
Transmigrated Into Subnautica?

This is a Subnautica fanfic, I got this idea because of three reasons. Number 1; I have been wanting to create a fanfic for a while, number 2; I got the idea to make a video game fanfic because of the fanfic called ‘Dragonborn saga’, and number 3; Because I love Subnautica and I haven’t found a Subnautica fanfic. The MC will have some special powers that won’t be very strong at the beginning and he has to train very hard to make stronger. You will guess what the powers are in the first or second chapter. For the sake of the story, planet 4546B will be the same size as earth but have a slightly higher gravity, everything else will be the same... maybe

Ikizumari · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 11: The Nightmare

Using a piece of paper fabricated from some Creepvine, Jake made a list of everything that needed to be done in the next two days, starting with getting the resources required to fabricate the Radiation Suits, Laser Cutters, Repair Tools, etc.

The Radiation Suit blueprint had been discovered long ago by simply scanning objects, some of which had lead in them. Since the blueprints were discovered, all that is needed are the required resources, which was quite a large amount if you take into consideration the size of operation that was being done.

The first thing that they did was eat the fish that Jake brought back and prepare clean drinking water. After doing so they started to make preparations to travel to the Aurora and stop the quantum detonation from occurring, other repairs could be done when there was no threat of death due to explosion.

Time passed by quickly when you had a goal to achieve and before everyone knew it, they had already gathered the estimated amount of materials to prepare everything needed for the Aurora right now.

Fabricating all of the tools, radiations suits, and rations needed, Owen worked with the Fabricator while the others continued working on making the base more habitable.

Adding some more beds, some desks, and even a few extra rooms that had doors capable of being locked, they took a moment to appreciate their work.

As they were jovially looking at what they had accomplished, they heard Owen clapping his hands, drawing their attention. Looking over, they saw that he had completed all of the equipment required for the quest to fix the Aurora temporarily.

One of the suits was notably larger than the others, since it would be going on someone that was significantly larger than a regular person. Handing out the radiation suits, Owen went to a room that had a locked door and changed into the suit.

Coming out of the room, he stretched and did some tests to make sure that the suit wouldn't rip or have a leak at a crucial moment. Gesturing for the three others to do the same, he studied the stretchiness of the suit and the toughness of the material.

Jake was the last one to test out his suit, but to do so he did the tests in the ocean since it wasn't possible for him to do inside the base. Coming back with a complete suit, Jake and Owen examined it for any damages, but luckily there were none.

Changing his clothes, Jake stored his suit alongside his bed, the others did the same. Everyone then gathered in the uppermost portion of the base in order to finalize the plan for the Aurora.

"Now that we have the suits and tools, we are ready to head off to the Aurora. At least I'm ready to do so. However, do we want to go in an hour or first thing tomorrow morning?"

Jake was the first to speak as he was the one to come up with the plan to repair the Aurora. "I think we should head off in an hour. It would be better to go sooner because of the fact that if we do, then there will be less damage done to the Aurora."

William was the one to respond with a logical viewpoint coming from someone with an engineering background. Jake and the others nodded their heads in agreement, but they also wanted to rest and make sure they were in tiptop shape for tomorrow.

"Raise your hand if you wish to go there today or don't raise your hand if you wish to wait until tomorrow to head off to the Aurora." Jake decided to take a vote as that was the quickest way to decide.

Raising his hand, Jake saw that William unhesitatingly raised his hand while Helen raised her hand too, although reluctantly. Owen was the only one to not raise his hand, which came as a surprise to the other three.

"I feel that it would be better to wait until tomorrow to go, but I'm outvoted, so I guess we will be going today." Shaking his head, Owen didn't dwell on the fact that he was outvoted since he could understand the thoughts of the others.

With the short meeting coming to a conclusion, all four of them started to prepare for the quest to repair the Aurora. Gathering their suits, tools, and rations by the front door, they got everything they required before resting for as long as they can.

While Jake was resting in the room he had been designated, he saw a surprising guest come visit him. Mary had come to visit him while supporting Berkeley into his room.

Moving off the bed to sit on the floor, Jake let Mary and Berkeley sit down while he looked at them with a questioning look on his face. "What brings you here at this moment?" Starting the conversation, Jake had all sorts of thoughts running through his mind, but mainly he was thinking about the Aurora.

Mary looked to Berkeley, who scrunched up his face before standing up by himself and taking a knee towards Jake. "I, Grayson Berkeley, son of Sergeant Berkeley of the ADF, humbly ask of you, Jake, to protect Helen Yu to best of your abilities.

Not only will you have my gratitude, but you have my word that anything you request, regardless of if it is of me or my father, will be accomplished to your utmost satisfaction.

I also thank you for not only saving my life, but saving the life of my future partner. For that, you have my undying gratitude for giving me a chance to confess my feelings. After we get off this planet and return to Bunivar, my home planet, I shall notify my father of your deeds."

Berkeley looked at Jake with the determination to do whatever it takes to protect Helen and a gratitude unlike Jake had ever seen before. Carefully helping Berkeley up, Jake looked at him weirdly while wondering if what he had hit his head too hard on something.

"I was already planning on doing that, so there is no such requirement for you to ask me to do so. I plan on protecting everyone to the best of my abilities anyways.

As for me saving you and Helen? You don't owe me anything. I was simply doing what any human should. No one should stand by if they have a chance to save someone else's life and for both parties to come out alive and with all their limbs."

Shrugging off the thanks from Berkeley, Jake didn't think that he did anything great, he simply did what was right. Saving someone's life is an amazing thing to do, but Jake didn't think that it deserved that much gratitude.

Whisking Berkeley and Mary away, Jake decided to take a quick nap due to the current mood he was in. He felt like if he didn't, then he would have a mental breakdown, and so he drifted off to sleep.

Shortly after drifting of to sleep, Jake opened his eyes and sat up. Looking around, he could see that he was back inside his room with his pc and monitor on the Subnautica menu screen.

Widening his eyes, he jumped out of bed and opened the window in his room. Outside his window was just like any other regular day. The sound of the hustle and bustle of the city filled his ears as tears welled up in his eyes.

Realizing that all of that subnautica and plane nonsense must have been a dream and then a happy smile stretched across his face as he realized something. He would be able to see his parents.

Rushing out of the house, he grabbed his motorcycle keys and helmet before speeding towards his parents' house. While on his way there he completely missed the strange happenings around him, such as the fact that the people who saw him on the street had a feral glint in their eyes.

Arriving at his parents house in record time, Jake hurriedly walked up to the door and knocked impatiently, unaware of the numerous people that were slowly creeping up behind him.

While Jake was standing on the front porch of his old home, he heard the sound of wind being parted behind him. Instinctevly dodging to the side, he turned around and saw a ghastly scene.

Directly behind him was a man holding a large knife in his hand, and behind the knife wielding man was a group of dozens of people all holding weapons. Stunned at what was happening, Jake was forced to take action when the man tried stabbing his stomach.

Since he was so much taller than the other man he was able to easily subdue him by delivering a quick and precise jab to the man's neck. Watching the man fall to the ground, Jake didn't stop the man because he had to keep an eye on the approaching people instead.

Then, before he could react properly, the door behind him opened and he felt a searing pain in his upper thigh. Gasping in pain, Jake whipped around prepared to deliver a punch strong enough to fatally injure the other party, but he stopped in shock.

The person who stabbed him was a strange man in his parents' house. Covered in blood from head to toe the man had a crazy smile on his face and a familiar head in his left hand.

A head of an all to familiar woman was in the man's left hand. There must have been a look of despair and unwillingness on the woman's face when she was murdered.

Jake's mind was blank at this point as all he could think of is the look on the woman's face and he started to tremble, not even noticing that he was being stabbed continuously. "W-What... have you done?"

The question escaped his lips before his face started to twist in anger and he started hunching his back, almost trying to curl up into a ball. However, the man was questioned didn't respond and only cackled crazily.

That was cut short in less than a second as the man's head was hit with a fist that caused the sound of bones cracking. As the man's head was struck his head was dented and blood as well as brain tissue shot out the man's nose while his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

Picking up the man and throwing him into the group of crazy people behind him, Jake rushed into the house in search of his parents, but he tripped over something before he could even take three steps into the house.

Checking to see what he stepped on, he saw the mutilated corpse of his father collapsed over his mother's headless corpse. Hyperventilating, Jake clutched his head while clenching his mouth and eyes shut.

Then he heard the sound of shuffling footsteps approaching him while he was having a mental breakdown. Before even opening his eyes, Jake threw a rage angered punch towards the footsteps, only to hear the sound of gasping and a resounding metal thud.

That was when he opened his eyes and saw that all of Aurora survivors were in his room and were looking at him in shock. They were looking at him in bewilderment mixed with a tinge of fear.

Turning his gaze in the direction that he had punched out, Jake saw that Owen, who had approached him holding the diving tank that was fabricated for him, had his back against the wall while the tank had a fist dent in it.

Getting out of bed, Jake apologized to Owen while thankful that what happened with his parents was just a dream. "Are you alright Owen? I didn't mean to hit you. I was having a disturbing nightmare."

Slowly approaching Owen, Jake had his hands up showing that he didn't mean any harm. "I know that you didn't mean to hit me, or try to, and we all know that you were having a nightmare since you started screaming out in frustration and pain a few minutes ago.

I was tasked with waking you up and didn't want to get incapacitated by you so I grabbed your diving tank in order to use as a shield. We didn't expect you to be this freakishly strong though."

Reminded of what he had done, Jake looked at the tank meant for him and realized that he would need a new one, or that his would just have to be refabricated.

"What were you dreaming about by the way?" Alia was the one to question him as she was curious about what could make a guy that seemed so intimidating sound like he lost everything dear to him right in front of his eyes.

"I... dreamt that my parents were killed by crazy people and I saw it after having hope that I could see them again." Alia, and everyone else for that matter, realized why his screams sounded so heart wrenching. He did lose everything dear to him in that moment.

"Anyway, now that I'm awake we can head off to the Aurora, as long as you three are up to it of course." Even though there was a small incident, Jake didn't let that stop him from dealing with the largest problem looming overhead.

Massaging his back, Owen observed the fist dent in the titanium diving tank and wondered what would've happened if his body had received that blow. He'll just make sure not let Jake ever have a reason to punch him, or punch anyone for the sake of their life.

(Hello Hello. It's been over 4 months since my last chapter, and I'm sorry I couldn't release more chapters. But here is this chapter. Hopefully it is of the same quality as previous chapters. If not then I will try and make it of the same quality. Also, let me know if you want Jake to be able to bend all four elements and the derived bending types, or just water bending.)