
Transmigrated in the World of My Wife is a Beautiful Ceo

MC will transmigrated as Yang Chen. My first fanfic so constructive criticism is welcome. This novel Isn't serious ,I'm just bored and doing this for fun. By the way the cover does not belong to me.

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Chapter 23

(AN: Sorry for the delayed chapter. Unfortunately, I hit a writer's block while writing this chap so it's kinda forced and pretty shit.)


Yang Chen groggily opened his eyes and grasped his head, of the headache he was having right now. He then suddenly felt an extra weight on top of his chest, so he looked down.

Yang Chen was surprised to see Ruoxi sleeping on his chest while slightly drooling, making her look cute.

Ruoxi feeling sudden movement, slowly opened her eyes and sat upon the bed. She then wiped her drool on the side of her face with her sleeve before releasing a stifled yawn.

Ruoxi then looked at Yang Chen's surprised face and got confused. 'Why is Yang Chen in my room...WAIT! YANG CHEN'S IN MY ROOM!!!'

Ruoxi quickly got off from the bed and pointed at Yang Chen while her whole body started shaking.

"Why are you in my room?!" Ruoxi shouted at Yang Chen while her eyes were slowly starting to turn red as she was going to start crying.

Yang Chen hearing Ruoxi's shout just kept holding his head as his headache started to get worse.

"A little quieter, please."

"Answer me!"

Yang Chen looked at Ruoxi with a deadpan face and said, "Look around first, then you'll get your answer."

Ruoxi was still upset but decided to look around anyway. 'Huh? This isn't my room. Why am I here?'

Ruoxi then widened her eyes as she remembered what occurred last night and madly blushed. Her whole face was red as a tomato at this point.

"If we're asking questions, then let me ask, why were you sleeping in here?" Yang Chen asked confused.

Ruoxi didn't know how to answer Yang Chen's question and started to rack her brain on what to explain. She then suddenly thought of the most logical solution to do, in this situation.

Ruoxi suddenly ran out of the room with incredible speed just like a cute bunny while blushing, not choosing to answer Yang Chen and escape.

Yang Chen was quite confused as to why Ruoxi left but didn't decide to pursue the matter. He then healed his headache, as he wasn't about to keep this pain.

He then started recalling yesterday's matter with Jingjing and smiled bitterly.

"Sigh...I need to apologize to Jingjing, the next time I see her. Drinking was the dumbest idea, I ever could've thought of."

Yang Chen then got up from his bed and took a quick shower before changing into some casual clothes and heading downstairs.

When Yang Chen made it downstairs, he only saw Wang Ma but couldn't see Ruoxi anywhere and asked confused.

"Good morning Wang Ma, by the way where's Ruoxi?"

"Oh, good morning Young Master, the Young Miss already left for work, she didn't even wait for breakfast again. Sigh...that girl just sometimes won't listen." Wang Ma replied as she shook her head.

Yang Chen smiled wearily as he can think of the reason, why Ruoxi left early for work.

"Young Master, I know I keep asking you to deliver meals to the Young Miss but can you..."

Yang Chen smiled and said before she could finish, "It's fine Wang Ma and sure I'll go deliver Ruoxi's lunch."

Wang Ma happily smiled before going to serve Yang Chen's breakfast.

When Yang Chen finished breakfast he headed to his car with the lunch box, Wang Ma had just given him.


(Yu Lei)

Yang Chen was in front of Ruoxi's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Ruoxi's was busy doing paperwork...well she's trying to but couldn't keep her focus as she kept on remembering this morning. 'I can't believe that I slept in the same bed with him...what am I going to do now?! Should I apologize or should I make him apologize...ahh! Ruoxi you're so dumb!'

Ruoxi not even realizing Yang Chen had already entered the room as she was too distracted with her thoughts.

"Ruoxi, you there." Yang Chen said, breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Yang Chen! Why are you here?" Ruoxi was surprised that it was Yang Chen that entered her office.

"You forgot to eat breakfast again...you know, I thought we talked about, not making Wang Ma worry so much about your health." Yang Chen said calmly but Ruoxi misinterpreted in thinking he was mad.

Ruoxi made a guilty face and said in a low voice, "I know...but sometimes I get caught up with other stuff...so I forget." Ruoxi's voice kept getting lower during the end.

Yang Chen shook his head before smiling and placing the food on Ruoxi's desk.

"Just don't keep constantly doing this, okay...because I worry too."

Ruoxi didn't respond as in her thoughts you could only hear Yang Chen's words repeating in her head. 'I worry too, I worry too...'

Ruoxi's heart started racing while blushing as she was in a daze.

"Well, I guess I should go now." Yang Chen said breaking Ruoxi out of her daze.

Ruoxi just kept staring at Yang Chen's back as he left her office. You couldn't tell what she was thinking at this moment, but it probably had to do with the happy smile she had on her face.


Yang Chen was walking down the hallway to head to the elevator but stopped on his tracks when Mo Qianni was walking toward him.

Mo Qianni looked distressed so she wasn't paying attention at the direction she was walking to.

"You're going to trip and fall you know."


Mo Qianni became startled and misplaced her step which was about to make her fall in front of Yang Chen. But before she was able to fall, Yang Chen caught her by placing his hands on her waist and stabilizing her.

(AN: 😐)

Mo Qianni finally regaining her awareness about the situation, madly blushed.

"Get your damn hands off me!" Mo Qianni shouted angrily while still blushing.

Yang Chen removed his hands from her waist and said, "You're welcome" before heading toward the elevator.

Mo Qianni gnashed her teeth before she remembered the reason she was so distressed. She then looked at Yang Chen's back and had and idea.


Yang Chen turned around and replied, "Yes?"

"Do you know any martial arts?" Mo Qianni asked with a hopeful gaze.

"Yes I do, why do you ask?" Yang Chen replied confused.

Mo Qianni was a bit overjoyed but still asked with a hopeful gaze.

"Can you...help me with something?"

Yang Chen crossed his arms and said with a straight face.

"And why would I do that?"

Mo Qianni was a bit disappointed but still decided to try again but this time with more effort.

"Please, can you help me?"

Yang Chen seeing Mo Qianni's pitiful face, sighed and said, "Sigh...fine, what do you need help with?"

Mo Qianni was now beaming with joy but kept her cool and said, " I need to collect some funds from a shady company and I need someone who knows martial arts if things go south.

Yang Chen nodded and said, "Lead the way."

They both headed toward Mo Qianni's car which was a red Audi A4.


While on the drive Mo Qianni suddenly said, "My name's Mo Qianni by the way."

"Yang Chen."

After they exchanged their name's, the rest of the drive was uneventfully quiet.

15 minutes later, the duo made it to their destination which was an old office building.

When they both entered the building, they headed to the gaudily dressed receptionist who gave off a boring look.

When the receptionist saw Yang Chen she gave off an enchanting smile but when she saw Mo Qianni, the receptionist gave off a scowl since Mo Qianni was way more beautiful than her.

Mo Qianni not bothering to exchange pleasantries.

"We're from Yu Lei and we're here to collect the funds from the business deal."

The reception glared at Mo Qianni before she gave a weird smile and said while motioning toward the shabby elevator.

"Right this way."

They both followed the receptionist onto the elevator and headed to the upper floors.

When the elevator door opened, Mo Qianni wrinkled her cute nose from the incoming pungent scent of smoke. The floor was littered with all kinds of papers, beer bottles on the ground, and cigarette buds everywhere. The male workers were playing cards on the huge table while the females who were gaudily dressed, kept sticking with the men, letting themselves be touched anywhere on their body with a smile on their face. You could tell this was a place where gangsters usually hang out and do their gambling.

When the men saw Mo Qianni's beautiful figure, they couldn't keep their eyes off her. The women, on the other hand, were giving Mo Qianni a hateful gaze since she was stealing all the attention from the guys.


"Hey girly, how about you have a drink with us."

"Yeah, we promise, you'll have the time of your life with us, hehe *licks lips*.

" Who the fuck does that bitch think she is *spit* only because she's a bit more, prettier than us, she acts all high and mighty."

Mo Qianni didn't respond and just kept a cold face but inside she was slowly starting to feel fear since there were a lot of people here and she only had Yang Chen with her. Yang Chen, on the other hand, had an indifferent face and stayed calm.

Suddenly the office door opened from the back of the room and a man with clothes that were from expensive brands came out.

"What's all the commotion about, brothers." The man said confused before he noticed Mo Qianni and his eyes showed a predatory gaze with lust in them.

"My name is Guo Ziheng, how can I help this beautiful lady here." Guo Ziheng said with a gentleman act.

"They're from Yu Lei and they're here to collect the debt." Said the receptionist who came up with Mo Qianni and Yang Chen, while smiling playfully.

Once everybody heard this, they laughed.

"Hahaha, so they send over another one from Yu Lei and this time, it's a pretty girl, we must be lucky!" Shouted a bald big muscle man as he licked his lips while staring at Mo Qianni's body.

Guo Ziheng hearing this became more excited while his lust grew bigger.

"Lovely lady just forget the whole debt and come and have a drink." Said Guo Ziheng this time while making his way toward Mo Qianni, not hiding his evil intentions.

Mo Qianni was now regretting her decision in coming here as her eyes were slowly starting to turn red. Suddenly a broad back appeared in front of her, making her go wide-eyed.

Guo Ziheng was surprised when he saw Yang Chen since he only noticed Mo Qianni because of her beauty.

"Young Man, you do know, nothing will change even if you try to act like a hero." Guo Ziheng said as he frowned.

"Yang Chen what are you doing?! We have to get out of here." Mo Qianni said in a low voice. Although she disliked Yang Chen, it was because of her that he got roped up in this mess.

"Do you honestly believe, they're just going to let us leave freely." Yang Chen replied indifferently, making Mo Qianni bite her lip in frustration as the realization hit her.

"Then what do we do then?!"

Yang Chen didn't reply and just kept looking at the crowd of men that had vicious gazes, waiting to pounce and beat him.

Gou Ziheng becoming impatient said, "Since you're unwilling to drop this stupid act, you're going to die here. Baldy, you're up."

The bald big muscle man from earlier was making his way toward Yang Chen with a cruel smile.

Mo Qianni hearing Yang Chen was going to get killed and seeing the muscle man approach them was starting to feel fear and she unconsciously held onto Yang Chen's shirt tightly as she was very afraid right now.

Baldy was going for a straight punch like an idiot since he believed his strength was superior.

"Take this!" Shouted Baldy.

Yang Chen just lifted his arm, intending to catch Baldy's fist, making everybody start to laugh at him.

"Hahaha, he probably thinks he's that superhero with the red cape and the "S" on his chest!"

"Dumbass it's not an "S", it's an..."

But before he was able to finish what he was saying, he became shocked and so did everyone else at what they just witnessed. Yang Chen had actually caught Baldy's fist with his bare hand!

Yang Chen then started to apply pressure to his grip making him scream in pain.

"Argh! Bastard let go!" Baldy screamed in pain as he was using his two hands to try and escape from Yang Chen's grip.

Yang Chen didn't respond and applied more pressure to his grip until you could hear a sound.


"Arghhh!!!" Baldy fell to the ground while clutching his broken hand.

Yang Chen then kicked him in the stomach just like a soccer ball.


Baldy crashed into the wall before he vomited a mouthful of blood and passed out.

Silence. Nobody chose to say anything, they couldn't say anything after what they just watched.

Guo Ziheng was shocked before he turned serious and removed his upper wear, revealing his muscles.

The crowd who just came out of their shock when they saw Guo Ziheng become half-naked, started to cheer loudly.

"Boss, you got this!"

Guo Ziheng smirked as he was acting arrogant and sneered, "You may have taken out that dumb muscle head but don't compare me to him."

Yang Chen suddenly had enough and used his True Qi to pressure him into kneeling.

Guo Ziheng who was about to rush Yang Chen to attack, when suddenly he felt enormous pressure on his back, making him kneel instantly. He was having trouble breathing with this pressure, it felt like countless boulders we're on his back right now making him unable to get back up. Of Course, Yang Chen was barely using any True Qi since Guo Ziheng wasn't even a cultivator.

Everybody was confused as to why Guo Ziheng started kneeling in front of Yang Chen.

"Boss, what are you doing?! Get back up!" The crowd shouted at Guo Ziheng.

Yang Chen turned to look at Mo Qianni and said, "Follow." before making his way over to the kneeling Guo Ziheng.

Yang Chen then grabbed Guo Ziheng by the hair and started dragging him like a dog all the way to his office. Guo Ziheng tried to squirm around but the pressure wouldn't allow it. Mo Qianni followed while looking weirdly at Yang Chen.

"Hey where the hell, are you going with our boss, brother's go after..."

But before the crowd could finish, Yang Chen stared at all of them, making them stop on their tracks. It only took one stare from Yang Chen for all of them to shut up and stay away in fear.

When Yang Chen brought Guo Ziheng inside the room, he threw him on the floor mercilessly without the care in the world and stopped pressuring him with his True Qi.

Guo Ziheng not feeling the horrible pressure anymore started gasping for air immediately.

Yang Chen turned to Mo Qianni and asked, "How much does he owe?"

Mo Qianni was confused at Yang Chen's question before she remembered the whole reason they came to this dump.


Yang Chen nodded, "Alright now go and wait in the bathroom over there for a bit before I call you."

"Huh? Why would I do that?!" Mo Qianni asked angrily.

"Don't ask questions and go!" Yang Chen shouted sternly.

Mo Qianni became a little frightened at Yang Chen's sudden shout and ended up going to the bathroom but not before giving him one last glare.

When Mo Qianni was gone, Yang Chen secretly made a sound barrier. He then looked at Guo Ziheng who had just stabilized his breathing.

"You heard, now pay the debt."

"I won't give the money!" Shouted Guo Ziheng resolutely as he stared straight at Yang Chen's eyes.

Yang Chen closed his left eye and put both his hands in his pockets.

"Suit yourself."

Suddenly Yang Chen opened his left eye and you could see a red glowing bird-shaped symbol. This symbol was called Geass.

"I, Hades, command you, obey me!"

Guo Ziheng was shaking in fear when he saw Yang Chen's eye change but when he heard his authorizing words, he was confused before something happened inside his brain.

Guo Ziheng then got up and saluted respectively. You could see his eyes changed as well, making the pupil in his eyes glow red.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"You will pay off the debt you owe."


Guo Ziheng then wrote a check with the correct amount and handed it to Yang Chen.

"Good, now knock yourself out."

Guo Ziheng then proceeded to punch himself and knocking himself out.

(AN: He won't ever remember being brainwashed and seeing the Geass.)

(AN 2: Code Geass: "The power of absolute obedience.")

Yang Chen then teleported Guo Ziheng's unconscious body into the closet and deactivated his Geass along with the sound barrier.

"You can come out now."

Mo Qianni came out of the bathroom and glared at Yang Chen.

"Here.", said Yang Chen as handed Mo Qianni the check.

Mo Qianni was shocked that Yang Chen actually managed to collect the debt.

"H-How did...you do it and where is that guy?" Mo Qianni asked confused while looking around.

Yang Chen smirked and replied, "Easy, I just told him to pay and he did it, he then ran away."

Mo Qianni not believing his words turned her head and crossed her arms.


"Alright let's leave now." Yang Chen said wanting to leave this place.

Mo Qianni nodded and followed Yang Chen outside the room.

When they were making their way through the floor, Mo Qianni was sticking close to Yang Chen since she was still scared that these people might attack them. The crowd didn't even try to get close to Yang Chen, they just made way for him as they still felt fear from the earlier incident.

They both left the building and got in Mo Qianni's car.

While they were on their way back to Yu Lei, Mo Qianni suddenly said with a grateful smile, "Hey, Yang Chen...thanks for today."

"No problem, Miss Mo."

"Qianni is just fine." Mo Qianni said as she didn't want to be called Ms. Mo every time.

Yang Chen nodded.

The rest of the car drive was spent in comfortable silence.

When they made it back to Yu Lei, Yang Chen was going to head to his car.

"Well Qianni, I'll be seeing you." Yang Chen said goodbye to Mo Qianni.

"Wait, Yang Chen!"


"Are you busy...later today?" Asked Qianni with a mild blush on her face.

Yang Chen thought for a bit and replied, "Nope."

"I would like to repay so...how about I buy you a meal," Qianni said in a small voice toward the end.


Qianni was a bit glad he didn't reject her invitation.

"Ok, let's exchange numbers and I'll text you the address."

Yang Chen nodded and they both exchanged numbers before they said goodbye to each other since Mo Qianni still had work.

(AN: Forced right, I know. By the way, MC will not accept any new lover before he confronts Ruoxi about Rose, but it might take some time since MC hasn't fallen for her while Ruoxi is slowly starting to fall for him.)

(PS: Now that I think about It, I might give Rose a power from a different universe rather than sticking to cultivation. If you guys want that, suggest some powers for her and possible future girls. If you suggest devil fruits from One Piece it might be a bit difficult since I have never watched One Piece and I ain't going to start now. It's too long and I barely know some of the basics about it.)