
Transmigrated in Tales of Demons and Gods [Completed]

Xiao Yan, high-school boy from Earth, got killed by a truck. Due to him firmly believing that being accidentally killed by a truck would send someone reincarnating in an other World, the God of Trucks decided to grant him his wish and sent him in his favorite World, Tales of Demons and Gods. —————————— I would like to write my own story. But I don’t have the skills for it, so I’m starting with this fan-fiction to train a little. Please, leave some reviews and comments on what you like, what you don’t like or what to do to improve myself, thanks. —————————— I won’t make an empty promise about a fixed number of chapters but it's the first time I write something, so don’t expect too much xD

Wise_Snail · Book&Literature
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146 Chs

028 - Caltrop Pills

When he found uncle Tian, Xiao Yan greeted him and said, "Uncle Tian, this is Xiao Kuang and Xiao Yang, they are not from Glory City. Please prepare two rooms for them, they'll stay in the family for at least a few days. Answer their questions and find someone to guide them around the city"

He then turned to the two, "This is Xiao Tian, the butler of my father, ask him anything you need, I'll come back tonight if you want to talk to me", he said as he left them.

When Xiao Yan left, Xiao Kuang felt more at ease, so he asked, "Mister Xiao Tian, how many Demon Spiritualists are there in Glory City?"

He first smiled and replied, "Call me uncle Tian, like everyone. There are around one hundred thousand of the Bronze Rank, tens of thousand Silver Ranks, thousands of Gold Rank, hundreds of Black Gold Rank and four Legend Rank Demon Spiritualists"

Both of them were shocked and thought, {No wonder this Xiao Yan didn't feel any fear on the Heavenly Fate Plateau}

Xiao Yang asked, "Since there's so much people, isn't there a shortage of food?"

They went on asking Xiao Tian a lot of questions about Glory City.


In the Council Hall of the Alchemist Association, there was Gu Yan in front of some papers hooked on a wall and Yang Xin a few meters away talking to him, Xiao Yan undid his void-form and his transformation outside before coming in again.

He greeted them, Yang Xin said, "Xiao Yan, the new elixirs are selling like hotcakes, tomorrow I'll personally make a trip to the Hong Yue family to get that Black Pot of yours."

"Ok, I came for something else", he took two Legend Rank storage rings, "I made these two rings for each of you, they are of one thousand cubic meters, so please use them"

He gave Yang Xin hers, it was a light blue jade ring. She thanked him with a bright smile and she seemed quite pleased with the color.

The one for Gu Yan was a green one, he said while giving it to him, "Uncle Gu Yan, inside yours there is the formula of the "Caltrop Pill" and also 83 190 Purple Caltrop Rocks, its main ingredient, please look at it"

As Gu Yan was reading the formula, Xiao Yan went to the wall to answer the questions. There were only a dozen so he rapidly finished.

Yang Xin smiled at this and said, "The City Lord came yesterday night just like you predicted, after looking at his gift he became a Legend Rank on the spot right in front of us. Hehe, it was the first time I saw such an expression on his face. Today I also heard that two other people from the Snow Wind Family became Legend Ranks and a 3-Star Black Gold Rank became a 4-Star. They should come in contact with you soon"

Gu Yan finished analyzing the formula at this moment and said, "It doesn't seem more complicated than the Nine Transformation Pill, I should be able to refine them. What are the effects of that "Caltrop Pill"? I never heard of it"

Xiao Yan smiled, "It can only be consumed by Gold Rank Demon Spiritualists or above. It contains enough energy for any Gold Rank to become a Black Gold Rank, or any Black Gold Rank to rank up one star, but it can only be consumed once. Depending on the Cultivation Technique it would take hours, days or weeks, during which the energy would be waiting in the body to be refined"

Yang Xin and Gu Yan were shocked, a pill that can transform a Gold Rank into a Black Gold Rank without any drawback? Such a thing existed? Why did they cultivate for years then?

They were depressed. While it was quite good that Glory City could enjoy such fortune, it was also quite frustrating to know that some people won't have to suffer the years of hardship they went through.

The youngster sighed and continued, "I only managed to get enough Purple Caltrop Rocks for 83 pills, and I don't even know where to start to look for more. Additionally to the one fifth of the profits, I would like half of the pills for this batch. Is it okay for uncle Gu Yan?"

{Well, I can look for more with the help of the LoHP, but I don't want to do so now, first I need to become a Legend Rank}

"Of course, we didn't even know of this ingredient, not to mention the pill"

Xiao Yan then left and this time he stayed in his void-form to record the books of the libraries within the various families.

Since they had a lot less books than the previous libraries he visited, he managed to add nearly all of them in his LoHP.

While in the Hong Yue Family, he used the LoHP on their Patriarch and wrote down his cultivation technique on a paper he put in his ring.

He did the same for the Huyan Family, as he remembered they were the right hand of the Snow Wind Family and also trustworthy.

Only two families were left, the Divine Family and the Sacred Family.

He thought while walking back home, {I'll be able to enter the library of the Divine Family tomorrow during the banquet, so I'll sneak in the Sacred Family tonight}

{If I manage to reach the Peak of the Legend Rank without Nie Li then I'll stop going to school and spend more time with my cute Ning'er}

Once he saw uncle Tian, he gave him the storage ring he prepared for him and asked if Xiao Kuang and Xiao Yang didn't cause any trouble.

Apparently they asked uncle Tian questions for a very long time before heading out with a guide.

Mostly interested in the food sufficiency, they only visited some farm lands and bought a lot of food.

They already ate dinner and were now cultivating, so Xiao Yan decided to directly go dining with his parents.