
Transmigrated Into The Immortal Realm.

"I will change my fate and put an end to bullying once and for all!" Kallie exclaimed with a bleeding heart. Suddenly, Kallie found herself in a completely unfamiliar body - that of Kiara, a stunning duchess in a loveless marriage with a cruel and heartless duke. She felt trapped and alone, with her life filled with pain and despair, but still the heavens gave her another chance at life. Determined to establish her worth as a duchess and wife, Kiara found herself facing numerous challenges given the fact that she gave birth to a four boys after being transmigrated. With her marriage on the brink of falling apart, she wondered if she had the strength to save it. Meanwhile, Enrico, her husband, was in love with her stepsister and was ready to divorce her. But one day, everything changed when Kiara transformed into a fierce and fearless woman, leaving Enrico in awe. Her kisses ignited a passion within him that he had never felt before, making him wonder if he was falling for his bold and brave wife. Secrets and lies threatened to tear them apart, with nightmares lurking around every corner. Despite the obstacles they faced, Kiara and Enrico found themselves drawn to each other, wondering if they could make their broken marriage work. Could love truly blossom in the midst of all the chaos? Only time would tell. NOTE: This is a book by Excelhights and Raven Heart.

Excelhights · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 17: Behind the truth

Enrico's POV

Viciel's forehead wrinkles, and his expression sours. My nephew will never lie, not because he is the royal prince, but because his behavior is full of honesty and compassion.

He sighs. "Did Kate tell you that royal uncle? I saw it myself. It's aunt Kiara who came in the palace carrying you in her back even if her body was so small. She said that the elixir she had is not enough to suppress the poisons you receive from the battlefield against the werewolf clan," Viciel stated.

I saw how serious my nephew is. I have to ask further. I want to know more.

"How about Kate? Why did you hate her except for what you said when she told the other noble ladies that I might be ugly or what? I know you have other reasons," I ask.

Viciel looks at me as if he's trying to know if I'll get mad at him. "I don't know, but you changed a lot, uncle, after that incident. I wonder if it has something to do with that thing. I saw the maids who are making your food, and Kate presented herself," he says.

"She put something in your drink. It's like sugar, but I don't know if it's connected or makes you just really like her more than Aunt Kiara. I don't know," Viciel says and shrugs his shoulder.

My forehead wrinkles. A sugar-like powder? I indeed remember her bringing me a snack at that time and telling me that they were on their way to the capital.

I was already engaged to Kiara at that time, and they arrived in the capital for our wedding day, but I was caught in a bottle against the werewolf clan.

But how come I didn't notice it? Did I really change after that incident?

"You became madder and short-tempered. You always say that Kate is right and always yell at aunt Kiara ever since you got married."

"On your engagement, you guys are not close, but you never look at her like a beast that will swallow her, which is why I always try to comfort aunt Kiara," Viciel added. I sighed and petted his head.

"Thank you for taking care of your cousins, Prince Viciel. I am proud of you. I know you will be a great emperor when you finally sit on your father's throne. Good job," I stated.

He giggled and continued drinking his chocolate drink. I have to investigate my nephew's hunch. If he's right, Kate must have done something, and I have to know whether

I'm being enchanted or whether she used something to make me follow her suggestions. I finally understand that my brother became stricter when he noticed how close I got to Kate.

He also scolds me and gives me an ultimatum when he learns that Kate is my lover. After that, Viciel and I went to the room of the quadruplets.

I look at my children, and I finally realize my similarities with them. Three of them had the same color as mine, and the other one inherited Kiara's hair.

I caress their cheeks, and they're sleeping soundly. Viciel speaks. "They're cute, right, uncle? They look exactly like you," he commented.

I smiled and nodded to agree with him. I stayed here for an hour and left them afterwards.

Viciel had his own bed here because he wants to stay where the kids are whenever he gets the chance to come and sleep over.

I went to the library and grabbed some books. I found the right one and started finding out about a certain topic. My eyes dilated when I found the right page.

"Love and taming potions had different types. The sugary-powdered kind was one of the strongest enchantments. Whoever drinks or eats a food or beverage that contains this will automatically fall for the first woman or man they see." I gulp. Am I really a victim of such thing?

"He or she will only believe in that person's words and never listen to the people around them. They will also forget their own principles and follow that person's orders, whether they're bad or good ones." I paused again.

Don't tell me that this is the powder that Viciel was talking about. Am I really under Kate's mercy? Oh shit! I continued reading. There's a cure that's written here.

"In order to free yourself from that enchantment spell, that person should be aware and focus on freeing itself from such charm. He or she needs to have sex three times with the person destined for him or her in order to break the charm-tier spell from the said powder-potion."

My eyes dilated when I remembered that I had sex with Kiara when I looked around after she fled from this palace.

There's something that feels different after that. I feel like my heart aches, as if hands are holding it tight.

"The heart will feel heavy and painful as if a hand was holding it tightly. Second, his blood boils and feels like he or she is being burned alive."

"Lastly, he or she will feel coldness all over his body and his heart beats so fast. When he or she saw that person, he will feel nothing at all," I added. I closed the book and groaned.

I have to break myself free. If the second and last one happens, Viciel's hunch is true.

If that happens, I don't love Kate, and she just enchanted me for her to use my noble status. I'm the emperor's brother and the duke of Elementos.

I'm also an exceptional element user. Are those things connected to why Kate approached me even if she disagreed with marrying me?

I was supposed to be interested in her, but she's far from being angelic, unlike Kiara. She might be wearing that cold face and seem to be out of reach, but she's a warm person to those whom she wants to protect.

I walked away and dashed towards her room. I locked the door right away and saw her sleeping soundly in her room.

"Kiara, do you really want to leave me? Are you going to propose for divorce, huh? How about the kids? Are you taking them away from me?" I whispered.

I caressed her cheeks. What kind of feeling is this? It feels so heavy, and—oh boy! I lay down on her chest, and I close my eyes.

What is happening to me? I remember that erotic face she had when we were having sex. What the fuck!

"W-what are you d-doing?!" Kiara asks hysterically.