
Transmigrated Into The Immortal Realm.

"I will change my fate and put an end to bullying once and for all!" Kallie exclaimed with a bleeding heart. Suddenly, Kallie found herself in a completely unfamiliar body - that of Kiara, a stunning duchess in a loveless marriage with a cruel and heartless duke. She felt trapped and alone, with her life filled with pain and despair, but still the heavens gave her another chance at life. Determined to establish her worth as a duchess and wife, Kiara found herself facing numerous challenges given the fact that she gave birth to a four boys after being transmigrated. With her marriage on the brink of falling apart, she wondered if she had the strength to save it. Meanwhile, Enrico, her husband, was in love with her stepsister and was ready to divorce her. But one day, everything changed when Kiara transformed into a fierce and fearless woman, leaving Enrico in awe. Her kisses ignited a passion within him that he had never felt before, making him wonder if he was falling for his bold and brave wife. Secrets and lies threatened to tear them apart, with nightmares lurking around every corner. Despite the obstacles they faced, Kiara and Enrico found themselves drawn to each other, wondering if they could make their broken marriage work. Could love truly blossom in the midst of all the chaos? Only time would tell. NOTE: This is a book by Excelhights and Raven Heart.

Excelhights · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Justice and fear (part 2)

Kiara's POV

I know he's planning something. The way he speaks is the same as that of the soldiers who are ready to die for their profession and their so-called beliefs in protecting innocent lives.

I know I was rude when I created a wall between us but when he looked at me that way, my love for him acted out and I followed him. I disobeyed what he told me to do.

I wave my hand and make an infinity gesture and water blades chop them. The earth walls they created to protect them were cut in pieces. They didn't realize that I could release such a continuous attack until I stopped it myself.

I used my other hand to control the fire of those scumbags, which surprised them. "One more step and all of you will die," I warned.

Enrico wrapped his hand around me and jumped high. I realize that there's a wind user. I almost cut into pieces if he didn't carry me.

"Thank you, your majesty," I remark with a smile. He embraces me tight, as if he were afraid for a couple of seconds.

"If you can't follow my orders as a duke and imperial prince, then at least listen to me as your husband," he murmurs in my ear.

I turned around and saw how worried he was. We are being attacked by an earth, water, and wind user at once, but we're being protected by his wind and earth power. The rocks and wind were circling around us.

"I will never follow you when you're running towards a dangerous battle. You really think I'll sit my ass out while your life is in danger? I'm not like that, Enrico. It's better to fight with you than wait for you to come back for me. Remember that?" I replied.

He lets go of me and makes an opening. I raise both of my hands and combine water and fire. "I'll take care of their leader," he says. I nodded.

I ran forward and made sure that the last two minions standing would never get the chance to help their boss. I created a huge wall of fire when the earth user was about to help their boss. I notice the shadow above me. I used water to melt the bolder.

I was now covered with mud. I manipulated this mud and threw it in their eyes. "Agh!" they both roar and try to take it off. I run on the man on my left side, use a dagger, and cut his neck. I watch him as he falls down.

The artery that I cut will automatically kill him. I turn around and create a water shield. It protects me from the earthly bullets that he creates.

He starts to scream when he's surrounded by fire. The fire walls are getting closer and the heat kills him in just minutes.

I turned around and saw my husband, who stabbed his enemy's chest. My husband kicks his enemy's body and shakes his sword. He turns around and looks at me.

The fire starts to engulf all the bodies until they turn into ashes. Enrico put his sword back in its sheath. "See? It's better for us to work together, right?" I suggest.

He laughs and grabs my waist. We start floating and look down at the ground. We saw the girl running in a certain direction. We followed her and she's knocking on the village head's door. Someone comes out.

I was about to scream when Enrico made the girl float and protected her from the fire that the village head created. I wasn't surprised when Enrico crashed his house using his wind ability. "Who the hell?!" he roars.

He looks up and notices us. My husband slowly landed on the ground. I raise my hand and control the fire that this bastard releases to kill us. The fire disappears right in front of him. I glared at him and manipulated his blood.

"Gahh! Agh!" he screams in pain. His body started to get dry and I stopped in the meantime.

"Confess or I'll kill a thousand times," I remark.

He looks at me with such scared eyes. I turn around and grab my husband's sword. I pointed its blade at his neck. "Speak or die?"

"Pweh! This place is mine! Just mine!" he roars. I didn't take a damn and just killed him all at once. I burn his body and face the girl.

"Tell me, who the hell are you? You're not from this village, right?" I remark. The girl turns pale.

She was about to run when I surrounded her with fire. She screams as soon as she feels the heat. She glared at us and her eyes were crimson.

"I knew it. I've been wondering why you're not using any elemental abilities because you're a vampire. You're not one of us," I stated.

She suddenly coughs, as if she's running out of breath. I look at my husband. He's trying to steal the air from her body. She suddenly screams and sees the sound waves and before I can get down to the ground, Enrico embraces me.

I saw his blood in the air. "You bitch!"

I burned her out of anger. I held my husband in my arms and when I felt the hot liquid in my palm, I knew it was his blood. I get down and check his back. He groans.

"Enrico, bear the pain, okay? I will cleanse your wound and heal you," I whispered. I looked at him and he nodded.

"I'm glad you're okay, my duchess," he whispers.

I tried not to cry but I ended up crying. He raised his palm and shed my tears. I raise my hand and start cleansing his wound. He groans in pain. I have no choice but to hug him and make it quick as soon as possible.

It took me three minutes until his cut healed completely. I move my body and look at his face. He smiled and embraced me.

"Thank you, my love…" he murmurs. I was taken aback by what he said. Did he just confess to me or what?

"I'm not your beloved Kate—uhm."

He covers my lips and looks at me in the eyes. "I love you, Kiara. That's my confession, my duchess. I really mean it," Enrico confesses.

My vision turns blurry. He leans his forehead on mine and holds my cheeks. My heart feels so happy after I hear those words from my husband's lips.

"I love you more than you ever know, Enrico. I love you so much, my cold-hearted prince." I gasped when he claimed my lips and kissed me torridly.

I didn't stop him. I kiss him back and savor his sweet kiss. After that, he carried me in his arms and we floated back into the sky.

"Let's leave this place tomorrow. You should stay in our room now. I have something to do for this village," he says.