
Transmigrated into 'Rebirth of the urban immortal cultivator'-Fanfic

A reader of 'rebirth of the urban immortal cultivator' suddenly dies and is Transmigrated there.

HuaXia · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Martial Tournament pt 2

"Lin Bao was too weak and was scared by a single skill of mine so I had to use another. I was expecting Lei Qianjue not you." Chen Fan replied to master Hu taunting him with an arrogant tone. before continuing "Your martial arts is not that good but has some strong points such as walking across the sea I never thought of myself."

"Great master Chen, there you are at last! You must teach him a lesson and let him know he cannot mess with Jiangbei" Zhong Tianhao shouted as he stood up making many surprised as Zhong Tianhao was confirming Chen Fan was great master Chen.

"Today I will honor my brother by spilling your blood!" Master Hu shouted as he began circulating qi.

"Now I will show you what real martial arts is." Chen Fan responded circulation his own qi into his hand continuing by saying "Thirty-six apex martial arts! Number one, air hammer."

"What is that?! It must be a trick!" Master Hu said as he used all his strength and appeared behind where he threw a punch with all his might.

"Too weak." Chen Fan replied as he went to the floor releasing qi making master Hu retreat.

"This is not a trick, he is a martial master at the peek of martial arts!" He said as he looked at Chen Fan thinking of his options.

"Number two, cloud hand!" Chen Fan said as a bird made of qi appeared behind him.

Master Hu tried to withdraw but Chen Fan appeared behind him where master Hu said "This is a punch containing all of my cultivation, try to stop it." As he stretched his arm trying to finish Chen Fan with this one attack.

Chen Fan responded with his own attack which sent master Hu flying back but he luckily stopped himself but he had a huge scratch across his chest "His attack from his fingertips alone caused this! I must flee!" Master Hu said as he grasped his wound.

Master Hu then continued to run across the sea where Chen Fan responded with "number three, void quake!" hitting master Hu from a hundred meters away and brought him back to the stage where he lay still.

"I prepared seven forms for your master but you could only take three." Chen Fan said.

"Apex martial arts? I don't regret dying as I got to see such incredible martial arts." He replied as he took his last breath.

This took the audience surprised with them shouting "Lin Hu is dead?!"

"Does anyone else want to challenge me?" Asked Chen Fan looking to the audience and the big bosses.

"Great master Chen could you spare me?" pleaded Xing Zhong.

Chen Fan then appeared behind him and asked rhetorically "I forgave you once in Chuzhou and you responded with revenge asking Lin Hu. What do you think I should do with you?"

A/N: Some people may not think it's rhetorical so just making it clear.

"Stay back or I will shoot!" Xing Zhong said as he pulled out a gun.

"Oh, are you, go ahead." Chen Fan replied.

"I'll really shoot you!" Xing Zhong responded while shaking immensely.

"Do it!" Chen Fan shouted.

Xing Zhong shot where Chen Fan blocked it using qi causing Xing Zhong to say "E-even a...a bullet can not kill you?!"

"Oh. so you really dared to shoot? I will have to kill you now." Chen Fan replied as he used the same bullet shot at him to pierce Xing Zhong's head.

"Great master Chen, save me, Great Master Chen." Wu Shanhe pleaded.

"Your martial arts are miraculous great master Chen. Jiangbei will follow great master Chen, do not hesitate to give us an order." Xu Ao said with a slight bow of respect as he came forward.

Everyone began to chant "Great Master Chen!"

With this, I stood up and suddenly appeared before them all. "I do not wish to ruin the fun but I challenge Chen Fan."

"What!" Was the response of the audience.

"Feilong! Don't you're not his match!" Xu Ao shouted.

"Uncle Xu, this is something I wish for and I doubt Chen Fan would kill me." I respond.

"Who do you think you are!" Many in the audience shouted.

"Chen Fan or should I say great master Chen if you would?" I said with a bow ignoring them.

"I concede." Was Chen Fan's response shocking everyone.

"Not even going to try?" I asked.

"I know you are stronger than me." He replied.

"But that does not mean we can have a spar." I respond.

"There is no need." Chen Fan said as he began to walk away.

"Is this all the immortal sovereign Beixuan can do?!" I asked using my qi so that only he heard it.

This shook Chen Fan as he instantly started circulating his and went for a surprise attack.

I instantly dodge and say "Too slow."

This angered him slightly as he continued to a flurry of attacks before I use a single finger and say "long huo!"

A/N:[The Chinese character for it was here but I removed it] is the Chinese character for this and means dragon heat.

When I said that my palm ignited into a bright orange flame with my palm being the head of the fire dragon and my arm being the body but as my palm made contact with Chen Fan the dragon on my arm had shot out a fireball causing Chen Fan to fly away and fall to the ground.

"Who are you!" Chen Fan said weakly as I put my hand on him and healed him.

"I am a reborn immortal like yourself so let's not get into a fight to the death. ok?" I asked him.

"Ok." He responded knowing I was much stronger.

'If I was weaker than him he would have killed me but because he knows I'm stronger than him and he knows he won't be able to attack me in any way and will probably see me as an enemy he must keep close or become an ally to.'

"I will let Chen Fan be in control of Jiangbei so please continue to go to him with any problems you have, I did that to demonstrate my abilities to you all and hope you could do me some favors if I ever require them." I shout to the audience who were gobsmacked at the event that just happened.

"We worship great master Chen and great master Feilong!" the big bosses replied as they all got up and bowed.

"Please, raise your heads especially you uncle Xu!" I respond before I continued with "I will take my leave if you need to be in contact with me please speak to Chen Fan, Xu Ao, or Wei Zhang who is not here but owns the auction house in Chuzhou!" I say as I turn to Chen Fan and say, "I will be going to the military soon so continue to do what you wish but if you ever wish to contact me use this talisman."

"Understood." He replied as I gave him a golden talisman and left.

I arrived back in my house and began to think to myself as I cultivated. 'What a stupid move to reveal I know his identity but I guess this would make him less hostile to me as he could have become as he will slowly grows and figures out I was never in his first life in any way along with I can now get in contact with him regularly and slowly gain his trust while he takes care of most of the problems that could happen as he slowly gains power. However, I still need to head to the military so I can continue my plans.'

A/N: I just wanted to satisfy people who wanted Feilong to fight Chen Fan. Also, I split this into two parts as I never wanted it soo long like the Xu Rongfei birthday chapter. Either way, hope you enjoyed it!

pt 1 was around the same in terms of words as this one.


I do take criticism but make sure you read the whole chapter before commenting on something as I have probably said why I'm doing something but If I have not then you can comment and I will reply.

Also, this is all written on the spot and I don't plan stuff but I may make a mental note of a few ideas I want to do such as the friend group thing meeting Xu Rongfei was a mental note along with the rough outline of how Feilong would transfer and would go to this tournament and spar Chen Fan although never really planned for him to tell Chen Fan that Feilong knew Chen Fan was a reborn emperor. Also, I normally write how I would say something with just a few points that are for writing and without the slang.

I appreciate feedback and any ideas you put in the comments which I will respond to :)

Make sure to add to library and comment!

Check out the other fic, Transmigrated into 'Apotheosis'-Fanfic

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