
Transmigrated into the pokemon world

A_planarity · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 37

27th March 1021

Great Linkins forest, a few days after the incident.

Daniel and his pokemon could be seen fighting a group of scythers.

He had come back to the forest after the fire died down.

Mankey and teddiursa just had a training session and were resting, watching the others fight the group of scythers. The pokemon had grown a lot from before.


Pokemon: Mankey

Ability: Defiant

Tera type: Fighting

Stage: Rookie

Moves: Counter, Curse, Spite, Scratch, Leer, Focus energy, Covet, Fury swipes, Low kick, Seismic toss, Swagger, Rock smash, Karate chop, Swagger, Tera blast

Mastery: Fighting 47%, Normal 21%, Ghost 10%


Pokemon: Teddiursa

Ability: Pickup

Tera type: Normal

Stage: Rookie

Moves: Counter, Fury cutter, Metal claw, Scratch, Lick, Covet, Fling, Baby doll eyes, Fury swipes, Payback, Sweet scent, Slash, Play nice, Play rough, Charm, Rest, Snore, Thrash, Fling, Swift, Tera blast

Mastery: Normal 48%, Fighting 12%, Bug 2%, Steel 2%, Ghost 1%, Dark 8%, Fairy 6%

Both peak rookie rank pokemon were resting beside Daniel and would only intervine if the scythers got close to them. 

Pawmi, now ready to evolve anytime charged at one of the scythers he previously paralyzed with spark.


Pokemon: Pawmi

Ability: Iron fist

Tera type: Electric

Stage: Rookie

Moves: Fake out, Mach punch, Wish, Scratch, Growl, Thunder shock, Quick attack, Charge, Nuzzle, Dig, Bite, Spark, Thunder wave, Slam, Discharge, Tera blast, Agility

Mastery: Electric 49%, Fighting 28%, Normal 16%, Ground 3%, Dark 3%


"Pawmi retreat behind charcadet." Daniel commanded as he saw how the scythers, some paralyzed and some burned, were about to surround pawmi. Pawmi did as he was told and went behind charcadet who was busy burning or attacking the scythers from a distance. Some of the scythers grouped up and charged at charcadet.

"Prepare for the big attack."

Charcadet knowing what that meant, charcadet channeled a large amount of power in his body to unleash his attack.


Pokemon: Charcadet

Ability: Flash fire

Tera type: Fire

Stage: Rookie

Moves: Leer, Ember, Astonish, Clear smog, Fire spin, Will-o-wisp, Night shade, Flame Charge, Incinerate, Tera blast

Mastery: Fire 49%, Normal 18%, Ghost 10%, Poison 2%


Daniel threw a black orb in charcadet's direction that enveloped it in white crystals. The crystals broke away, revealing a crystallized charcadet with a tera crystal on his head that resembled a bunch of candles.

Energy got channeled through the tera crystal transforming charcadets attack. The tera crystal resonated with the attack as charcadet spewed a large stream of fire in the direction of the approaching scythers.

Move- Tera blast: A strong special normal type move. If the user has terastallized, it unleashes energy of its tera type. This move inflicts damage using the attack or special attack stat, whichever is higher.

Not expecting such a move from a rookie pokemon, the scythes were caught off guard, causing one of them to directly faint while the others retreated. Their hasty retreat caused them to group up in a small area.

"Now time for the new move."

For the entire training session, Daniel was focused on teaching rockruff a new move. The succeeded not long ago.


Pokemon: Rockruff

Ability: Keen eye

Tera type: Rock

Stage: Advance

Moves: Tackle, Leer, Sand attack, Bite, Howl, Rock throw, Odor sleuth, Rock tomb, Roar, Quick attack, Tera blast, Rock slide

Mastery: Rock 60%, Normal 44%, Ground 12%, Dark 14%


Rockruff channeled a large amount of rock energy to materialize a large number of rocks above himself. He commanded the rocks to fall on the group of scythers. The rain of powerful rocks knocked most of them out. This attack took a lot of rockruff's energy. Pawmi attacked the ones that were still standing with spark. Any scyther that tried to flank pawmi met with a tera boosted ember.

At this time Daniel received a call. Seeing that most of the scyther had been taken care off and the call was from Chris, Daniel answered it.

"You're still in Linkins?"

After a short conversation, Daniel focused on the battle. Most scythers had been dealt with and all three of his pokemon were tired. If the fight continued, Daniel was confident that his pokemon would win. But he didn't want to wait as Chris had called him in Celadon.

"Wrap it up."

The three retreated as a huge storm of leaves covered the scythers. As the leaves started receding, a pokemon swooped down to attack the scythers, taking one down with each attack. In no time, the scythers lost.

Dartrix returned to Daniel's side.


Pokemon: Dartrix

Ability: Overgrow

Tera type: Grass

Stage: Advance

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Leafage, Astonish, Peck, Razor leaf, Foresight, Trailblaze, Seed bomb, Aerial ace, Pluck, Synthesis, Fury attack, Shadow sneak, Sucker punch, Tera blast, Leaf blade

Mastery: Grass 78%, Flying 79%, Normal 20%, Ghost 15%


After spraying some portions on the injured scythers and leaving some food behind, Daniel left the forest to meet up with his friend.

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