
Transmigrated into GTA V?

When you and your group of friends get put in GTA as your characters what would you do? Well let's see what Ulric and his friends do, follow them on their journey in the world of GTA V.

Ulric_Eclipse · Video Games
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4 Chs

Number 3

Everyone was done with their character creation and were now all loading into the world, let us see how they react to the world of GTA Online.

(Ulric POV)

I was blinded by a white light awaiting to see what would be in the world of GTA.


All rewards except talents will be locked till rank 20.

I was confused by that but you must accept the situation as complaining will do no good.

I am in a car and there's police wait what, I looked left and right and realised I'm in central Los Santos as I see a Ammunation(store for guns) by the bridge we were passing.

I decided to let the cops drive me to where they are headed to see what awaits me suddenly a cop had spoken "This should do let's, let him out now," said the cop, I was confused but waited. The cop had let me out and said a few words before heading back into the far and driving off "Young boss should be careful next time hehe" said the cop and left.


The host has complete 'cutscene' and will be rewarded information of the current state of life.

I was confused as to why I had a 'cutscene' but whatever let's see what my life is like.


Young gang member encounters Lester when he was checking out a garment factory for a potential 'storage facility when he had run into him when Lester said he sees potential in him and allowed him to work with him.

Due to being so close with the letter a professional criminal mastermind he had gained a said profession of, heist organiser.

Currently, the young master who leads a Korean gang known as the 'Black Mirage' comes in all black and leave as if they were never there thanks to the leader which is you. The man Ulric is currently living in an apartment in deeper heights and his mode of transport is The zenterno gifted to him by Lester due to his work.

-Description end-

So that's what's going on currently, well that's better than I expected let's see my status currently

Name: Ulric


Gender: Male

Nationality: Korean, Russian


Body stats:








Available points:0

Max potential:141

(the stats have been rounded up if they're a decimal and next time ill just have the stats after bonuses in brackets next to the stats without bonuses)

Other stats:






Available points:0

Max potential:30


Heist boss: level 1

Ok, my stats have improved due to my talent, a good thing I picked that background but I picked these things for the thrill. Life has always been boring to me so I liked to immerse myself in games, books and shows, now I have the chance I need to enjoy it to the maximum. Oh yeah, I wonder how they're doing can't wait to see their reactions I have any ideas to surprise them too.

I called a few people and gathered some info, I have an idea I'm going to 'help' the new players and guide them.

(3rd POV)

Ulric continued to take his time and gather information on the current situation of the 'players' and was busy making a plan while people were panicking especially the new players.

(Ulric POV)

I left my apartment and headed to a maze bank office and used the GTA phone yes that works it has features like the normal GTA and sent everyone a message except my friends as I knew most of them were smart enough not to waste their time by coming here remember most of them.

I messaged them saying that -meet up at maze bank office /link for information and talk about situation we're in-

I waited at the location but with a mask on as I don't want people to know who I am, not yet anyway. People were arriving by the minute till the front of the maze bank had more than 20 people here, I sent one of the members of my gang who had the same build as me with the same mask on to the stage as you know you can't trust anyone not even yourself. I/he spoke through the microphone.

"You must all be confused as much as I am but fret not as I am here I have played the game since the beginning and know much if you are new stand to the left if your are experienced/old players stand to the right and if you now of them stand in the middle "

We addressed the crowd and they followed even if some slowly until one spoke out.

"Why shall we follow your orders?!" he shouted at us.

Ah yes always one idiot, he came all the way here because of my message and complained now.

Well, we must set an example to others of the cruelty of GTA where for fun you bomb people.

We spoke.

"Guards escort the man as he has issues he can be asked to leave then he can have no complaints"

Then my gang members with similar masks followed my orders and escorted the man.

Afterwards, I began to explain to the crowd about the phone and how it worked as an alternative interface for your stats extra but the difference was that you could share some of your info or not or send money extra.

Some people were confused so others demonstrated, you may think the Ai I mean real people would think we're crazy or something but it seems as if they ignore or blank out about things related outside GTA.

Afterwards, I said we should share contacts which I got my member to give him instead, I like this member let's ask his name later (give names that you like).

When everyone was done I got them to discourse except the new players and got them to join my crew which as the game gave you RP bonuses when you did things related to each other then I asked them for their details, as I expected they had horrible stats with a few exceptions.

I gave them rooms in one of my low-end apartment buildings yes I owned one due to Lester then I got them to be immersed in my gang, yes this shall gain me some loyalty and RP with this I shall rise in power quickly.

Something unexpected had happened which wasn't a part of GTA normally.


I still had my mask on and out of instinct I had grabbed my doubles arm and my whole gang had teleported with me I guess they are a part of the crew as well.

While I was thinking a light appeared where I had given my speech last and out of it came a white light figure (a human-like person but made of light)

"Welcome players the first event shall begin in a week, events are times when there will be an optional task to do, to gain rewards"


"The tasks differ or continue from the last one, the task will only be known when the event starts only the theme will be told. Rewards will also vary depending on the level of completion of the said task and how you did it"


"The theme is Cars"

The light being disappeared and I and everyone else began to light up until I was back in the warehouse with my crew, great what specific theme cars not hard to guess what the topic could be at all.

Well, no time to waste I must make as much progress in this time so no one can stand in my way to power and fun.

(Remember if you would like to be added contribute and I will list your name at the end if you can be added and then you can comment your background story and ill add you)

Sorry for the late chapter btw.