
Everyone Tries Pancakes (Part 1)

Becca also chimed in, "thanks for fufilling my husband's silly request."

Luckily, we had some left over syrup from the first batch we made yesterday, so Becca carried the pancakes and syrup on a tray while I carried the pitcher of lemonade.

Looking at the fresh pancakes, syrup, and lemonade, I suddenly felt bad for Helen. "Do you want to join us, Helen? I'm sure you are curious about how syrup tastes with pancakes."

Helen's smiling face turned into one of shock. She firmly shook her head. "Of course I can't dine with my masters! I appreciate the thought though…"

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. Becca slapped my arm mildly and leaned in to whisper, "don't make things hard for Helen! Even if we are friends, we have to hold the proper distance!"

I sighed, noble restrictions were so annoying. I turned back to Helen, "We only ended up taking a small portion of the remaining syrup from yesterday, the rest can be shared amongst the workers of the manor. We didn't make enough pancakes for everyone though…"

Helen beamed at my offer. "Don't worry, the chefs of the manor also know how to make the pancakes, so they can make some for everyone."

This time I was the one confused. I turned to Becca, "the chefs have time to make pancakes for all the workers?"

Becca explained, "the chefs make all three meals the workers eat every day. We don't oversee it much and let the chefs make whatever they feel like each day."

Those were actually pretty great accommodations. "That's nice of your Father."

Becca looked proud, "of course! My Father is known as the best noble to work for in the whole kingdom! People try applying to work for us all year round!"

Helen was smiling on the side. "It's true, and now our lady has a husband who is equally as nice to us servants, so we are all happy here in the manor."

I joke, "Maybe I just want you all to try syrup and spread the news that it is delicious, so it can sale well once we start producing it."

Becca started walking off towards the dinning room before replying sarcastically, "Sure, we totally believe that story."

Then she called out, "see you later, Helen"

Helen bowed, "have a good breakfast, my Lady."

I started humming next to Becca as we walked to the dinning room. "I'm excited to finally have some pancakes and syrup. It's going to remind me of home!"

"I'm glad we were able to make something that makes you feel that way. I hope you're not too homesick…"

I laughed off her concern, "I don't have much time to feel homesick when most of my time is spent thinking about my lovely wife."

Becca giggled before replying seriously, "I'm always here for you if you ever really feel sad."

Becca really warmed my heart. "I'll make sure you are the first person I go to if I ever need a pick me up."

When we arrived at the dinning room, the rest of Becca's family was already there.

Becca was worried, "how long have you all been here? Sorry we took so long…"

Becca's Father waved his hand to dispel her worry. "We all got here about 10 minutes ago. We were just so curious about this new condiment as well as tasting Becca's cooking for the first time that we all got up earlier than usual."

Becca and I placed the food on the table. I praised her efforts, "you guys are in for a real treat. Becca's pancakes are going to be delicious with the syrup on top. I also happened to make some fresh lemonade to go along with it."

The rest of family was hesitant when looking at the syrup since they knew it was made from tree saple. I placed the first pancake Becca made that was swished onto my plate and poured a generous amount of syrup on top.

Everyone was looking at me curiously. Becca because she wanted to see if I would like her cooking and the rest of the family because they wanted to know if the syrup was actually good.

I was so excited to have my favorite pancakes and syrup that I almost forgot about them. I looked up and smiled, "sorry for the lack of manners. I couldn't wait to dig in…"

The rest of them were actually annoyed that I stopped right before actually eating. They all waved at me to continue, so I didn't stand on ceremony and started to dig in.

With the first bite, the fluffy pancakes and sweet viscous syrup blended together perfectly. I smiled with my eyes closed and released a satisfied hum. "Hmmm…you did a really good job Becca. The pancakes are nice and fluffy! It is especially good with the syrup! I could eat these everyday!"

Becca's eyes shined with happily. "I'm glad even my first weird looking one tastes good. You don't have to lie to me just to make me feel better if that's what you are doing…I'm okay with constructive feedback."

I chuckled, "I wouldn't lie to you. Here try it for yourself."

I grabbed Becca's plate and gave her the pancake I made with the R design and the one shaped as a heart.

Becca placed her own amount of syrup on her pancakes. Much less than mine, but still enough to give the combination a try.

She smiled sweetly at the pancakes I made for her before putting a piece in her mouth. After giving it a taste, she couldn't help showing a big toothy grinning. "Yes, it is really good! I can't believe I made something so tasty on my first try!"

After appreciating the beautiful figure in front of me for a moment, I turned to the rest of the family and waved me hands. "Come on everyone, have a taste of Becca's hard work. I can guarantee the quality!"

Everyone else was excited to give it a try after seeing both of our reactions. However, before anyone could grab a pancake to try, Becca quickly picked up one of the pancakes with her fork and placed it on my plates.

Next chapter