
New Family(2)

A sweet voice came from opposite the round table they were sitting at, "Do you want to eat anything specific? Tell me, I'll inform the chef to make them for you tomorrow."

She looked at the lady of the voice who was softly smiling at her. The lady was the first daughter-in-law of the Lin family, Ye Qing, her aunt who was sitting next to her mother, Lu Yi-Ching, the second daughter-in-law of the family.

Lin Huiying had not experienced a really warm family from her father's side of the family in her past life. She came from old money. The family was like a typical- rich-relatives who backstabbed their siblings. In front of each other, everyone wore masks but all knew the reality of their relationships. Her grandfather had brought a step-grandmother for them.

Well, all in all, her parents had suffered immensely under them and she had developed depression and anxiety at the age of 9 or 10. Which lasted for 7/8 years. Till she decided to heal herself and live her life happily and peacefully. It was quite difficult to grow but it became a little easier when she shifted abroad after high college school. She lived with her brother, the time was turbulent initially. But slowly everything calmed down when their parents shifted abroad with them.

One thing she was extremely proud of was her emotional intelligence. She was mature for her age, but that didn't mean she didn't know how to enjoy her life and be kind to others even in harsh situations. She took pride in her EQ the most.

From her experience, she was not used to having such a good relationship with her uncle's family. But after coming here she was guilty of judging her uncle's family when she realized that they truly cared about her family and were not wolves in ship's clothing.

She gave her aunt a sweet smile and replied, "Aunt you can prepare anything for me and I'll eat it happily with my eyes closed."

"Aiya this girl is becoming sweet day by day." Her aunt laughed along with her mother who smiled too looking at her daughter.

"Oh, right I heard grandfather specially asked all of us to attend the dinner tonight without anyone missing. What's it about?" A young man in his 20s asked. His voice was pleasant to hear.

Lin Huiying looked at her cousin, Lin Biao, who was of the same age as her brother. Her brother had few months on him being the first young master of the family. He looked quite similar to his father, Lin Zexus, her uncle who was sitting next to her father bickering with him regarding some bet they made on crickets.

The difference between the father and son would be that her cousin was taller than him. Light beige skin tone, long-narrow eyebrows, black long hair, oval face with high cheekbones, and round Asian eyes.

Good-looking. Artist by profession. Friendly. Optimistic. Most important point: A good big brother, the type who takes care of all his siblings and makes them feel comfortable around them.

Suddenly a young man in his teens cleared his hoarse throat and spoke, "Seems like grandfather wants to discuss something. He attended the royal court today and took him longer than usual. Something important must have happened or they must be planning an event."

Soon after speaking, he folded by holding his throat and clearing it, "Ah, my voice sounds so hoarse even after clearing it."

"Lin Dan, I told you numerous times to drink the herbal soup to reduce your cold. But you keep running away. If your throat won't be coarse, then what would it be?" Lu Yi-Ching chided her nephew.

"Aunt that soup is so bitter, it can't pass through my mouth. Just the taste of it gives my whole body goosebumps." Lin Dan replied with a distorted expression while remembering the taste of the herbal soup his aunt makes all the children drink whenever they have a cold.

It is quite effective but the taste is capable of giving goosebumps to even grown-ups.

"It's true mom, I support Dan on this." Lin Huiying said with an understanding look while nodding at her cousin.

Lin Dan and Lin Jiang were fraternal twins of her uncle. They both were born after a month and few days of her birth. They were close to each other since they grew up together. They were the mischievous trio of their family.