
Transmigrated into anime with a martial arts system

A young Korean man living in America was suddenly transported into an extremely similar world to his. The only difference is... "Wait did he just break through a fucking building?" the residence of this world had seemingly superhuman abilities. Even the government failed to fight against a single man...wait... "Is that Yujiro? Wait is that fucking mikey?" it seems that multiple characters from fighting anime and even manwha were in this world...what should he do? 《 Martial Arts System initiation complete.》 . . . . . "What."

Mamon_Lucifer · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Skipping school

"Mitski misses you" ryuhei spoke softly, a slight tone in his voice that I couldn't determine

'Mitski...that crazy chick from the 2nd affiliate? what does she have to do with me?'

My mind races, trying to remember how I know Mitski. A flash of info flooding my mind as memories of my childhood emerge...

'Me and Mitski knew each other when I was 10 and her 11. Seems we were pretty close, almost like siblings...Damn, I'm already getting attached.' I give a small smile to Ryuhei before speaking

"I've missed her too, it's been quite a long time since I've seen or heard from Mitski-nim. May I ask who you are?" If I remember correctly, Ryuhei was in love with Mitski. I wonder how he feels about her missing me. could he see me as competition...god, I don't wanna fight this guy. I don't even know how strong I am compared to these fucking building busters

Before Ryuhei could even speak, Luna would interrupt a slightly teasing tone in her voice

"Who Mitski? bet she's some big-breasted chick you fucked, Oh sorry I remembered how much of a pussy you are~"





"Anyways, I'm Ryuhei. Mitskis..bodyguard. She mentioned you a lot and requested for me to come get you. She misses you a lot.'' After ignoring the midget who promptly walked away after seeing no reaction from either of us, Ryuhei would have introduced himself. Shaking my hand as he does

'Ding!' I hear as a blue screen appears in front of my eyes, blocking my view of Ryuhei as time comes to a halt around me

『Quest created. Challenge Ryuhei』

『 Rewards: 50,000¥‎/$341, Visualization, Growth package

time limit: 5 hours』

'What. WHAT! oh, come on...Don't tell me I have to fight this dude...wait! it says challenge not fight! what if he accepts? ill have to think about it.'

I stared him in the eyes, his height nearing mine which wasn't surprising considering a lot of characters from Lookism are above 180cm.

"Well, when would she like to see me? I'm free right now." 'I could use this as an excuse to skip school, I mean. Who would want to go to school right after reincarnation?'

he stares at me in contemplation, a slight tinge of confusion on his face as he speaks

"I thought you had school? not that I care. Well she can see you right now, Hop in" A nice-looking car pulls up a few feet away, its doors opening as I walk in with Ryuhei

'Now that I think about it, did it say challenge him to a fight?' I look at him, parting my lips to speak

"So... wanna play rock paper scissors?" he looks at me for a few seconds before smirking cockily

"I'll have you know I'm the 5 time Kanto champion in rock paper scissors!" 'I didn't even know that was a thing...' We place our fists in front of each other, counting down out loud










"This game is stupid..." He says, a downcasted expression present on his face as I smile with pride

『 Quest completed. Rewards being Distributed!

Money distributed in bank!


Visualization-Lvl1: Visualize and predict the opponent's attacks 1 second before they do it.

Growth package rewards: Taekwondo Lvl-10

See-through world-Lvl-MAX: The user perception has evolved to a point where you're able to see the muscles and weak points of your opponent or anyone you look at』

'Interesting, while not providing an outright stat booster the long-term use for these abilities is extremely exceptional. A combination of see-through world and Visualization could be deadly.'

As we come to a halt id notice an extremely lavish and colorful building, noticing a woman at the very top as I look up

'Wait how am I seeing this far? could it have something to do with my passives?'

Even though it wasn't as clear as it would be if it were face-to-face I could vaguely make out a smile

"Just follow me." The fake champion says, leading me inside the building, crossing a few expensive items such as furniture, and an indoor car, and finally arriving at an elevator surrounded by a few people in mask

"Is this him?" The man in the orange fox mask says, a slight playfulness in his tone Ryuhei simply nods as I begin observing the others, my eyes landing on a rather short man, dressed in a neat black suit, his mask being mostly red in color, looking like a pouting demon?

'How the hell do I even describe that?' he gives me a quick nod before stepping into the elevator, followed by orange fox.

My eyes look up, staring at an absolute giant in front of me, his mask resembling a baby puckering its lips but highly exaggerated, he doesn't even look at me as he squeezes into the elevator, followed by ryuhei who motions me with his hand to follow

"What are you waiting for?" he says, pushing a button the second I step in, my body being squished between baby face and orange fox which made for a very embarrassing and uncomfortable ride.

'I wonder if I can check my stats...*Observe*'







『Kwan Hanuel』

『Strength: A+

Speed: S+ Endurance: B+

Intelligence: S+ Potential: SSS+

Active skills: Visualization-Lvl1 Passive skills: See-through world-Max, Taekwando-Lvl10』

"Interesting..." I mutter out loud, thankfully I was ignored.

'It seems my potential is extremely high. Lower than most of ryuheis stats but I wonder if my potential could be increased, its very likely due to this system'

We'd finally arrive at our destination, the door opening as my view changes from the previous mentioned door to a clean and fancy livingroom,a flatscreen Tv a few feet in front of a couch playing a show I don't recognize.

"Mitski, he's here!" In an instant a white blur would crash into me, stumbling me for a bit as I look down, coming face to face with a very beautiful woman, her black eyes looking into my golden ones, a bright smile on her face as she speaks

"AEIN!!" she screams out, hugging me tightly as I stay still in confusion

"g-gongjunim?" the words smoothly exit my mouth, my mind quickly realizing that I just called her princess. Her smile grows larger as she...


Kisses me on the cheek!?!?!

so like. Fucks up with yall? how yall doin

Mamon_Lucifercreators' thoughts