
Transmigrated Shadows

"Transmigrated Shadows" is an action-packed adventure that blends the realms of Street Fighter and the Marvel Comic Universe. Blake Bishop's journey explores the boundaries of his transmigrated abilities, as he battles The Hand's darkness with the power of Street Fighter, ultimately striving to restore balance and protect his newfound world from imminent destruction. I own the rights to the picture above. Updates for now will be *Friday-Sunday

Blu30Din · Action
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Chapter 37: Shadows Unleashed - The Dance of Darkness and Destiny

Mountains in China--- Ten Rings Headquarters

In the depths of the Ten Rings Headquarters, within a secluded room, the air crackles with anticipation. A young man, his head shaved clean, engages in a fierce sparring session with his two mentors. Death Dealer, newly resurrected, showcases his lethal skills, while a man fused with cybernetics named Hiro, known as Cyburai, observes keenly, pointing out flaws and weaknesses in his student's technique. The student, Temujin, the adopted son of the Mandarin, is a prodigious martial artist, but he harbors a sense of limitation, understanding that his human capabilities can only take him so far.

As the sparring intensifies, Hiro's memories wander back to a time when he, too, faced the constraints of his human form. He recalls how he was saved by Lord Tatsu'o, the head of Clan Tatsu, after the death of his father. It was then that Hiro was introduced to the potential of cybernetics, an avenue that would propel his skills to new heights.

Suddenly, the hairs on Hiro's neck stand on end, and he instinctively rolls forward, evading an attack from the shadows. Temujin halts the fight, while Death Dealer, recognizing the presence lurking in the darkness, assumes a defensive stance. Sensing the danger, Temujin also readies himself. The room falls silent, and all eyes fixate on the shadows as a tall figure emerges, standing at an imposing height of 6'6", with spiky black hair, black pants, an open black jacket, and a bare, muscular chest. An evil smile plays across his face as he surveys the room.

Addressing Hiro, the mysterious figure utters chilling words, "Congratulations are in order." Bewildered, Hiro questions the reason for the supposed congratulations. The figure, known as Evil Blake, responds with a taunting remark, revealing that Hiro is lucky that his body is not partially embedded in a wall. Before Hiro can formulate a response, Death Dealer steps forward, expressing his disdain for Evil Blake's sneak attack and vowing that luck will not be on his side in their next encounter.

Evil Blake's laughter reverberates through the room as he grabs his face and stomach, his body emitting a scorching red aura. The suffocating energy he exudes causes everyone to retreat, overwhelmed by its intensity. Locking eyes with Death Dealer, Evil Blake unveils a new name for his opponent, tauntingly referring to him as "Francis," a nod to his favorite movie. The room tenses, and Death Dealer challenges Evil Blake, questioning why he is allowing him to live despite his supposed power. Darkness suddenly engulfs the room, and Evil Blake's voice cuts through the blackness, revealing his true intention, "I'm not letting you live. I'm keeping you alive."

In the darkness, a rip is heard, accompanied by a blood-curdling scream. Before the situation escalates further, Elektra, with an air of authority, steps into the room, reminding Blake of the Mandarin's directive not to kill any of his own before the commencement of the tournament. The shadows recede, revealing the aftermath: Death Dealer lies on the ground, his arm broken and torn from his body, blood pooling around him.

As Blake emerges from the shadows, he announces that he will be present at the preliminaries and vanishes once more, with Elektra trailing behind him, their destination veiled by the darkness they embrace. Meanwhile, the Mandarin, observing the events unfold from his control room, contemplates the looming power of Blake and devises ways to maintain control, stroking his beard as thoughts of dominance and manipulation swirl within his mind.

In the depths of shadows and the flickering lights of intrigue, the pieces of a greater game fall into place, as Blake's enigmatic powers continue to evolve, while the machinations of the Mandarin seek to grasp hold of his untamed potential. The stage is set for the looming Tournament of the Nine Realms, where rivalries will ignite, alliances will be forged, and the destiny of all contenders will hang in the balance.