The internet always caution against preordering games... The MC didn't listen, therefore, punishment followed. As for where the punishment happens, well, in the Sanctuary world of Diablo IV, of course!
An awfully strange scene could be seen northeast of Kyovashad if one crossed the wilderness.
Cursing could be heard, but even the monsters in the area weren't sure where it was coming from. If one focused enough, they could hear the murmurings.
"...stupid leech of an old man! That's what happens when you let someone hold a monopoly over the entire business! Ridiculously greedy bastard!"
The voice came from a Necromancer riding a reddish-brown horse while his body moved at high speeds through the almost empty wilderness.
While Michael did indeed obtain the horse, looking at the small marble ring on his left hand, he couldn't help but curse again.
"10,000 gold coins per month, and I don't even own the horse!? What kind of stupid logic is that!? Furthermore, if the horse dies, the marble ring gets shattered, and I need to buy one again, which also costs another 10,000 gold coins. That man is the reincarnation of Ebony Scrooge."
As it turns out, he couldn't sign a contract to buy the horse due to his weak soul, so he had to use a substitute. Ergo, the ring.
Oskar had patiently explained much about what he needed to keep in mind while traveling with the horse but didn't do as much as a hint about where they were coming from.
It was obvious they weren't normal horses as their intelligence was amazingly high, and their speed was utterly ridiculous.
'A rough estimate puts its normal trotting speed at around 60 km/h, while after curiously pushing it to its utmost, it's at least double that. But it can't maintain that speed for more than three to four seconds and needs at least five to ten minutes before it can do it again. A great asset to lose someone or something from your trail.'
Looking at the suspicious Wraiths and Phantom Soldiers he passed by, he understood the implications of 'attracts less attention,' which Oskar meant.
'The horsie's aggro range is really small. Unless you literally run over some monster group, they wouldn't even bother with you even if they see you. For one, there's the difference in speed, which these poor wretches couldn't hope to match. Then, there's also the strangeness of the horses themselves.*Sigh* I don't have enough intel, so more experiments are needed before reaching a conclusion. For now, the goal is Level 50!'
Michael wasn't interested in walking again after experiencing a speed that was incomparable to his own, even after almost reaching 200 points in Strength and Dexterity.
What was annoying was paying 10,000 gold coins per month to that greedy bastard!
That's why he planned two things.
'First, I need to finish 13 more Dungeons. According to Helen, repeating the same Dungeon doesn't matter, so I should be able to grind up to the number of 25 needed before reaching Level 50. That way, my Codex of Power would upgrade once more. Second is the level itself, and for that, I need both Quests and Dungeons, as well as making proper use of Elixirs.'
As the Necromancer's plans kept changing, he passed from one place to the next on his way to the Quest Marker.
What he thought would take at least 4-5 hours turned out to be about only one due to the horse's high speed. There were some interesting things he noticed on his way to Kor Valar, like, for example, the different types of monsters appearing in the wilderness the further away from Kyovashad he got.
Then, there was the exploration part, as he got more and more renown for discovering new parts of Fractured Peaks he hadn't been to before.
'Helen said it was around this area... Let's see...'
If he was going on an exploration mission, he could as well make use of his girlfriend's knowledge.
As he bypassed the Ice Tribe goatmen while scouting the area, he finally found it.
[You can find one outpost on your way to Kor Valar. It also has a Waypoint. It's the home of a very courageous tribe. It wouldn't be bad if you could gain their approval and have them fight against the demons with us. Their names are...](Helen)
[ New area discovered: Bear Tribe Refuge (+20 Fractured Peaks Renown). ]
Looking at the open gates, which stood unguarded, Michael experienced a strange Nevesk deja vu but calmed down upon hearing the voices of two people talking, as well as a child crying.
[You seem to be going out more often lately, Uflrim. Didn't your wife just give you a son? You're risking too much out there in the cold.](?)
[I can take the cold outside, so long as it's quiet...](Ulfrim)
On cue, the cries of a small child reverberated through the area, making Michael amazed at the incredible lung capacity.
Trying hard to maintain a poker face, the Necromancer dismounted and walked by the talking friends after nodding to them in greeting.
The duo nodded back but didn't even bother asking who the stranger was. Such was the nature of the Sanctuary, with all the Wanderers moving about.
He quickly located the Waypoint and activated his imprint on it. Now, he could return faster to Kyovashad if needed.
The Bear Tribe was incredibly active and didn't wear many clothes on them. It wasn't as if they were naked, but their clothes and equipment seemed made out of furs rather than the normal type of things you can find in the cities.
There was also the sound of weapons colliding with training dummies he heard in Kyovasahd after helping Boza with the recruits. Looking curiously in that direction, he got a flirting grin back from one of the women supervising the training.
[Put more force into it, Sadr! You're using a mace, not a sword.](?)
[Too much sitting inside... I think I'm getting fat, Oleth.](Sadr)
[Less talking, more hitting.](Oleth)
Nodding at the woman watching him like a lion stalking prey, Michael awkwardly turned away and walked toward one of the two big blue exclamation marks on the MAP.
[ Side Quest - Shattered Tribe (Level 33+)
Description: Pay tribute to the Bear Tribe with a show of strength. ]
Walking toward the woman, Sena, who was engaged in a heated conversation with another man, the Necromancer stepped more roughly on the snow in order to draw their attention.
Helen already told him what to do to get the attention of the tribe members, so he calmly asked the woman.
"Hello. Glory to your warriors! If I may ask, how can I meet your Chieftain?"
[Wanderer? *Scoffs* You want an audience with our Chieftain?](Sena)
"Mhm. There are some things I must discuss with him."
[Then earn it. Slay our enemies. Hunt the khazra of the Ice Clan who stalk this mountain. Break their bodies and bring their shattered bones back as a tribute. Then, maybe, the Chieftain will acknowledge you.](Sena)
The Bear Tribe members returned to their conversation, ignoring the baffled Necromancer.
It went a bit differently than what Helen told him it would. Instead of accepting a Quest and meeting the Chieftain, it looked like he would have to complete the Quest before being granted the opportunity.
Shrugging, he frowned and walked to the next Quest marker. This Quest was a bit stranger.
[ Side Quest - Hammer of the Champion (Level 45+)
Description: Retrieve a fabled weapon from the Rimescar Cavern. ]
The Quest wasn't restricted to that level, but rather, it suggested one should be at least Level 45 before attempting it.
Reaching the marker, he saw a man overseeing a pile of bones and skulls, obviously belonging to the goatmen he encountered on his way here.
'It looks like there's a steep rivalry between these two. If I can kill some, I can get in their good books.'
"Hello. Glory to your warriors! How fares the tribe?"
[Hmm? A Wanderer? I am Greganoch. As always! Strong bodies, strong hearts! Our purpose remains clear, but... our spirits are low. Baltrok, the Chieftain's champion, was recently slain. Now the khazra are in possession of his weapon, the fabled Grizzly's Maul.](Greganoch)
"My condolences for your loss. I'm certain he was able to bring many enemies down with him. Can I help in any way?"
[*Sigh* It is difficult to ask this of an outsider. Please reclaim the hammer from those foul beasts. Leaving it in their hands is an affront to our fallen champion. He was last seen being dragged into a cavern in Malnok.](Greganoch)
Michael watched as the Sanctuary rewarded him with yet another Quest, though his face didn't show an ounce of happiness.
[ New Quest issued - Hammer of the Champion
Objective: Enter the Rimescar Cavern and retrieve the Grizzly's Maul.
Warning: Stronghold must be conquered first.
Description: Greganoch of the Bear Tribe has asked you to reclaim the Grizzly's Maul. The tribe's champion, who wielded the weapon, was taken to Rimescar Cavern.
You must reconquer Malnok before completing the Quest. ]
Remembering how difficult Nostrava's Stronghold Event was, Michael winced at the thought of fighting alone in a Quest where the Sanctuary advised at least 10+ levels above his own.
More information was needed before attempting it.
"Tell me of this hammer. It seems very important to your tribe."
[Mhm. It is. The Grizzly's Maul is from a time when we lived on Mount Areat... a time when the children of Bul-Kathos carried it into battle against the demons that lay siege to the land.](Greganoch)
Hearing the name of the Barbarian King, Michael shuddered. Bul-Kathos was a name he remembered from the lore he read about Diablo II, even if he didn't get to play the game.
An ancient ruler that unified the barbarian tribes and fought the demons valiantly. For all Barbarians, to say the blood of the King runs through their veins represented utmost honor.
[You seem to have heard the legends.](Greganoch)
"A mighty King who shall forever be remembered. Does this weapon, the Grizzly's Maul, have a connection with him?"
[That's what the stories say. However, it's more of a tradition for us. Our ancestors always reclaimed it whenever the wielder fell, just as we do now. Baltok, our fallen champion, even though wounded, refused to let the Grizzly's Maul leave his hands as he was dragged away.](Greganoch)
"A warrior worthy of wielding such a fabled weapon. What about Malnok? What can you tell me about it?"
[Malnok was a settlement before the khazra sorcerers emerged from the mountain. Now, goatmen congregate there in large numbers. I've seen firsthand the foul magic they practice.](Greganoch)
"It looks like retrieving the weapon without dealing with them first will be tricky."
[Indeed. You must shatter the khazra before you can seek the Grizzly's Maul. Many have tried, but none have yet succeeded.](Greganoch)
"I'll see what I can do. I'm in no rush to greet death yet, so I will take my time dealing with them."
[That's fine, Wanderer.](Greganoch)
Pondering while looking at the pile of bones and skulls adorned on a tall wooden pillar, Michael's curiosity peaked.
"What of the trophies behind you?"
[We display these trophies to honor the ancients and guide their wisdom to us. The skulls remind me that death is always close at hand... theirs or your own.](Greganoch)
"What about that empty spot at the top?"
[That? *Sigh* There is one skull I'm saving that place for: that of a goatmen we've named Kauller the Collector. It hunts north of here, openly feasting on our fallen.](Greganoch)
"A named monster? I see."
[Kauller has challenged us. Were you to bring me its damned ugly head, you would gain great favor with the tribe.](Greganoch)
"I'm sure that won't be easy, seeing that the place you're saving is still empty. Tell me about this Kauller."
[The beast stands atop a mount of gore... Our Chieftain has forbidden any further attempts from our warriors to claim the kill.](Greganoch)
"Many have fallen to it, from the looks of it."
[Indeed. Be careful if you venture there. It's not an easy opponent.](Greganoch)
And sure enough, he found a way to meet this Chieftain through this Kauller.
[ Quest issued - The Beast's Challenge
Objective: Find Kauller the Collector
Description: You must slay Kauller the Collector and bring its skull back to the Bear Tribe. In doing so, you will gain their recognition and be granted a meeting with the Chieftain. ]
Getting back on his horse, Michael continued his travels to Kor Valar. The Main Quest took priority, as there wasn't anything too urgent with the Side Quests he got from the Bear Tribe.
The distance wasn't far, as he already covered most of it. In a matter of twenty or so minutes, he reached a bridge guarded by two watchtowers.
Calmly guiding his horse forward, he reached a large gate.
[State your business!](Knight Penitent)
"Reverend Mother Prava expects me."
[Your name?](Knight Penitent)
[Open the gates! You can find her inside.](Knight Penitent)