The internet always caution against preordering games... The MC didn't listen, therefore, punishment followed. As for where the punishment happens, well, in the Sanctuary world of Diablo IV, of course!
[For salvaging materials from items my clients provide, I usually charge five gold coins for common items, 10 for magic items, 25 for rare, and... I guess that's all that matters to you temporarily. Since I'll buy the items from you, I won't charge you the gold coins, and I'll buy the items in exchange for twice the usual materials you can salvage. How does that sound?](Zivek)
There wasn't much to think about, so Michael agreed happily, thanking the Blacksmith.
[No need to thank me. You're lucky that all of your items are not Class-restricted. As for level restrictions, yours are pretty decent. That way, Boza can make the most of the items. Here's a list of how much you could salvage from the items in your inventory.](Zivek)
Michael received a prompt that Zivek wanted to share an interface.
What greeted him was indeed a list of the items in his inventory and what materials he would gain after salvaging them.
[ Cruel Two-Handed Scythe - 2 Iron Chunks
Insulating Threads - 1 Rawhide
Harmonius Buckler - 2 Rawhide + 2 Iron chunks
Wise Outsider Pants - 2 Rawhide
Wise Two-Handed Sword - 2 Iron Chunks + 2 Silver ores
Fundamental Broadsword - 2 Iron Chunks
Wise Strider's Crown - 2 Rawhide
Determined Targe - 2 Iron Chunks + 1 Rawhide
Executing Shortsword - 2 Iron chunks
Focused Aprentice's Wand - 1 Iron Chunk
Dark Strider's Tunic - 2 Rawhide
Choker of Penance - 2 Iron Chunks
Wise Scythe - 4 Iron Chunks + 2 Silver Ores
Under Horde's Strider's Leggings - 1 Rawhide
Determined Outsider's Gloves - 2 Rawhide
Evasive Strider's Leggings - 1 Rawhide + 1 Superior Leather
Wise Fiendish Folio - 1 Iron Chunk + 1 Silver Ore
Harmonius Basic Greatword - 4 Iron Chunks + 2 Silver Ores
Brutal Makeshift Wand - 1 Iron Chunk + 1 Silver Ore
Remedial Pants - 1 Rawhide + 1 Superior Leather
Simple Dagger - 2 Iron Chunks
Riposting Boot Blade - 2 Iron Chunks
Brutal Simple Crossbow - 2 Iron Chunks
Harmonious Simple Dagger - 1 Iron Chunk
Fundamental Makeshift Wand - 1 Iron Chunk
Brutal Boot Blade - 1 Iron Chunk
Guarding Outsider's Pants - 2 Rawhide
Harmonius Strider's Tunic - 1 Rawhide
Efficient Outsider's Boots - 2 Rawhide + 1 Superior Leather
Harmonius Strider's Handwraps - 1 Rawhide + 1 Superior Leather
Harmonius Buckler - 2 Rawhide + 1 Superior Leather + 2 Iron Chunks ]
Looking at the long list, Michael was surprised to see a crossbow. After checking his inventory, there was indeed a crossbow in there; however, it was Class-restricted to Rogue.
Shrugging, Michael made mental calculations, and the numbers he gained after multiplying the resources by two were pretty to look at.
"So that makes it up to 72 Iron Chunks, 46 Rawhide, 16 Silver Ores, and 10 Superior Leather?"
[That sounds about right. Your calculus skills are not bad at all, brat.](Zivek)
"Thank you, Sir! Oh, right. I wanted to check something with you as well."
Michael checked the inventory holding his materials and shared it with Zivek.
[ 6 Blightshade
2 Lifesbane
13 Gallowvine
5 Biteberry
2 Reddamine
1 Howler Moss
2 Veiled Crystals ]
[You're pretty poor, brat! Hahaha! However, since you just started, it's not bad at all. I'm guessing you got most of them from Dungeons and Quests, right?](Zivek)
"Yes, Quests. I gained two Caches, and most of the materials in the inventory are from there. I was able to collect some more from the wilderness, but it's hard to keep an eye out for herbs while worrying that you might get ambushed by monsters."
[It's not a bad idea. You can also trade and buy what you need from other Wanderers, though most charge high prices for the same reason you mentioned. As for item materials, I think you can guess the best method. Let me give you a hint: it's not mining.](Zivek)
Seeing the middle-aged man laughing so vigorously, Michael smiled as well.
"Clearing Dungeons and killing monsters for items, I guess."
[Correct. Then, you come to me and salvage the items you don't need. Don't think that the materials I gave you were few. The higher the level and the rarity of the item, the more I can salvage from them. So, for higher level and higher rarity items, you'll get even more. Now, what was your question? I got more hammering to do.](Zivek)
"Those two Veiled Crystals. Are they also crafting materials?"
[Correct. In simple terms, all Rare or above items will need Veiled Crystals. Be it to create or upgrade them, and in a similar manner, every salvaged rare item generates at least a Veiled Crystal if you're lucky.](Zivek)
Thanking the Blacksmith for the information and helping him empty his inventory of trash, Michael left while pondering his next course of action.
Leaving the city was out of the conversation, as it was already pretty late. Furthermore, with his luck during the item boxes unwrapping session, there was no reason to tempt fate this early.
Unable to decide, the Necromancer returned to the Sleepy Peaks Inn, where he grabbed a quick bite, ' washed up' with a Cleaning Marble, and changed his clothes.
'It seems that my wardrobe is impressively lacking. Since I want to take Helen out on a date, maybe we can also buy some clothes for myself. I'll see what suggestions she has.'
Changed into his less worn clothes, Michael bade farewell to Raskya, who scolded him for spending money on a room in her inn but sleeping outside so often.
Unfortunately for her, Michael was pretty rich, given his level, so he wasn't bothered by spending this amount of spare change.
Of course, all this conversation took place in his mind. If he dared talk back to the hostess, she would nag for at least half an hour to an hour on how wasteful he was.
Finally escaping the frightening hostess, Michael made his way toward the Pink Palace. With the time he wasted, it was already around 7 PM, and given how there was no nightlife in the Sanctuary, it was an adequate time for dinner.
'Since I promised a feast, I must keep my word. However, I can't cook too much or make dishes too heavy on the stomach. I doubt that would be a problem for Wanderers, but it's good to at least show interest in helping them maintain their silhouettes. So, I need a tasty dish that doesn't take too long to cook but can also be made in higher quantities.'
Thinking of the bachelor's favorite breakfast/lunch/dinner, Michael wondered if he had all the needed ingredients to make a decent pizza.
'Meat, I have plenty of options to choose from. Vegetables that can enhance the taste, there are plenty to decide between. Making the dough should be the easiest part. For the sauce...'
While contemplating the recipe, Michael made it to the girls' house. He only stopped a few seconds by the pavilion, where he saw Mina and Helen playing with the other girls.
Realizing that the issues with the dead Monk and the noble should've been at least temporarily solved, he chose not to ask or linger in the area. Instead, he headed for the kitchen under the eyes of the salivating pretty beasts.
[Big sis, is Michael going to cook for us!?](Mia)
[Mhm. He said he would earlier today when you were out talking with Master Oswen.](Helen)
[I wonder if it will be a new dish.](Tia)
[It doesn't matter! Michael's food tastes amazing!](Evelyn)
[What's the occasion, though?](Hella)
[I think he's feeling guilty.](Mina)
Four pairs of eyes turned to Helen, after which the tigress's pretty eyes also turned to Mina in confusion.
[Big sis! Did he cheat on you already!?](Tia)
A loud 'BONK' reverberated through the garden, making the other girls giggle. Tia really wasn't afraid of saying what was on her mind.
[When would he have time to do that? And where? In Dungeons with Revenants and Skeletons?](Helen)
[That's true....](Tia)
[So? Mina?](Helen)
[Silly girl. All men have an ego. Do you think it's easy for him to come and ask favors almost daily?](Mina)
[But... it's not his fault. Also, since he gets Preferential Treatment...](Helen)
[We'll get back to that later! Anyway, all situations this far were pretty easy to solve. Heaven knows what sort of trouble he would've stirred up if left to his own devices. Neither the nobles nor Prava are easy to deal with.](Helen)
[You see it like that because it's something trivial for you. On his end, though, it looks like you helped him out of troublesome situations many times in a row. Anyone would feel pressured.](Mina)
[I say... do you think we should do him a couple more favors?](Hella)
[If we do him more favors, wouldn't he just move here and cook for us daily?](Hella)
[That's brilliant!](Evelyn)
[You girls...](Mina)
[If that won't work, can't we just give him big sister Mina on top of big sister Helen? That way, he surely can't get away.](Tia)
Looking at the loudmouth that even dared to poke fun at Mina, all the girls were speechless.
Furthermore, Mina's face was a bright shade of red, surprising the others. Just then, Helen snorted with schadenfreude.
[Who asked you to peek when he was in the bathroom? Furthermore, you even dared to look when we returned to the bedroom! Serves you right!](Helen)
Just as chaos exploded in the pavilion, a small commotion happened in the kitchen as well, right after Michael declared that he would teach them a new recipe.
It was to be expected, but the staff was very professional and quickly identified the ingredients he needed, and if they couldn't, a replacement was found immediately.
A small team prepared the meat after being cut into small cubes or short strips, while a separate group prepared vegetables like red onions, mushrooms, bell peppers, and olives.
'Every decent chef has helpers... Now for the sauce.'
As tomatoes were still well preserved due to magic, he instructed the ladies to prepare two sauces according to his instructions.
The first sauce was sweet, while the second was spicy.
"Now, put everything in the oven. The same thing as before applies. You can modify the dimensions as well as the toppings however you please. After waiting for a while longer, you can take them out, put the cheese on, and then put them back in the oven. Let me know if you have any questions."
Seeing how seriously the girls were paying attention, with some even taking notes, the Necromancer was caught between laughter and tears.
Even something like pizza was given this much importance!
Leaving the kitchen to the staff's capable hands, Michael returned to the pavilion with some freshly made fruit smoothies.
[You're back already?](Helen)
"Mhm. The girls in the kitchen can handle the rest. I've brought refreshments."
Michal watched as the girls took a glass each. What was strange was the way they were looking at him.
Wishing he had a mirror in case something was on his face, the Necromancer turned to Helen for answers.
[Ignore them. They've been staying home too long and are starting to get loony.](Helen)
[Why? If Mina is not enough, we can also throw big sis Aylin in the mix.](Tia)
Two smacks followed, one from Helen and one from Mina. The bratty Tia was almost in tears, looking very wronged.
When he was about to ask what was happening, he remembered how much the girl liked to stir up trouble, so he decidedly dropped the matter.
[Ignore her. I already talked with the mayor about the ossuary situation. He will take charge to alleviate the nobles' anger, so you don't need to worry about problems flowing your way. The nobles decided to guard the Hallowed Ossuary on their own, so this issue is their fault entirely. As for the Dungeon, the City Guards will take over it. Boza is already planning to visit it tomorrow with the recruits.](Helen)
"That's great to hear. Thank you, Helen."
[I also talked with Prava. She was very displeased and will head tomorrow to speak directly to the one in charge of the local church. She also wanted me to let you know that you won't be able to visit Yelesna for the time being as there was a collapse in the mines. They are working on repairing the damage caused, so they cannot invest time or resources in a 'demonic wild-goose chase.' Her words, not mine.](Mina)
"Hmm... Thank you, Mina. While I think it's a bad idea to postpone the investigation - especially when Lilith might be involved - I can use the time in between to level up faster."
[Faster? You're already closing in to my level...](Evelyn)
"Isn't that a good thing? The sooner I reach your level, the faster we can party and do Quests together."
[Eh... let's wait until you're closer to Tia, Mia, and Hella's levels. We can go then. I don't think I can handle Preferential Treatment with just the two of us...](Evelyn)
The group laughed and chatted until the servant girls brought the freshly baked pizza to the pavilion.
Obviously, any trace of conversation disappeared, as all eyes were focused on the trays holding the delightful aroma.