
Transmigrated Into A Ho-hum Novel

In the captivating world of her twin brother's novel, Eun-kyung, a spirited and brave girl in her seventeens, finds herself mysteriously transmigrated into the story as a minor character, Ji-woo, who tragically died before the novel's time frame. The novel centers around the enigmatic protagonist, U-jin, who has devoted his life to seeking revenge, though his true motivations remain veiled in mystery. Now residing within Ji-woo's body, Eun-kyung is diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), as she is seen as another personality inhabiting Ji-woo's form by a physician. Surprisingly, she discovers the ability to effortlessly travel between her own world and the novel's reality, with Ji-woo regaining control whenever she returns to her own world. However, amidst this perplexing situation, U-jin, the relentless main character, pursues Eun-kyung like a puppet, his every breath filled with declarations of his intense and undying love for her. As Eun-kyung embarks on her quest, she delves deeper into the secrets surrounding her birth and that of her brother's, as well as the true nature of the world she finds herself in. Throughout it all, Eun-kyung remains unwavering in her determination to seek justice and unveil the truth. And also to her astonishment, she begins to question whether Ji-woo's alleged suicide was indeed self-inflicted. Join Eun-kyung on an enthralling journey as she navigates a realm where fiction and reality intertwine. As she confronts love, vengeance, and the grip of an indomitable protagonist, will Eun-kyung uncover the secrets hidden within the depths of this bewildering world? Or will she succumb to unseen forces, forever imprisoned by a destiny not of her own choosing due to the mistakes of her past? And what if unearthing the knowledge of her previous life reveals that she was once enemies with her current friends? How will this revelation impact her and those around her? Bonds will surely be tested, and Eun-kyung must face the consequences of her past actions, coming to terms with the choices she made.

CelesteVega · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Rescue Mission.

U-jin went to school today to organize some documents, and as usual, Diego followed him. They had grown closer ever since Ji-woo stopped chasing after U-jin. Diego had confessed that he initially disliked him because of Ji-woo, but now he's grateful to have the two most important people in his life, Ji-woo and him.

Diego has become more open to U-jin, but he can't shake the feeling that he doesn't know much about his brother. Sometimes, he asks Ji-woo if she has heard anything new from Diego, but the answer is always no.

"U-jin, I'm heading to Ji-woo's house," Diego informed him.

"Okay, please extend my greetings to her," he said. However, Diego didn't leave immediately; instead, he narrowed his eyes and looked at U-jin with curiosity.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Diego asked, and U-jin looked at him in confusion.

"Eun-kyung?" Diego said. U-jin smiled and replied, "She's a spirit, remember? I can't possibly ask how she's doing. I feel like it would be best if she returned to her own world and lived a normal life instead of being trapped here as a spirit." U-jin explained.

Diego sighed and placed his hand on U-jin's shoulder. "Everything will work out fine."

U-jin smiled and said, "I hope so." Diego said his goodbyes and left.

For the next twenty minutes, U-jin sorted through some documents. He knew that if he didn't take care of them now, he would have a lot of work waiting for him when school resumed. Unfortunately, his lazy friend, Eun-woo, who claimed to be his best friend, didn't come to help him, using the excuse that his mom wouldn't allow him to leave the house. U-jin assumed that he was probably snoring away in his room.

U-jin was in the midst of preparing to sign a crucial document when he was startled by the sudden appearance of a mysterious, amorphous purple shape. Upon looking closer, he realized that the shape was that of a girl, whom he recognized as Eun-kyung.

Surprised and slightly irritated, he stood up, his voice filled with frustration, "Eun-kyung, I explicitly told you not to reveal yourself to me. It could be very risky," he admonished. However, Eun-kyung's hand continued to wave frantically in the air.

Perplexed, U-jin stared at her, confusion evident in his eyes. Eun-kyung gingerly placed her hand onto his, motioning him to follow her but her hand simply passed through his. Undeterred, Eun-kyung gestured towards the door and then pointed to herself before walking in that direction.

Understanding began to dawn on him, U-jin realized that Eun-kyung was urging him to accompany her. Filled with curiosity about Eun-kyung's presence and the potential consequences she was facing, he decided to follow her lead. Together, they made their way to his car, where he looked at her with a mixture of bewilderment and concern. Eun-kyung gestured towards the car and mimicked driving then directed him towards the school gate.

"Are you asking me to drive?" he inquired, seeking confirmation, to which Eun-kyung nodded vigorously.

Contemplating the situation for a moment, fear gripping his heart, he realized there was trouble looming. Without wasting another second, he retrieved his car keys from his pocket, unlocked the vehicle, and held the door open for Eun-kyung, ensuring she got inside before he joined her.

Engaging the engine, he simultaneously dialed the police authorities while driving. Within fifteen minutes, they arrived at Ji-woo's house. With Eun-kyung in tow, U-jin hurriedly ran towards the entrance.

As he was about to ascend the stairs, Eun-kyung materialized in front of him once again, pointing towards a different direction. Trusting her, he followed her lead. Soon, she directed his attention to a locked door. Determined, U-jin used his leg to forcefully push open the door. As he stepped through the threshold, his eyes immediately fixated on a hidden stairway nestled inconspicuously behind a bookshelf. Without hesitation, he descended the stairs and navigated through a dimly lit passage until he entered a secret room. The sight that greeted him was nothing short of shocking, but he quickly regained his composure when Eun-kyung gestured towards a corner.

There, lying forgotten on the ground, was Ji-woo's phone. U-jin swiftly picked it up, only to discover that Ji-woo had been recording something. He stopped the recording and listened intently, his mind now consumed with concerns. It became clear to him that Ji-woo's mother had done something sinister, yet one burning question still lingered: where was his brother?

Turning to Eun-kyung, he inquired about Diego, but she shook her head, leaving him surprised and bewildered. Urgently, he dialed Diego's number, but to his dismay, the call wouldn't connect.

Confusion clouded his mind as he pondered over the circumstances. Had something happened to Diego on his way here?

U-jin made his way back to the stairs, encountering the butler along the way. Desperately, he asked about Ji-woo's mother's whereabouts, only to be met with confusion as the butler professed his ignorance. Moments later, he spotted Ga-ram and Chae-young racing down the stairs, eagerly seeking answers about Ji-woo's whereabouts. U-jin relayed the grim news that only Ji-woo's mother could shed light on the situation.

Soon, the police authorities arrived, and U-jin played the recording for them. With their assistance, the house was thoroughly searched, but both Ji-woo and her mother remained elusive.

U-jin received a call from the bodyguards he had stationed at Ji-woo's house. They informed him that they had followed Ji-woo's mother's car but lost track of it. In a state of agitation, he called Mun-hee in a bid to locate Ji-woo and her mother. After what felt like an eternity, she returned his call, revealing that Ji-woo's mother's car had last been spotted leaving the city, and the destination was unknown since there were no CCTV cameras outside the city limits.

It was now getting dark, U-jin sat at the steps outside Ji-woo's mansion with both Eun-kyung and Ga-ram sitting beside him, experiencing immense frustration. Both Ji-woo and his brother had mysteriously gone missing, and worse yet, U-jin had no clue if Ji-woo's mother had anything to do with his brother's disappearance.

Determined to find his brother, U-jin decided to make another call to Mun-hee. However, just as he was about to dial the number, his phone began to ring, displaying an unknown number. Swiftly, he pressed the record and loudspeaker buttons, ensuring that Eun-kyung and Ga-ram could also hear the conversation. To his astonishment, a young girl's voice came through the line.

"May I ask who I am speaking to?" U-jin inquired.

"It's Min-joo, Ji-woo's personal maid," she responded. U-jin's surprise intensified; why would she be contacting him?

Min-joo continued, sharing crucial information, "I believe my mistress is being held captive near the barn close to my home." U-jin immediately sprung to his feet, with Ga-ram and Eun-kyung doing the same.

"Where exactly do you reside?" U-jin shot back with urgency.

"I am in Gyeonggi province. Miss Ga-ram is familiar with the location of my house," Min-joo answered and U-jin turned towards Ga-ram seeking confirmation, she nodded in acknowledgement.

"Your assistance has been invaluable. Thank you," U-jin expressed his gratitude before ending the call.

Without hesitation, he rushed to the police that were still there to inform them of the crucial information. The police swiftly entered their patrol car, with U-jin, Ga-ram, and Eun-kyung accompanying them.

En route, Si-woo and Mun-hee encountered them and were informed of Ji-woo's whereabouts. They decided to join in on the mission. The journey took them through the city and into the countryside, with Ga-ram providing directions to Min-joo's residence. Without delay, the police encircled the barn next to Min-joo's house, ready for action.

The police leader, with a commanding presence, grasped the loudspeaker and thundered, "You are completely surrounded! Surrender peacefully, raising your hands behind your head. You have a mere five minutes to comply, or else we will take matters into our own hands!"

With just one minute remaining, Ji-woo emerged from the barn, accompanied by a man wielding a gun, which he menacingly pressed against Ji-woo's head. Tears streaming down her face, Ji-woo obediently walked in front, her trembling hand raised in surrender. U-jin's face contorted with visible anger, and Ga-ram desperately restrained him, preventing any impulsive actions.

The man, in a fit of desperation, bellowed, "If you don't release us, I will blow off this young girl's brain!" his threat echoing through the tense atmosphere.

Assertively, the police leader retorted, "You know that is an impossible demand!"

Suddenly, a gunshot reverberated from within the confines of the barn, causing everyone's gaze to snap towards it in confusion. The man, now pointing his gun back and forth between the barn and the police, shouted, "You deceived us! It hasn't even been five minutes!" Ji-woo, upon comprehending the dire situation, fearfully bolted towards the police, with U-jin racing towards her without hesitation.

Realising that his protection had been shattered, the man knew his fate was sealed. However, he refused to go down alone, and he menacingly aimed the gun at Ji-woo.

In the tense silence, a single gunshot pierced the air.

Who knows who was shot? I'm so excited, the volume one of this novel will soon come to an end and the main story will begin and many questions will also be answered.

Please do place a comment, I really want to know your opinions on my novel. Thanks for reading.

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