
Transmigrated in the World of My Wife is a Beautiful Ceo

MC will transmigrated as Yang Chen. My first fanfic so constructive criticism is welcome. This novel Isn't serious ,I'm just bored and doing this for fun. By the way the cover does not belong to me.

CrummyBread · Others
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78 Chs

Chapter 25 (+18)

(AN: Small-time skip in this chap.)

Give us the God's Stone, Pluto!" Shouted Hannya.

Rose was quite confused at the sudden events but stayed quiet.

"Yeah...No." Yang Chen said indifferently.

Hannya kept looking a Yang Chen coldly before a smile formed on her lips.

"Legends say that you destroyed ZERO single-handedly, but I believe you had help in the obliteration of the organization. The people who went to scour the ruins of ZERO found no trace of the God's Stone so it naturally had to be in the possession of someone, and who else would it other than you. Now while I'm saying this, do you feel a little different right now?"

Yang Chen has a complete relaxed expression and said, "Oh, you mean the poison, well don't get too excited because it obviously didn't work."

Hannya was shocked but quickly composed herself.

"You must be trying to buy time, there is no way my poison didn't work. You must be feeling weak right now, so you think lying will help you right now." Hannya sneered, but she truly felt something was wrong. The poison should've taken effect by now, but yet he is standing with no visible problems showing.

The two men that we're positioned in front of the door also noticed this. They then looked over to Hannya in confirmation to attack Yang Chen. Hannya shook her head. She had a gut feeling if they attacked Yang Chen right now, they would all die.

The two men then looked over to Rose and motioned to attack her in order to surprise Yang Chen and catch him off guard. For some reason when Hannya saw the two men intending to attack Rose, her gut feeling intensified so she quickly shook her head.

The two men didn't pay attention to Hannya's warning and one rushed toward Rose while the other rushed toward Yang Chen to catch him off guard.

Yang Chen noticing they were about to attack Rose became super pissed. He then froze the legs of the one that was rushing him with ice, preventing him from moving and rushed the one that was going to attack Rose with instantaneous speed.

Yang Chen caught him by the neck and slammed him to the floor.


Yang Chen didn't stop there and grabbed him from the back of the head and kept slamming his head onto the stone floor, repeatedly.

*Bam! Bam! Bam!...*

Even when the guy was begging, Yang Chen kept slamming his head. Yang Chen didn't care for the blood splattering all around him, he was just blinded by rage. There were broken teeth on the floor, some flesh that came of his face. Speaking of his face it was completely deformed by now as his face was fully covered in blood.

Yang Chen only stopped when he felt the guy wasn't squirming anymore. Even though Yang Chen was blinded by rage, he didn't let any blood get on his clothes or any on Rose with the exception of some blood on his face and his hands.

Hannya was shocked and became a bit fearful when she saw Yang Chen use ice and move instantaneously toward the 2 men. She was thinking of escaping when Yang Chen was brutally beating the guy but didn't dare move because she felt if she took one step, her head would be cut off.

'Monster!' Thought Hannya fearfully.

Rose never looked at Yang Chen with a disgusted or fearful gaze. Rose then made her way toward Yang Chen and hugged his back gently.

"Hubby, I'm okay," Rose whispered toward Yang Chen.

Yang Chen turned around and regained his peace of mind when he saw Rose. He then smiled warmly at her.

Rose gently wiped the blood from his face with her thumb and smiled lovingly at him.

They both separated since they weren't finished with this matter.

Yang Chen then turned to the guy that had his feet entrapped in ice and was shaking fearfully. He then used his True Qi and cut off all forms of his breathing. The guy put his hands on his neck, wanting to breathe but couldn't. His face turned red as he started bleeding from his nose as he was slowly suffocating. Finally, the guy passed out and died from suffocating while standing as he was still entrapped in the ice.

Yang Chen dissolved the ice and the man fell face-first to the ground.


Yang Chen then turned to Hannya, who had a fearful look and was going to settle the matter.

Suddenly a new person appeared as she jumped down from the window and landed gracefully on the ground.

This person was a tall woman with black hair while wearing a tight black t-shirt and jeans. She had a well-developed yet dainty figure. She then surveyed around the room with a cold face and furrowed her brows at the bloody mess.

Hannya seeing the newcomer, gave a grave look and said.

"Yellow Flame Iron Brigade's, Flower Rain?"

Flower Rain looked at Hannya and said coldly, "You shouldn't have come to China."

Although Flower Rain said it in a cold tone, it was clearly obvious that she felt disgusted by this person.

Hannya cleared up her thoughts, lightly chuckled, and said, "So it seems Pluto is working with the Yellow Flame Iron Brigade and has already handed over the God's Stone. You know once the other organizations find out about this, they'll come together to take to God's Stone away."

Suddenly Yang Chen spoke, "You're quite stupid, as I would ever hand over the God's Stone to China."

Hannya widened her eyes, but before she was able to say anything, Flower Rain said.

"Enough with the chit-chat, I'll be taking you back to headquarters to have you interrogated."

Yang Chen looked at Flower Rain and said indifferently, "No, I have some matters to discuss with her so you can leave."

Flower Rain glared hatefully at Yang Chen.

"Why?! She's our country's enemy! I will be taking her back with me."

Yang Chen stared at her and said, "You have a sister, don't you? Just leave now or I won't keep being nice."

When Yang Chen mentioned her sister, the atmosphere turned cold.

Of course, Yang Chen wasn't affected and neither was Rose.

Flower Rain was gripping her hidden gun as she gritted her teeth while staring coldly at Yang Chen.

Flower Rain finally nodded as she knew Yang Chen's identity of being Pluto and knew she couldn't take him. She then proceeded to leave through the door, but not before she looked at Yang Chen with one more hateful gaze.

Of course, Yang Chen wasn't going to touch her sister, he just wanted her to leave. He then looked over toward Hannya and said indifferently, "I was planning on giving you a painful death, but I noticed you're hesitation earlier so I decided to give you two choices."

Hannya perked up her ears and listened attentively.

"One: You die a painless death right now."

"Two: Or you...


Yang Chen who just arrived with Rose, back at her room, sat on the couch.

Rose then leaned her head on Yang Chen's shoulder as she sat next to him.

Yang Chen looked toward Rose and said, "You're not going to ask about what happened?"

Rose thought for a moment before she shook her head.

"I was, but then I realized you'll tell me when you're ready. I also decided to tell you about myself since I have already decided to spend my life with you."

Rose smiled lovingly toward Yang Chen before her expression became somewhat depressing.

"It's about Situ Mingze isn't it." Yang Chen said as he gently held her.

Rose nodded and started telling her story.

When Rose was young her father abused her and her mother, who was still alive at this time, on different occasions.

"The man beat my mother to death when he found out she was cheating on him with his subordinate. I always stayed with my father even after he killed my mother since I thought she deserved it but..."

Rose's eyes turned red as she was struggling to continue.

"One night my father came into my room and had a weird look as he stared at me. I was 18 at the time and he said that I reminded him of my mother so much. He said he was lonely after mother's death and he asked..me if I would b-become his..."

Rose couldn't stop the tears from coming down.

Yang Chen then wiped her tears gently and kept hugging her tightly.

Rose feeling Yang Chen's warmth had the courage to continue her story.

"After he asked me that, I ran out of the house and left his gang. I hated him...I wanted to kill him, but...I couldn't. That's why I left the decision up to you because I knew I couldn't end his life since blood was thicker than water."

Although Yang Chen knew this, that doesn't mean he was less angry. He then gently picked up Rose's chin and gave her a light kiss.

When they separated lips, Rose snuggled into Yang Chen's chest.

After a little while in each other's embrace, Yang Chen separated and made the God's Stone appear in his hand.

Rose was a little surprised but still waited for Yang Chen to speak.

"This black box is the God's Stone. I don't know how it was created but I do know this is a powerful item."

Yang Chen then continued explaining his identity as one of the twelve gods, and how a bunch of secret organizations are after the God's Stone.

Rose's shock turned in to worry.

"Will you be alright, hubby?"

Yang Chen pinched her nose and said confidently.

"Of course."

Rose rubbed her nose and cutely glared at Yang Chen.

Yang Chen smirked and said teasingly, "Is my little Rose mad."


Yang Chen then got up from the couch and quickly carried Rose to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Ah!" Rose, yelped in surprise.


Yang Chen quickly undressed Rose and himself before jumping into the shower.

"Hubby, let me wash your back first," Rose said while blushing.

Yang Chen nodded.

Rose then applied soap on her D-cup breasts and started washing Yang Chen's back.

Yang Chen feeling Rose's soft breast and hard nipples pressing and roaming around his back got hard down there.

Rose seeing Yang Chen's hard cock, blushed with lust in her eyes.

"Can't forget about this, can we?~"

Rose then applied soap to her hand and started jerking Yang Chen off.

Yang Chen grunted in pleasure, feeling Rose's slippery hands. He then suddenly turned around and started french kissing Rose.

As their tongue's intertwined, Yang Chen was gripping Rose's ass, making her moan lightly.


Yang Chen separated lips and turned her around.

"Now we have to clean you up."

Yang Chen applied soap on his hands and started playing with Rose's breast. His hands were coordinating her big breast with his every move. He then suddenly pinched her nipples.

"Ah!~" Rose moaned loudly.

Yang Chen starting trailing his fingertips toward her, now wet pussy. He then started playing with her clit.


Rose trembled as Yang Chen played with her clit. She then started grinding her pussy on Yang Chen's cock to feel more stimulus.

Rose couldn't take any more foreplay and said, "Hubby, I want you inside me!"

Yang Chen smirked and placed Rose onto the glass shower door, making her breast squish up against the door.

Yang Chen then place the tip of his cock onto her pussy and started pounding her from behind.

"Ahhh!~" Rose moaned loudly as he started fucking her.

With every thrust, Rose's breast shook, making the glass door vibrate at their every movement.

"Faster, hubby!~"

Yang Chen quickened his thrusts and slapped Rose butt, making it jiggle in delight.


"Ah..Ahh! ~"

Outside the shower, you can only hear lewd sounds and can barely see Rose's big breast and hands pressed up against the glass door since the steam was blocking out most of the view.

After a couple of minutes, Rose who was lost in pleasure was nearing her orgasm.

"Hubby, I'm going..to cum! ~"

"Me too, Rose."

"Together...let's cum together~"

Yang Chen couldn't hold back his ejaculation, grunted, and released all his semen inside of Rose's pussy. At the same time, Rose released her juices on Yang Chen's cock.


Rose then leaned on Yang Chen's chest as she was breathing heavily. Yang Chen's sperm was trailing down her leg since he released a lot.

"You're the best hubby.~"

Yang Chen smirked before they both actually starting showering this time.

----------(+18 end)

(A few days later)

Yang Chen was in a five-star hotel right now. He had a meeting with two important CEOs today so he was dressed in a black suit.

As Yang Chen was sitting and waiting, he was recounting, what happened these past few days.

With Rose, he went to visit her when she wasn't busy managing her gang. They would always have fun going to dates, trying different foods from expensive restaurants to small food stalls.

Yang Chen then furrowed his eyebrows as he thought about Jingjing. Every time he would call her, Jingjing would always sound like she had something on her mind. Yang Chen didn't persist with her since she never tried to say anything to him. Although he would always help Jingjing if she asked, he would only confront Jingjing if it became too serious, like if she would not be taking care of her own health then he would step in.

Yang Chen then thought about Ruoxi and couldn't help, but lightly chuckle. When he would arrive home, he would always find her wearing an apron that had black smudges. The kitchen would always smell like something was burned and she would always get embarrassed when he checked what was happening. In the end, it was still Wang Ma who prepared all the meals.

Yang Chen also received a call from Liu Mingyu apologizing for not having enough time to go for their lunch. She was recently promoted after what happened with Department Head Ma so she was quite busy. Of course, Yang Chen congratulated her and she even offered to have lunch soon.

But besides that, nothing else happened. Right now he was waiting in a dining table for the meeting.

Suddenly the door opened and the manager walked in.

"Sir, the CEO of Yu Lei International has arrived." Said the manager respectfully

Yang Chen nodded and motioned him to bring in the guest.

The manager left the room in order to attend to Lin Ruoxi.

(With Ruoxi)

Ruoxi walked into the hotel and was approached by the manager.

He looked middle-aged and had a temperament of a leader.

"Welcome, Miss Lin." The manager said professionally.

Ruoxi showed a professional smile and greeted, "You must be the CEO of the Soaring Eagle Corporation. Nice to meet you."

"Miss Lin, you're mistaken. I'm just the manager of this hotel, the real Ceo is in a separate room waiting." The manager said as he motioned Ruoxi to follow him.

Ruoxi was a little surprised but still followed the manager.

The manager opened the door for Ruoxi and said, "He's waiting inside." before leaving.

Ruoxi then walked inside the room and saw it was really extravagant. She then looked at the person that was sitting on the table. She only saw his back and felt he looked kind of familiar.

Yang Chen hearing someone enter, got up from his seat, and turned around.

Ruoxi seeing who this person was, became shocked.

"Yang Chen?!"

(AN: Cliff-kun is that you?)

(PS: I know I keep introducing random powers but MC has Arc of Embodiment, so yeah. Also, suggest a power for MC to use with AoB since I want to try different powers. Although I won't keep introducing different powers every chapter and I'll still be using cultivation but I wanted to try to at least write one fight scene. I know he could literally just one shot, anyone, with Gob but sometimes that gets boring. But don't worry I won't EVER limit MC's power because that's kind of stupid and I'm also quite excited when he starts to meet other gods.)