
Transmigrated into Patriarchal Kingdom: Won’t Abandon my Values!

Nick is an average 24 year old guy who has been working for the last 2 years since graduating college. Suddenly he is transmigrated into the body of the Duke of Edinburgh in a fantasy world with magic. When was he transmigrated? On the day of his wedding to a daughter of a Count! He thought she was incredibly beautiful, so he decided to try his best to make their arranged marriage a happy one. However, he quickly learned about this fantasy world’s patriarchal society when he was constantly bombarded by other nobles about questions of when he would choice some concubines or at least get a second wife. Coming from the 21st century, Nick had a strong aversion to this kind of society that treated women like pieces of meat. Whenever asked a question like this, he would answer with a simple, “I will only ever love my wife!” This greatly shocked his wife Rebecca because she was engaged to the original Duke since childhood and was taught that she would only ever be a decoration. She was told to never expect love in this marriage and that she would have no right to ever criticize any of her husband’s actions. Not only that, this patriarchal kingdom was also underutilizing some genius talents only because they were women! If Nick could bring over these great geniuses to his side, then his Duchy would become that much more powerful! Follow this story of a girl who is hardened by the patriarchal society she lives in and a boy who wants to shower her with love, affection, and understanding to break down her walls and make her happy. And while they are at it, they just might change this whole backwards kingdom for the better.

Andrew_3058 · Fantasy
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136 Chs

Rebecca’s Father Asks For Redemption (Part 3)

After Becca's Father's heartfelt appeal, Becca got up from her seat and slowly walked to the other side of the table. Once she reached her Father's seat, he looked up at her with hopeful eyes. "Rebecca…"

Much to everyone's surprise, Becca swiftly slapped her Father's face. The sound of her hand hitting his cheek echoed in the otherwise silent dinning room. "That is what you deserve for neglecting me and leaving me out of the loop all of these years."

Becca's Father wasn't mad because of the slap. Instead, he slumped his head down and replied sadily, "I deserve much worse…"

Then, in another turn of events, Becca leaned down and wrapped her arms around her downcast Father in a firm hug. "But you know, I'm really happy. Happy to have a chance to have my old Father back. The person I looked up to and loved so much.

Earlier today, Mother, Rob, and I agreed to forget about the awkward past we had and move forward trying everything in our power to be a loving and supportive family. Care to join our little agreement?"

Now, tears were steadily falling from Becca's eyes. I could tell she was overcome with emotions.

Becca's Father was surprised by her 180 change, so it took him a moment to react. Once he processed her words, he hugged her back tightly like he was afraid it would all be a dream if he let her go now. "Yes! Yes of course I want us all to move forward towards a better future."

Seeing the two holding each other and sobbing, Rob and Becca's Mother both walked up and joined into a big family group hug.

I stared in admiration as the group of four cried and told each other they loved each other repeatedly. I wish there were cameras in this world, so I could take a picture and capture the memory for years to come.

Coincidentally, I turned to look at the only other person in the room who was not apart of the group hug, Fern. As the two in-laws of the family, it didn't seem right for us to join in on the emotional moment for the blood related family that lived together for 20+ years.

She turned to look at me as well and gave me a big thumbs up. She also had tears running down her face in happiness. She was probably giving me a thumbs up for talking our Father-in-law into having this conversation and for making the big decision to no longer have concubines.

I couldn't help laughing and replying with a thumbs up of my own. Us in-laws have to have each others back.

It was especially beneficial to her because her husband also agreed to not have concubines. Since he never had them in the first place, they have a similar relationship as Becca and I, which was currently unheard of for nobility. It seems like the brother and sister combo of the Bert County were going to cause quite a stir in noble circles…

I wasn't scared because Becca and I have long since planned to stir up the noble circles. However, I hope Rob knows his decision will most likely cause him some headaches in the future…

After about 10 minutes of hugging it out, someone's stomach rumbled loudly. Becca quickly laughed out loud, "maybe we should start eating dinner."

The rest of them pulled away while giggling. Rob snickered, "Yes, we need to bring the food over quick because Becca is starving! Haha"

Becca blushed and slapped his arm softly, "I'm not that hunger, sometimes it just happens!"

Seeing the warm family atmosphere between the four made me happy. It was night and day from the last time we had eaten dinner together.

Once we all sat down and started eating happily, I wanted to bring up one of the goals we originally had when coming here. "Hey Father-in-law and Mother-in-law can you tell us some of your stories about how it was for you both to try to change from commoners to nobles?

I think us nobles need to try to be more relatable to the commoners if we want to make our land prosperous. We shouldn't hold nobles up on such a pedistool as if they are somehow better than the average human."

Becca's Father rubbed his chin as he thought about what to bring up. "I agree with you that noble ways and traditions are thought of too highly. The biggest struggle for me as a merchant was that I was not allowed to talk to people higher rank than me freely.

I am used to talking to people higher to me and currying favor so that they will buy my products, but at noble parties, I had no way to curry favor with people that knew nothing about me. Also, it is just belittling to be forced to sit in the corner and be silent if you are at a place with everyone being a higher rank than you."

I nodded my head in understanding. "I see, the problem is that we are all nobles of the same Kingdom, so we should have more camaraderie, but because of this tradition, nobles are put into factions and lower rank nobles feel alienated from the higher rank nobles they will never have the chance to interact with.

At the next noble event I attend, I'll try going around and talking to each and every noble at least for a small conversation. I don't want to talk about business or trying to get something out of them. I'll instead try talking to them personally about their hobbies or their family. Hopefully it gives everyone a better impression of me…"

Becca's Father was taken aback by my suggestion. "That would be truely unprecedented…there will be a large number of nobles at any party you attend…"

I sighed, "yes, it will be exhausting having small talk with so many people, but I think it's important to create a more positive atmosphere…if I ever need a break, I can go to my lovely wife for a little recharge."

Becca frowned slightly, "I'm going to be exhausted too trying to talk to all the noble ladies while you talk to the noble men…gosh my husband is volunteering me for the toughest jobs…"

I pinched her cheek softly, "then we can run off somewhere quiet for a quick recharge once we are both running on fumes haha."

Becca's frown turned into a sweet smile. "I know it's going to be tough, but it's something we need to endure to start making real change in society. Just let me complain a little to relieve my stress."

I chuckled, "of course, I'm always here to listen to any of my wife's complaints."