
Transmigrated Into the Violent Boss’ Little Mermaid

Jun Qingyu pursues a novel with a protagonist that strives on his own, from an ordinary person to a high position as a marshal. He suffered from an accident on the battlefield that only a mermaid can heal, but because the injury caused the protagonist to have a violent temperament, the mermaids refused to treat him. The protagonist’s family seized the opportunity to steal his token to start an interstellar war. The close friend of the protagonist kicked him when he was down. For a period of time, the protagonist became a target of public criticism. He was simply a model example of an unfortunate person with good looks and strong capability. Initially, the protagonist should have risen at this time and started a series of face-slapping in line but the author ran off in the end, leaving the novel incomplete and directly sentenced the protagonist to death. Jun Qingyu got so hung up over it that he dreamt of the protagonist of this book and after he woke up, he became a mermaid in that novel. Fu Yuanchuan didn’t know how many times he had stood by the mermaid pond. The little newborn mermaids in the pond were no more than the size of his palm. The mermaids rejected coming into contact with him very much. He looked at the pod of mermaids, who were originally close to the shore, quickly fleeing without any accident when he approached. The sound of taunts and jeers fell incessantly in his ear. ‘How can someone like him still dare to buy a mermaid?’ ‘If I were him, I would stay at home and wait for death instead of running around and scaring people.’ Fu Yuanchuan looked indifferent but when he was going to leave, he heard an exclamation. ‘What’s going on with that mermaid?’ Fu Yuanchuan looked down and saw a golden-tailed little mermaid struggling against the pod of mermaids to swim towards him. The little mermaid stopped when he was close to the shore. He raised his head and his golden eyes were full of his shadow. After a moment of silence, he crouched by the side of the mermaid pond and tried to dip his hand into the water…… The little mermaid did not flee. The little mermaid hugged his hand. The little mermaid kissed his finger. It was as if a beam of light had shone into the gloomy world, leading him back to the world. NOT MY NOVEL CAN BE FOUND ON FORESTNOVEL Author: Xian Sanqian

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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109 Chs

Chapter 41

Fu Yuanchuan took the juice from the little mermaid and raised his hand to remove the fallen leaves on the end of his hair. "Why are you here?"

"Come to pick you up from get off work." Jun Qingyu said with a smile.

Fu Yuanchuan opened the lid of the juice, thinking, it seemed that Xinghe was picked up for the first time.

Since childhood, no matter what the star does, he is always on the road.

It doesn't matter if you get used to this kind of thing.

But the little mermaid came today, Fu Yuanchuan's heart was slightly warm, he touched the little mermaid's slightly cool cheek, and asked, "How long have you waited?"

Jun Qingyu didn't remember the time, and said casually: "It didn't take long, you came right after you got off the car."

"Go home first."


However, just a few steps away, Marshal Todice's voice came from behind.

"Marshal Fu, do you have time to talk carefully about today's proposal to start a war with the Zerg?"

Jun Qingyu keenly picked out important information from this sentence.

As he expected, the leader of the empire would find something plausible to spend people.

One robot was exposed, and the rest was discovered only by star time. There were many nights and dreams, and the longer it dragged on, the more unfavorable the situation was against the imperial leader.

Zhixing...inexplicably proposes to start a war with the Zerg, Xing's brain is in the water and there is nothing to do, but is he still cooperating with the Zerg?

The previous few things have been implicated with the Zerg, this kind of main star, the position of the heart of the empire, can have the Zerg also star on the lively and bustling street.

There must be a problem.

Marshal Todice stepped forward and glanced at Jun Qingyu next to Fu Yuanchuan. He had seen this person and nodded. He turned to Fu Yuanchuan and said, "The Zerg has been quite quiet recently, and nothing major has happened. Suddenly It's about to go to war. Isn't it okay to look for trouble?"

To say what the Zerg has done, or what new type of weapon has been developed to wipe out all the Zerg in one fell swoop, there is nothing wrong with going to war.

But there's nothing here. I'm going to fight with my mouth open. Don't talk about him, the other marshals are also confused.

Marshal Todice had a guessing direction down the star, "You said, the star is not related to the previous...?"

At the gate, there were many people with mixed eyes. Marshal Todice automatically silenced when he talked about it. Fu Yuanchuan also saw the robot. He didn't know it, but he could guess it.

Fu Yuanchuan shook his head, "It's hard to say, don't intervene in this piece in advance, and see how he will go next."

The best solution is Xing Cold Treatment.

The leaders of the empire are still only proposing, and when the proposal is over, it becomes mandatory, and then only needs to consider what to do.

Until then, the stars are still watching the changes.

Marshal Todice frowned, "No more discussing it?" I felt that this matter was too stark to think about countermeasures.

Fu Yuanchuan understood the character of the leader of the empire. There was indeed no need to analyze this matter, but Marshal Todice had spoken.

Fu Yuanchuan had no choice but to say: "If you have something to do today, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Given the disposition of the leader of the empire, this matter will not be followed for a while, and it does not matter if it is delayed for a while.

"Something?" Marshal Todice understood as soon as he heard it. "That's it, then you go and go, do you need my help?"

Although I don't know what's the matter with the star, it's certainly not a small thing to let Fu Yuanchuan call it a "thing".

Maybe Star has any plans in private.

After hearing the words, Fu Yuanchuan knew that Marshal Todice wanted to be crooked, and he thought about it for a while and said: "It's not a big deal. Someone in the family is cooking and waiting for me to go back to eat."

Marshal Todice: "???"

Marshal Todice, who was waiting to analyze the battle, felt like he was hit.

The brain is buzzing.

What did I do wrong when I was single?

Fu Yuanchuan didn't realize what was wrong with what he said, he was only stating the facts.

After speaking, when Marshal Todice stopped talking, he took the little mermaid and said hello: "Let's go."


Shi Kaixin delivered the cake to the villa, put it on the table and left, and did not dare to leave it more.

This shows that Xing has thought about the world of two people. What is it for him to stay.

When Jun Qingyu and the others returned home, Shi Kaixin would have run away long ago.

The cake was placed on the table quietly, even the packaging was not opened.

Jun Qingyu walked over, took down the outer packaging and threw it away.

"Bought a cake?"

"I made it myself." Jun Qingyu said: "I also made a box cake. Can you try it?"

The cake needs candles for a while to make a wish, but you can eat some box cakes first.

I got three boxes in total. The first box contained a lot of fruits, and I left it for Fu Yuanchuan.

Fu Yuanchuan was not interested in sweets, but would not refuse the cake made by the little mermaid. After a bite, the cream of the cake was not obvious. On the contrary, the amount of star fruit was sufficient, which was in line with his taste.

"good to eat."

Jun Qingyu said: "After eating, I change into my pajamas. I'll get something else. I'll be able to eat in a while."

When Fu Yuanchuan saw that Xiaoyu was going to cook, the Little Mermaid had always been interested in cooking, and he didn't think anything was wrong.

Help him take off the mask on his face, and told him: "Use a knife to cut, don't use a big knife, remember to wear an apron."

"I know." Jun Qingyu has always promised Duxing with pleasure.

After the exhortations, Fu Yuanchuan Huanxing was not at ease, "What do you want to cut, I will cut it for you before leaving."

"No, I don't touch the knife." Jun Qingyu wanted to make a table of dishes by himself, how could he let Fu Yuanchuan help.

He pushed Fu Yuanchuan toward the elevator, "Go, go, you go upstairs and stay for a while."

Following Xiaoyu's strength, he walked a few steps forward, walked into the elevator, and when he closed the elevator door, he still couldn't help saying: "I have something to call me."

"it is good."

There are not many things, and there are some semi-finished products prepared in advance.

Only the two of them ate, and Jun Qingyu didn't make a lot of it. It was too much to waste. Eating overnight is not good for your health.

The cake is placed in the middle, with a circle of vegetables on both sides, the meat and vegetable match looks good.

After getting it right, Jun Qingyu took out his brain and sent a message to Fu Yuanchuan.

As a result, as soon as you open it, you can see the top information.

Fu Yuanchuan: [Can I go down? ]

The star was sent two minutes ago.

Maybe Xing didn't get an answer, and Fu Yuanchuan didn't come down.

Jun Qingyu quickly replied: [Okay, come down. ]

Fu Yuanchuan must know what he wanted to do underneath, so he didn't come down specially, otherwise, it would take so long to change his clothes.

Sure enough, not long after the news was sent, there was movement on the elevator side.

Jun Qingyu hurriedly closed the curtains in the kitchen. The electric curtains were operated by voice.

When it gets dark, it feels good to look at the candles again.

The orange-yellow soft light looks very warm.

After closing the curtains, he ran to the elevator door to wait for someone.

Fu Yuanchuan, who changed into his pajamas, didn't have that fierce aura, but rather a little soft at home.

Jun Qingyu stepped forward and hugged his arm, smiled and said, "Let's go, go eat."

This time is actually a bit embarrassing. Lunch is a bit late, and dinner is a bit early.

But who made him do it this time.

"it is good."

Walking into the kitchen, it was dim, only the candles on the cake were shining.

Fu Yuanchuan was startled slightly, "This star birthday cake?"

There is no word like "Happy Birthday" written on the cake, and the stars are piled up with fruits.

It is no different from ordinary fruit cake.

"Yes, today is your birthday." Jun Qingyu sat across from Fu Yuanchuan, "Although it doesn't look like a birthday cake, it's like that with candles in it."

When Jun Qingyu made it, he had seen how the birthday cakes of the interstellar age looked like stars. Many of them were used to support the scene with three to five stars.

The two of them couldn't finish eating, so Jun Qingyu simplified it a bit.

"My birthday?" Fu Yuanchuan didn't even remember when his birthday star.

It seems that he has never had a birthday.

Jun Qingyu nodded and said, "Make a wish, blow the candles, the melted candles will flow onto the cake."

Although all star edible candles are used, it does not mean that the taste will be good. The candles are star candles.

Fu Yuanchuan looked at the little mermaid's bright eyes reflected by the candle fire, his heartbeat speeded up, he closed his eyes and said softly, "Okay."

He didn't ask how the little mermaid knew his birthday, just like he wouldn't ask about other secrets of the little mermaid.

After making a wish, blow out the candles.

Jun Qingyu turned on the light, "Let's eat, save the cake until the end."

Cake star desserts, you can't eat while eating.


Jun Qingyu ate a lot of fruits in the dessert shop and also ate the cake box. He is not very hungry now, but he still ate some with Fu Yuanchuan.

Fu Yuanchuan hasn't eaten yet at noon.

After eating, Jun Qingyu vacated the table and put the cake again.

Looking at the cake, Jun Qingyu took a deep breath, "Now it's the most ritual link."

"Cut the cake?"

"Almost." Jun Qingyu handed him the knife that specializes in cutting cakes, "Birthday star will cut it."

Fu Yuanchuan handed the first piece to the little mermaid.

The cut for myself is not that big, just a small piece.

Jun Qingyu took the fork, not in a hurry to eat the cake, but kept looking at Fu Yuanchuan, "Is it delicious?"

"good to eat."

Jun Qingyu nodded, "As long as you like it."

Fu Yuanchuan ate a small piece of cake very slowly, probably because Xing was full.

Seeing Fu Yuanchuan put down his fork after eating the cake, Jun Qingyu quickly said, "Look at what you ate, the face is full of cream."

"Face?" Fu Yuanchuan touched it with his hands subconsciously.

But I didn't feel the cream.

Jun Qingyu shook his head, "Well, it's not right, there Xing."


Seeing that Fu Yuanchuan couldn't find the position several times, Jun Qingyu got up and walked over.

Fu Yuanchuan thought that Xing was about to rub cream and was about to talk, but noticed that the little mermaid's hands were a little wrong.

Jun Qingyu approached carefully, and when he got close, he stretched out his hand behind his back.

There was very little cream on the cake, and Jun Qingyu did not intend to spoil the cake, so he prepared some cream in advance.

Taking advantage of Fu Yuanchuan's carelessness, he quickly reached out and wiped Fu Yuanchuan's face. He didn't make too much, almost two fingers.

Fu Yuanchuan paused, the feeling of rubbing this cream on his face was obvious.

Jun Qingyu blinked at him innocently.

The eyes of the two met for a moment.

Jun Qingyu turned his head and ran.

There was a squeak behind him, like the sound of a star chair's legs rubbing against the ground.

Jun Qingyu hurriedly ran in the direction of the elevator, sensing someone approaching, the elevator door opened automatically, and was about to step in, but he felt a huge momentum behind him pushing him in.

"Huh——?!" Jun Qingyu exclaimed briefly, and when he recovered, he was already leaning against the innermost side of the elevator.

And Fu Yuanchuan was standing in front of him blocking his way.

When Jun Qingyu raised his head, he saw the hand on the side of his cheek.

Jun Qingyu, who is imprisoned between Fu Yuanchuan and the elevator, is weak and innocent.