
Abandoned hideout

"Good morning young master. You're breakfast..." Sophia said to Ryan as he sat behind his desk.

"Just bring it to my office." Ryan sighed. He so strangely had this feeling that this conversation would only lead to him having a headache by the end of it.

"Yes sir, by the way, why does your hair smell like burning salt?"

"Where is Noah?" Ryan asked, wanting to change the topic.

"He's training alone in the facility nearby and asked not to be interrupted. But that's not what's important. What's important is that girl. I didn't mind her beside you at first, but after I went to the anti-government group's hideout to bring her back, standing face to face..."

"Don't get your nose in what doesn't concern you." Ryan stopped her words at that.

"I don't like her, that girl Amelia. I have a bad feeling about her. And I respectfully suggest disposing of her." Sophia didn't stop at his appearance of not resenting or violently dismissing her words.