
Chapter 3: Start of School

After his shower, Seok-Jin stepped out into the living room, where he found his mother, a warm smile on her face. "Oh, Mom, you're awake already?" he greeted her.

"Good morning, my cute baby," his mother replied, her eyes twinkling with affection. "I'm just preparing food and lunch for you." She gently pinched Seok-Jin's cheek, a familiar gesture that brought a small smile to his lips.

"Dress up first, then eat. After that, go to school," she advised, her tone both loving and practical.

"Okay, Mom," Seok-Jin acknowledged, his heart warmed by her care. He headed to his room to get ready for the day ahead, grateful for the comforting routines that his mother's presence brought to his mornings.














Welcome to J Highschool, a crucible of aspirations and insecurities, where the stage is set for Seok-Jin's resurgence. Amidst the symphony of voices echoing down the corridors, his silent determination thunders like a storm about to break.

Seok Jin, navigating the halls with purpose, finally halted at the door of his destination: his classroom, He heard the voice of what he might have thought was his homeroom teacher's, "Okay, class, settle down. We're going to have two new students joining us from now on." Seok-Jin turned to his right and caught sight of a Tall,Handsome guy who could easily pass for a model walks to the center of the blackboard introducing himself "Hello my name is Daniel Park, Please treat me well."

The teacher then gestured to Seok-Jin to hurry and come in, extending a welcoming hand. "Hello, my name is Seok-Jin. I hope we have a good year together," he introduced himself. The class began to murmur about the new students transferring in. "Oh, the first guy was so handsome, but the second guy was pretty average, right?" A random guy whispered to some of his classmates, "Both of you, claim your seats now," the teacher said with an annoyed tone.

"I can't believe I'm in the same room as the main character of my favorite Webtoon series." Fangirling at this fact, Seok-Jin and Daniel finally claiming their seats next to eachother, "I hope we have a good year." Seok-Jin smiling excited on the thought of shaking the hand of his Favorite character.

Seok-Jin and Daniel's handshake was interrupted by a beautiful girl who sauntered into the classroom with an air of confidence. Her presence seemed to command attention, drawing curious glances from the new students alike. With a coy smile playing on her lips, "Hey Hyungsuk, Hi I'm Zoe Park." students murmuring the words "I knew she'd make a move, there's goes Zoe again.. every Handsome boy she sees."

"Daniell, You've got a Hand-mark on you, Hand-some." Zoe said with a playful voice while striking a Peace sign pose, Daniel Blushing at this,

Seok-Jin sighs, "I'm just gonna listen to class today."















Author: From now on I'm gonna be referring Seok-Jin as Jinseok to make writing much more faster..

thanks for the support I'll try to post more chapters daily for you all :>