
Transmigrated into a cannon fodder in Romance novel

Bidisha_Chatterjee_1637 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

mother nagging

Su xing wake up from his sleep he saw the time was 6:30 let's wash up first then he can have his lunch he was very excited to see what was today's lunch is ,Taste food is always a good way to start the day . Aunt ming what's today lunch

Aunt ming " Today is your favourite food omlet rice . Ho and your snacks is steam bun and soy milk.

Su xing " wow Thank aunt that great. After eating I will be going out . I will be return at least after 3 hours or 2 hours.

Aunt ming " Ok have a good day young master.

When su xing was done eating he get up from chair. Su xing look at his phone there was still some time before going to the mansion so walk to the living room and sat down on his sofa he was thinking ways to pass the time he suddenly thought of calling his mom he deal her number the phone was rigging someone soon answer the called.

Mrs. Su " Good timeing Son I was just think of calling you.

Su xing " Why some thing happened at home .

Mrs. Su " No you elder brother was going to a business trip adored for six months . I was thinking of informing you.

Su xing " He must be busy with arranging everything before going adored I should not disturbe him in mean time.

Mrs. Su " He just like your father a workalcohol he don't know how to injoy life . In my thoughts everything should be well balance in life. Fun when you need it work when it the time . If you to obses with one thing you will lose other thing in life. He such a bore . I hope this time he can brought a doughter in-law along with him. But with his starn face no girl going to come close to him.

Su xing " Mother give him some Time.

Mrs. Su " I be relive if he bit like you seriously tell me his like or dislike . He he is already 26 year old and never had a girlfriend I even started to worry if he has some physical defect that he is not telling me about.

Su xing " Mother in brother age people always want's to prove there worth in there work field.we can't interfere in his love life that will do more harm then any good.

Mrs. Su " I know that why I only give him hints about what I want. Ha let's think of this matter any other time how are you now did you were able to adjust there.

Su xing " This place air quality is very good it a great place for relaxing mind and body. we should also plan a family trip we have not gone for many years some place similar like this .

Mrs. Su " Yeah that be nice I will tell you father and brother to make up some time for family vacation sea must be nice.

Su xing " Ok anything you chose is fine for me mother .

Mrs. Su " Oo i almost forgot I sent some of my newly design clothes for you after wearing them please send me the picture.

Su xing " After I get them I will send the picture to you.

Mrs. Su " this will be arrive within 3 days okay I hanging to call now take care dear .

Su xing " Ok mom take care yourself and father too.

Su xing feel a little pity for his brother continue later generation responsibility are greatly fallen gately on him. He only 26 years old but mother still Pasisering him passively.

Su xing always like man.but he was never was open about it. He fear if his sexuality was know his is reputation would go down his fram and Fortune will go down along with it. That why he always keeping his relationship secret in his past life . Because of this his lovers always leave him in his previous life they didn't wants to continue a relationship in secret all the time so he can't bleam them in this.

But this life his parents supported his every decision when he tell them he want to open about his sexuality they supported him . One year ago when he win a painting competition in his country .

The reporters take a interview of him . They asked him many question about his personal life professional work experience etc, when they ask about his love life he said he like the same gender.

That cause quite sensation in Capital city for a while his friend and family supported so that did not cause too much stear in his life . He did this for another reason.

If what happened to origin owner if the same thing happened to him so he wanted to have a lest impact in this polt.

In other words the greater his fame bigger the Fall will be in his reputation in future.

So he wanted to being down his reputation a little bit. So it didn't impact him much in future. If something perfect got tainted there will be a big commotion but if he don't have a perfect Persona to begin with losing a competition to a junior would not affect him much.

His plans did succeed somewhat . Few days after his interview many people who hate homosexual were calmoring his awards should be withdraw reason being someone like him should not represent young people ideal figure this will lead young people to bad direction . He don't know maybe because this world was from a female genre people hate

homosexual a little more than his world at first public reaction was quite worse then he hope still he was quite satisfy with it after Reborn in this family he did not have any tension about money . Even if no one brought His painting in this world he will still paint because he loves it.many people were bad mouthing him internet but his family influence was better than he expected they deal with this matter with water Army and lawsuits . In few days people stop talking bad about him . Some people even started supporting me. In truth

He had hope he is reputation would go down that he can't possible tell his family. After this incident he don't know why his female fan suddenly had a massive in increase. Something is life is turely is a mystery it don't go they way people hope.

In the end he was quite malencloy about this.

Su xing saw the time it was already 8:00am he was thinking going early mansion today to meet up with the boy . It don't look like boy will welcome him much but he still need to be patient with it . Good did always need patients. After some day enquiry he surely deal with the situation well. Then he can finely see the boy situation better .

Su xing lie today aunt ming because he is going to sneaky enter the storeroom.