
Transmigrated into Pokémon as a Team Rocket recruit.

The world of Pokémon is realistically dangerous, full of monsters of all sizes and colors. Full of trainers that can casually destroy the infrastructure of a town or even a city, where terrorist organizations reside in each region. For our mc these monsters and organizations were simple npc on his PC, now he lives with them. WARNING, THIS IS TRANSLATED The cover and the Pokemon characters do not belong to me The cover belongs to MidniteBlues ——> https://www.reddit.com/u/MidniteBlues/s/aXHX3JekZO

Sr_Angel · Video Games
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25 Chs


There are already several books called "I transmigrated in pokemon" so I'm looking for another name for the English version, any ideas?


"They had stolen my Pokémon: Scorpio, Beako, Konrad, and Corvus, along with my Pokédex and my newly acquired Ferroseed egg with its incubator. Let's think positively. At least I have my life. And I still have 270,000 Poké dollars left in the bank. And I still have a job, I think.

"Thank you for clapping; now, if you don't mind, we will leave with this gentleman here," he said, picking up the trembling old man. "Nice to meet you," said the unfortunate man from Proton. Mr. Mime proceeded on their mission and teleported the entire villain team. "How horrible! Are you okay?" A girl told me she was the shop assistant. It wasn't good. Without answering, I left. I had to look for Hilda and Rosa; they are strong and they will help me.

I ran out, remembering the address and name of the hotel. "Like they're not there!" "Calm down; they're not here; they said they were going to look for Gym Leader Brock for a battle; they were very nice ladies; now you can leave; you're scaring my clients." I turned to see people looking at me like I was crazy. Let's see. Let's think rationally. Corvus and Konrad will be fine; they are strong and analytical. Beatrice and Scorpio are more passionate; those do worry me. And Beatrice is a Kirlia, an almost unique Pokémon, but for my Gligar part, it is considered a pest in many places...

I could contact Marcus and Erick, but who knows what those bastards would do to my Pokémon until they are returned to me? Maybe they'll kill them. The next thing I did was look for the girls in the mines, but they warned me that without Pokémon, I couldn't enter, and they convinced me by telling me that they had not seen two girls entering the mine. I just had to wait for them at the hotel again, but in my quietest moment, a voice called me.

Oh well, some sounds "Beep, beep, beep." I looked under my shirt; my Team Rocket badge was making strange sounds. A Pokémon came out of my chest. It was Porygon.

"De de stop de de bu bu search," Porygon spoke in a glitzy way again. "No, no, you're not going to find them." "Okay," I responded more calmly. "Will you help me?" "Yes, yes, yes," the Pokémon said with echolalia. "By by by by ry ry gon, they have been detected; they are in the MT Moon," said the polygonal duck. "Popor Rygon wants to get his house back," said the duck. "How do you know they're there?" "Well, I put a part of my code in the Pokédex; I'm listening to your conversations right now. "Are my Pokémon okay?" "Kir Kir Lia and Gli Gli Gar Gar are fighting." My heart felt like it was going to explode. "We need to go now to get our things back." Although thinking analytically, Porygon is at level 5.

Porygon LVL 5 PS: 100% Gender: none Skill: Trace Movements: Conversion, Tackle.

"Ne, we need a plan," Porygon conveyed my thoughts. I thought of something, but it's very evil. "Do you have sound waves to forcibly evolve Pokémon?" I asked coldly. "Po-porygon had ba ba considered that op option." Electromagnetic waves were waves that were created to evolve Pokémon by force. Petrel used them yesterday as a distraction to steal Porygon; luckily, Rosa and Hilda were there. It seemed like they got revenge; I have Porygon, and they have my Pokémon. We both stayed silent. "We have to force them to leave the cave and get inside." "I don't need my main body to activate those devices." "Then we'll go; use the lock on that bike when I tell you." Porygon broke the bike lock with a tackle.

These scenes were becoming repetitive for me. But again, the bike ran like the wind; it was the same as driving a Ferrari. Cross Route 3 without problems until you reach the front of MT Moon. I put myself back into the Team Rocket suit. Hoping to remember the secret passages from the first time I was here, I set out to search for the lair. It won't take long to find it. I decided that I would try it the hard way first.

"Stop; you're making a mistake." The recruits looked at me strangely.

"So you're the guy I stole from," said Proton.

"That's right, you can give me back my Pokémon."

"The answer is no."

I burned with rage. "Can I ask why?"

"Oh, of course, I don't want to sound petty; it's just that Kirlia can't use psychic attacks; she can't use teleport; it's useless; instead, sell her. Ah, you can get a lot of money for a Kirlia." Proton continued his monologue.

"As for the other three, I have no special use for them; you can keep Shuppet, but I'm afraid you'll have to choose between Murcrow and Gligar; one of them will be my bedrill's dinner, the same with the egg." They didn't say anything about the Pokédex.

"I choose Murcrow."

"Oh, how fast! I like you."

What I knew was that I chose Murcrow, thinking about his ability to get us out of this mess.

Proton grabbed my shoulder. "You know, next time avoid getting robbed; first rule of Team Rocket," Proton said arrogantly. "Give it to the Murcrow and the Shuppet." They gave me two Pokéballs. My first Pokémon.

Beep, beep, beep Porygon was calling me. I spread out where they couldn't see us, and Porygon came out of my Rocket dog tag.

"The ultrasonic device is up three stairs. Take out Corvus and Konrad."

They looked angry.

Corvus LVL 30 PS:100

Konrad LVL 31 PS:100

They didn't hurt them.

"We want revenge," Konrad says for all of us right now.

"Konrad stands in my shadow, Corvus on my shoulder."

"There is the Hypersonic team; we are going to force the evolution of the Pokémon and force a fight between Pokémon and humans (with Pokémon)."

"I like that plan," Konrad said, feeling stronger than ever.


"Beatrice was beaten."


"I remember their faces; for fun, they hit my teammate."

"Let's send them to hell," Murcrow finished. With that, I snuck into the ultrasound room, where my Murcrow electrocuted every person who got in our way.

"Well, here we are. Porygon, work your magic." Porygon got into the device, and a minute later he came back. "He he he, put a counter; the device will activate in five minutes," the Glitched Duck said.

With that, we ran to the exit. PUMMMMMMM What was that? "What was that?"

"Also, ex-exp explode your dynamite and activate your aura weapons; many have died now.

" Was my Porygon a psychopath?

Criiiiiiiiiiiiiiii A sound wave at maximum power invaded us, and I returned my Shuppet as a precaution.

Not Corvus, because he swallowed an eternal stone. We continued listening to the annoying sound for 15 minutes, by which time I lost patience.

"How long does it last?"

"Two two two hours, so the Pokémon will end up exhausted and p p p po I can return home." I nodded. It was true that we should let the Pokémon evolve and run out of energy due to involuntary evolution.

"What are those explosions?" Murcrow asked, and Porygon didn't know the answer. I heard several minor explosions. "They are gravelers or golems," I shared my knowledge, "they know the self-destructive movement." I didn't know if Pokémon here evolved by trading, so I said, 'Gravelers or Golems'

"Understood" And so we continue to hear explosions and collapses.

Now that I think about it, Clefairy lived here; they didn't deserve this. Concentration: this is for Beatrice and Scorpio.

Until suddenly, we started hearing Golbat's characteristic screeches. And a bedrill with a very injured person on his back came out, followed by a flock of hundreds of Golbats. Bredill also looked wounded; he had scratches all over his body, although the blood on his pincers and mouth was more notable from his enemies. He had the futuristic bike ready to race for my life as soon as things got worse for us. We were perched on top of a mountain next to the entrance to MT Moon, a good distance from the problems.

"Pull away and pin the missile, Beddrill." The missile pin hit every time, but even so, for every weakened Golbat, 10 more appeared.

"Defog and Pin Missile" Defog did no damage but created some distance from the flock of Golbats. He continued with a Pin Missile, leaving several unconscious.

Bredill LVL 70

Gender: Female


He still had 45%.

"Corvus paralyzes him." Corvus sneaked behind the Bedrill and paralyzed it with a Thunder Wave.

Corvus, with his mission accomplished, returned to me.

"Mr Mime" "Come out, Mr. Mime; use Psychic"

Mr. Mime, LVL 40

PS: 30%

It seems he also use Mr. Mimes. This is getting good. If it weren't for the annoying sound of the waves, it would even be a spectacle. Psychic: A wave of purple energy is super effective against Golbat. The attack knocked out a dozen, but the Golbats' bloodlust still existed, and they were not going to stop until they passed out. With everything done, we let the battle continue.

And the other two, Mr. Mimes?

"To take this is fu fu fuckers," Porygon said.

This Pokémon is definitely crazy.

He should be prohibited from creating them.

Oh yes, it is.

Seeing how his death was approaching, Proton convinced his Pokémon to work together. The Bedrill on steroids used Defog to drive the swarm back, and the remaining Mr. Mime finished them off. While, in my opinion, the Proton team would have won with this strategy, they had their beast crippled courtesy of Corvus.

So sometimes wild Pokémon came to the Bedrill, weakening it.

"It looks like the Golbats will win this," I said. Activate analysis

Bredill LVL 70

PS: 29%

Proton also saw this and fled. Hu ho, it seems that our prey is running away, abandoning its Pokémon. "Go go go," said Porygon. I took the high-speed bike and went down the mountain. I'll give this to Proton; he was fast, and by the time he caught up, we were already out of wave range. When I realized it, I took Konrad out of his Pokéball. "You! What are you doing here? Help me; as your superior, I order you to leave me that bike."

"Mmm, how about no?" either"

Proton took out his gun, pointing it at me, but I had a Pokémon.

"I'm your superior!"

"You're an idiot for not realizing that I'm responsible for this; why do you think I'm so far away and on a bike?"

"You! You did this!? Traitor, traitor to Team Rocket."

Desperate Proton fired the aura bullets at me.

Which were repelled by Konrad's Umbrian Claw.

Proton continued firing as if his life depended on it. In fact, it was like that.

It didn't take long for Konrad to take the gun from Proton, who was still saying obscenities. For my part, I picked up the gun from the floor.

"Wait, we can talk about it. What do you want?"

"To my Pokémon, my Pokédex, and my Egg with its incubator."

"You will have them; you will have that and much more, but don't kill me."

I pulled the trigger, surprising myself. There was no other option; what he had done was very illegal, and he couldn't leave witnesses. From being responsible for the disaster of forced evolutions. Even all the deaths I have caused because of it. How many people and Pokémon died today because of me? For my happiness?

"Okay, put the gun down and relax; breathe a little," my ghost said. I listened to him.

"Well, let's run away before the Golbats come; don't wait; first, let's put the corpse in the forest; the Pokémon will eat the body."

I returned Konrad to the Pokéball after my explanation. Porygon was on my Rocket board, and Corvus was on his Pokéball due to the speed of my bike. I ran towards Pewter City, praying that my Pokémon were in their Pokéballs, okay?

"Mello Snow, the stolen Pokéballs are yours according to the identification number; we would like to talk to you." A man in a black suit and sunglasses spoke to me. Ahem ahem, they interrogated

"Are my Pokémon okay?" I said, first of all,.

"Your Kirlia has some injuries; she was mistreated by the Rocket team, but nothing fatal; the same is true of your Gligar." I relaxed.

They simply asked me about the theft of my Pokémon. I told them my side of the story, making up that I ended up hiding Corvus and Konrad's Pokéballs in my pants and that I was on the MT Moon later by chance when a pack of Golbats attacked me and I had to go back. Everything to avoid raising suspicions. I hope it's a good alibi. I left the bike in the forest on Route 3, next to the Proton body.

"I see, this is not incompatible with the other witnesses' version of events; we do not believe that you are guilty of any of these events; we are sorry a famous businessman died in the event." Oh yes, the old man from that time; they killed him because of me. Obviously, I didn't say that, and I stayed silent.

You may as well go; your Pokémon will be returned." I walked away from the professional interrogators and went to the staff in charge of returning my Pokémon. There I saw them: two Pokéballs, a blue Pokédex, and an egg inside an incubator, along with my old backpack. "Mello Snow, are you that?" "Yeah"

They returned my items.

I wonder what I'll say to Beatrice and Escorpius now that I'm a murderer."