root immediately felt that Chang Xia was better in every way.

Being weak was nothing.

Even if she found a sick partner, she was still married.

He didn't know what would happen in the future, but he felt that Chang Xia's life was better now.

"Alright, leave the fishing to me." Nan Feng was extremely efficient.

It was rare that he did not nag. Nan Feng picked up the basket and walked out of the beast lair towards the White River.

At this moment.

The sky was already bright.

Smoke rose over the tribe.

The smells of various foods mixed together started a fresh day.

On the other side, Chen Rong led Chang Xia to the salt lake of Mount Kana. It was white and smelled strongly of salt.

There were no birds or flowers in the Salt Lake area.

Occasionally, a few big crooked trees grew. They were also withered and half-dead.

"This is the Salt Lake!" Chang Xia looked at the Salt Lake in front of her in shock. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was a lake. She looked up and could not see the edge of the Salt Lake.

No wonder Nan Feng had said that Salt Lake was a gift from the Beast God to the beasts.

The salt in this natural salt lake was enough for the beasts to eat for thousands of years.

"You've never come to Salt Lake to collect salt?" Chen Rong was surprised.

Chang Xia glared at Chen Rong and slid off his beast. "I used to be sick. The chief and Nan Feng didn't even dare let me walk out of the tribe. Do you think I can go to the salt lake to get salt?"

She had once been powerful.

Who knew that when she woke up, she wouldn't even be able to take a few steps out of the beast lair?

In the end, it was all because her body was too weak. All the powerful superpowers in her previous life were used to nourish her body. She had always been listless and half-dead.

Still, he had survived.

After crossing into adulthood, his body had stabilized.

With more exercise, in time, hunting and fishing would be a piece of cake.

"It's my fault." Chen Rong immediately apologized and told Chang Xia to rest while he went to get the salt. It was inconvenient to carry broken salt, so he picked out a large piece and placed it in the basket.

When he returned to the beast lair, he would crush it.

The salt crystals in the salt lake were pure and did not need to be filtered and purified. After being crushed and grounded, they could be eaten directly, which was very convenient for the beasts.

Salt Lake was located in the vicinity of Mount Kana, and the beasts were often patrolled.

Occasionally, the birds would come over to trade with the beasts. The fish race did not lack salt. However, the birds were arrogant, and the fish race was not bad either. Every time the two races interacted, it was a chaotic battle.

Over time.

The two races had less and less contact.

On the contrary, the relationship between the beast race and the two races was still considered harmonious.

The basket on their backs was half the height of a person, and there were more than 300 catties in the two baskets. There was no loss of salt, and hundreds of catties of salt were enough to fulfill the daily needs of the two of them.

Ordinary clansmen would also not take too much salt.

When salt was taken back to the tribe, it would easily get wet. On the other hand, it wouldn't get wet in the salt lake.

After taking the hundreds of kilograms of salt back to the beast lair, she had to think of a way to seal them. Once it was wet, the bottom would turn into salt water, which was troublesome.

"Isn't two baskets of salt a bit much, Chang Xia?" Chen Rong asked after a pause.

Even if he didn't have much common sense about life, he knew that a hundred kilograms of salt was a lot. He used to carry an animal skin bag on him when he went out and it could hold half a kilogram.

A hide bag could last ten days or half a month.

Chang Xia stacked the salt crystals in the basket and replied, "Don't worry. If we take more this time, we won't have to go over to pick up salt in the future. Besides, I plan to make pickled vegetables and pickled meat. They all need salt."

"Salt is damp and can spoil," Chen Rong reminded him.

"I'll find a way to seal it in a clay pot or something." Chang Xia frowned, wondering how best to preserve the salt.

Salt Lake was not far from the tribe, but it was not near either.

She didn't want her people to come over every few days to collect the salt. It was too much effort.

They collected the salt and prepared to return to the tribe.

However, before returning to the tribe.

Chang Xia still had to pick white fruit. Mount Kana had white fruit forests. However, Mount Kana was the shaman's territory. Unless the shaman asked, no beast would pick anything here.

Salt was a special case.

"Let's go to Elephant Peak Mountain," Chang Xia said as she waited for Chen Rong to secure the baskets before slowly climbing onto his beast body.

Elephant Peak was not far from Mount Saint Cana.

At the same time, it was also the territory of the Heluo Tribe. The white fruit trees that grew there were as dense and lush as Mount Kana. It was more convenient.