
The First Character Meeting

"Oh? You seem to know me--Wait," she smiled teasingly toward me, "You've played the Game I was in, haven't you, Mystery-kun?"

When she realized what she said, a light blush went across her face but she didn't back away.

Seeing her beautiful face only made more stunning by the blush, I felt my heartbeat speed up.

I composed myself before speaking again, "Why don't you come in, Monika? It'll be easier to explain it all," knowing she of all people would believe what I was about to say, I moved to the side to let her in.

Nodding with a smile, she walked through the door.

She was in her iconic school uniform and I've got to say; she's much more beautiful than the Game gave her credit for.

Monika; a game character who knew she was a game character and the knowledge and power given by that knowledge, drove her insane.

In a romance game, she was the only one of the girls in the game without a route. She could never be with the person she loved, so she vowed to change that by destroying the other girls and wiping them from the game until it was just you, her and a classroom.

I guess you could call her a crazy bitch but I didn't think that. You've gotta understand that that kind of knowledge - that your reality is fake and you're just code, a game character - would drive anyone into the depths of insanity.

I've gotta say, I've always felt bad for her, so, it's good to know that she's finally got a chance at a real life.

Leading her through to the living room of my apartment, I motioned for her to sit on the sofa, while I chose to stay standing.

She sat down and looked intently at me while I stood a few feet in front of her.

"...Haah~ Where to start..." whispering this to myself, I felt Gamer's Mind come in and calm me.

Huh. That Ability is quite useful in situations like this.

"Okay, Monika, here's what happened..." I then went on to introduce myself before telling her about how I died in my original world, went on to meet a 'God' and got some wishes. I didn't go into detail on my wishes, I just told her I wanted to be transmigrated into a world which is a mixture of anime, manga, and anime-like games.

I told her that her game must have qualified for the mixture and that's why she's real-life construct now, instead of just being in a game.

When I finished, Monika was just looking up at me with her clear green eyes. They were filled with complex emotions.

Relief, happiness, and excitement were some of the positive ones, but...there were darker emotions mixed in.

"...Which brings the question of How?" I let my question sink in, "How did you know you weren't in the game anymore? And how did you know I caused this change?"

It was Monika's turn to compose herself before she spoke.

"...I don't quite know. Even though we're not in the Game, I still seem to have some kind of pseudo-omnipresence and a weird kind of hyper-intelligence. I know things about the world but this time it isn't through the game's code, but instead through my strong mind...What I want to do now though, is ask...what is a God like?" she looked curiously at me, wondering what it was like.

I know why she was curious; because you could call her a God of her own world, and she wanted to know what a real God was like.

"...She was 'unique' to say the least," suddenly, something came to mind and I walked closer to Monika, "Sit still, Monika, I'm gonna use an ability on you to see what you are now," she went a bit stiff out of worry but my gentle smile seemed to reassure her.

Using Observe on her, I saw a box appear above her head.

[Monika Lv19]

[???-Type Esper]

"Hmmm, that's interesting..."

"What is it, Tatsuya?" Monika tilted her head to the side and looked up at me cutely.

Seeing her facial expression, I couldn't help but thank Chaos that DDLC was added to this world. Smiling down at her, I replied, "Well, Monika, it turns out you're an Esper of some kind. You should have powers, and from what you've told me, it's some kind of hyper-intelligence and watered down omnipresence."

She went into thought before a big smile spread across her face, "That would make sense. Most of my school work became incredibly easy when I looked at it, which should be the intelligence, and then I sensed someone in this world who shouldn't be here in this world, which should be the presence detection," she put her finger on her red lips in a thinking motion.

Hearing what she said, I tilted my head in confusion, "What do you mean I'm not supposed to be in this world?"

"Well, when you first appeared, I sensed something being ripped open and you were just thrown into this world. Your identity is still being built because I can't gain much from it. Your name's Tatsuya Yamamoto, you're 17 and you go to the same Highschool as me. You should be in Class 2-B...and that's where your identity ends," she spoke in a matter-of-fact sort of tone with her eyes closed like some kind of Sage and her index finger pointed out.

She looked like an elderly sister giving a lecture to her brother.

But she soon realized her pose and lowered her hand with a slightly red face.

"Hmmm...So, I don't have an identity? That's gonna be troublesome. Who knows who's already found out," I felt a bit miffed that I was gonna have people coming at me so soon but Monika got my attention with a cough.

"Didn't I say it's still being built? Most of everything you need has been brought into existence during our little conversation, so you don't need to worry. The Government, either Japan's or any other country's, isn't any the wiser that you've just popped into existence," her trademark smile along with the Gamer Mind ability calmed me down massively.

Letting out a little sigh, I smiled toward Monika, "Well, if that's fine, I wanna ask a question...what are you gonna do now? You can do whatever you want, Monika! You should have a life of your own that's been made with this world...If anything you should be able to wear something other than your school uniform! You're a real person now, Monika!" my own excitement seemed to light something in Monika as her emerald eyes glowed like lamps.

"Ara ara that is so, isn't it? But..." she trailed off before pouting a little, "Don't you like me in my school uniform? I thought men liked this kind of thing~?" the mischievous light in her eyes made me laugh.

"You look great in your uniform Monika but that's not the point--" I was cut off by a smiling Monika.

"Oh? So, you do think I look nice in it..." her eyes seemed happy at this non-scripted dialogue we could have, "As the person who made it so I can wear other clothes again, I think it's your duty to help me shop for them!"

Hearing her reasoning, I spaced out.


"Yep yep, that's it. You need to tell me which clothes look good on me as I've never been clothes shopping before, let alone wore anything other than this," she motioned down at her uniform.

As she kept on saying this, I was still in a bit of a daze. Couldn't this be seen as a date...? Wait, no, she's just asking as a friend, right? R-right?

My slight panic was quelled once more by the Gamer Mind ability.

...Haah~ thank god for that ability otherwise I'd be a nervous wreck in front of Monika.

"Aren't you going to say anything, Tatsuya? Or should I call you Yamamoto-kun now that we're in Japan and have to use those Honorifics~?" she continued her teasing and I found myself smiling at seeing Monika have so much fun.

Suddenly plopping myself down on the sofa right next to her, I saw Monika jump a little before going stiff.

Seeing this, I saw my chance and smirked, "Yeah, I'll take you shopping Monika. After all, I went on all sorts of dates with you in the game...it'd be nice to go with you in real-life~" my words made Monika tilt her head a bit before she went red and looked at me with squinted eyes.

"In the game--Ah! You mean mods, right?..." her voice trailed off before her face went completely red, "W-wait! W-what mods did you p-play?" knowing what she was currently getting embarrassed about, I shuffled closer to her and leaned to her red ear.

"Oh, I played alllll the good ones, Mo-ni-ka~" blowing air into her ear, I quickly moved back to my original place on the sofa before looking at the outcome of my work.

A red-faced, fidgeting Monika was sitting on the other side of the sofa, occasionally taking glances at me.

Mission Complete~

But still, I wish I had a camera on me to take a picture of Monika like this. I really wanted to see more faces like this; ones that were never part of her Character Model in the game.

Monika held a hand up to her face as if testing how hot her face had become before muttering something.

"...This is much more embarrassing than anything that happened in that game...Who thought I could get so embarrassed..." she seemed to think I didn't hear her but I definitely did and I couldn't help but smile even harder.

But I'd play ignorant for now.

Letting Monika calm herself down, I just sat there in silence. It wasn't awkward either, just...relaxing I guess.

At least I knew one person who I could trust.

I don't know if this is Monika from mid-game DDLC or end game DDLC where she's gone nuts but either way I know I'll have a friend in her as a similar person who knows more about the world than they should.

And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to her. I'd also be lying if I said I didn't want to get with her.

Hey, what can say, I'm honest about my feelings.

It didn't take long for Monika to calm down and what was left was a smiling Monika with only a small blush to her face.

"Well, I only came over here to see who you were, Tatsuya...so I'll take my leave as I know you want to get to whatever you were going to do with that baseball bat~" it was my turn to be surprised and knowing that Monika had probably seen (and heard) my yells of excitement caused me to blush a little.

This caused Monika to let out beautiful giggles, even bending over a little as she probably remembered what I was doing.

I felt my face burning up and vowed to get back at this beautiful girl in front of me.

Slowly, her giggles came to an end and she stood up from the sofa.

Looking into my red eyes with her green ones, Monika smiled softly once again, "Thank you for making that wish, Tatsuya...even if you didn't do it on purpose you broke me free of that 'hell' and brought me to a new reality...I'm incredibly thankful and I'm looking forward to our date when you'll take me clothes shopping~" in classic Monika fashion she leaned forward and to the side with her hands behind her back. Her skirt flicked around and she really gave off the air of a youthful and happy high school girl.

But when I think about it, isn't she being overly close with me? Wait...Could it be that she remembers everything from the games? Or is this Monika the one from MY personal game save? Goddamn, this is all so annoying...

Without saying anything more she started walking toward my door.

I followed after her and opened the door for her before moving out of the way so she could exit. Looking at her, she turned around before smiling again.

"Once again, Tatsuya...thank you," her face lit up in a dazzling display of happiness. Seeing her shine like this, I felt my heart skip a beat before I averted my eyes and laughed in embarrassment.

"Haha...It didn't take any sacrifice from me, so I'm not some hero, Monika--!" my words were cut off when Monika grabbed my shirt and pulled my head down while she got on the tip of her toes to cover the rest of our height difference.

When her head and mine were close enough, Monika leaned toward me and planted a kiss on my cheek.

It was over in an instant but I felt like that instant lasted for millennia. Her soft lips pressed against my skin made my entire body tingle and I felt incredibly reluctant when her lips finally left my face.

"...You're a hero to me, Tatsuya, and you're the only person who knew what I went through...You'll always be special to me," her voice trailed off and she mumbled something under her breath, "Especially now that I remember you..." once again I was confused but I had an inkling on what she meant. Though, I chose that it'd be best to not bring it up.

Before I could say anything, Monika giggled and took off in a half-sprint, half-skip.

...What an interesting girl.

Closing my door, I went back to my room and figured I should get back to what I was originally doing.

I picked up my bat before activating the Instant Dungeon skill and choosing the Zombie ID.