
Transmigrated In Ancient Times As a Hunter.

Cheng Duo struggled in the apocalypse for ten years, only to be betrayed by the person he considered family. After transmigrating one day, he grew cold-hearted and became a hunter, seeking a peaceful life. But when wild boars came down from the mountains, the village men came to find him… Well, the fields on the mountainside belonged to him, so he could kill the wild boars for meat. When the village kids were about to be taken away, the village chief came to him for help… Fine, those kids saved his life once and helped him set up a vegetable garden. The food he cooked was quite delicious. Later on… He inexplicably became the pillar of the whole village, a fierce and intimidating figure.

Howl_Howl · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Chapter 40

Cheng Duo is about 1.9 meters tall, while Yong-ge is only about 1.7 meters tall, which means that Cheng Duo's feet were dragging on the ground when Yong-ge carried him on his back.

Yong-ge was well aware of this, so he bended forward as much as possible. Due to the significant energy consumption, he was drenched in sweat and his heavy breathing sounds echoed in the dark and empty underground passage.

"Alright, let's stop and rest for a while," Cheng Duo suggested, noticing that Yong-ge's footsteps have become sluggish again.

"No… we have to keep going," Yong-ge gasped for breath. They have been inside for about three hours and have rested seven or eight times already. However, they still can't see any light ahead, and Yong-ge fearing that if they continue like this, they will run out of wolf meat, and both of them will die here.

The makeshift torches went out a long time ago, but luckily Cheng Duo could see in the darkness and guided Yong-ge in the right direction. They rely on each other—one acting as the other's legs, and the other as the other's eyes. Cheng Duo refrained from suggesting that Yong-ge leave him because once they separate, the sightless Yong-ge may get lost in this labyrinthine underground passage.

Cheng Duo could tell that Yong-ge was nearing the end of his strength. He lookes ahead and patted Yong-ge's shoulder, saying loudly, "Just five more steps, and there's a flat area. Place me on the right side, and we can rest there!"

After making this motion, Cheng Duo realized that he can move his hands.

Cheng Duo is both surprised and delighted. He had believed that his spinal cord was broken and that only his head could move before his death. Now, this unexpected improvement brings him joy!

Yong-ge also noticed this. After taking a few more steps, he set Cheng Duo down and collapsed nearby. He speaks intermittently, "Your… hands, can they move?"

"Yes, I can move them!" Cheng Duo exclaimed with excitement. He tried to lift his arm, and although it was a bit difficult, he was indeed able to move it.

Does this mean he can still recover?

Yong-ge was also overjoyed. Despite being utterly exhausted, he can't help but smile. He thinks it's fine this way, even though it's pitch black, they lack food and water. Cheng Duo has been by his side all this time.

Yong-ge secretly licked his parched lips. Due to the excessive sweating, he was incredibly thirsty. However, they don't have any containers for water, and even if they did, the small puddle in the sinkhole wouldn't be enough for both of them.

Yong-ge's fingers were trembling from exhaustion, but he still insisted on placing Cheng Duo's leg on his own leg, hoping that massaging it might help him recover faster.

"You rest for a while, I'll take care of it myself," Cheng Duo held Yong-ge's hand and felt the high temperature. He quickly rolled up his sleeve to fan Yong-ge and wipe away the sweat.

Yong-ge couldn't see Cheng Duo, but he could feel the gentle movements on his face and head. He imagined that he must look flushed and embarrassed, but he couldn't bring himself to move his head, instead he lowered his eyes in embarrassment.

Cheng Duo's fingers tenderly caressed Yong-ge's dry lips. Throughout their journey, they hadn't encountered any underground rivers, and if they didn't come across one tomorrow, Yong-ge would likely suffer from severe dehydration.

Cheng Duo felt anxious inside, but he didn't show it on his face. He kept comforting Yong-ge, urging him not to give up hope.

Yong-ge was exhausted. Listening to Cheng Duo's comforting words, he involuntarily closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

When Cheng Duo heard his slightly heavy breathing, he slowly moved the person leaning on his shoulder onto his own leg. Then, with great effort, he bit open his wrist…

When Yong-ge woke up, it was already the next day. Although his whole body was sore, he didn't feel as thirsty as before.

"You're awake, come eat something," Cheng Duo's words were barely uttered when Yong-ge felt a piece of roasted wolf meat being handed to his lips.

This meat was roasted earlier outside. Thanks to the cool temperature in the underground passage, the roasted meat was still relatively well-preserved.

Yong-ge instinctively chewed a couple of times and finally realized, a little belatedly, that they had switched positions. Previously, he had been the one carrying Cheng Duo, but now Cheng Duo sat on the ground, half-cradling Yong-ge's head in his lap.

Not sure if it was because he just woke up and didn't feel like moving or if he had given up on himself, Yong-ge not only didn't immediately get up and move away but also had a slight desire to snuggle against the man in front of him.

Yong-ge hesitated for a moment, then secretly raised his arm. However, as he made that movement, he felt a sharp, tingling pain.

"Don't move, let me massage it for you," Cheng Duo naturally noticed and inserted another piece of roasted meat into Yong-ge's mouth. Then he grabbed Yong-ge's arm and started massaging it.

After sleeping through the night, Yong-ge's neatly arranged collar had inadvertently become undone. He didn't make an effort to fix it and just let his hair fall loosely, with his collar partially open. He squinted his eyes and smiled at Cheng Duo… he looked like an enchanting fairy!

Cheng Duo's hand paused for a moment, he gritted his teeth, reached out, and helped Yong-ge fix his collar. Feeling that the next second Yong-ge would blush and push him away, Cheng Duo sighed and pulled him into his embrace.

Yong-ge stiffened completely, his heart pounding like a drum, and his cheeks turning bright red. He buried his face in Cheng Duo's embrace, afraid to move even slightly or make a sound that might awaken Cheng Duo, fearing that he would let go of him.

Cheng Duo felt like he was holding a piece of wood in his arms, unable to laugh or cry. He released the person a bit, revealing that flushed little face. Yong-ge's round eyes were wide open, filled with surprise and nervousness as they gazed in Cheng Duo's direction.

Perhaps due to the concealment of darkness, every expression on his face was clearly visible—foolish yet adorable…

Cheng Duo helplessly said, "Are you being silly?"

Yong-ge blinked his long eyelashes, joy and shyness intertwined on his face. Then, as if reacting, he buried his face in Cheng Duo's embrace again, saying, "Mmm…"

He felt that there was no moment more blissful than now.

"…" It seemed that he had truly been foolish. Cheng Duo's heart softened beyond measure. Feeling the arm around his waist, holding him tightly as if he were the other person's entire world, wholeheartedly and completely disregarding the consequences… Cheng Duo had completely surrendered.

Gently stroking Yong-ge's back, Cheng Duo felt a warmth building in his eyes. What merit or ability did he possess to find a partner in this unfamiliar world who was willing to love him unconditionally? If given another chance by fate, he would cherish Yong-ge with all his heart.

Of course, it wasn't just Cheng Duo who wanted to care for Yong-ge; Yong-ge was also deeply concerned about him. Yong-ge's hands, wrapped around Cheng Duo's waist, moved slightly as he whispered softly, "You've lost so much weight!"

Cheng Duo felt like laughing. "How do you know?"

"Of course, I know. The clothes you're wearing, I made them."

Cheng Duo spoke softly, "If we have the chance to go out, would you make me another outfit?"

Yong-ge looked up at him. "Are you going to pay?"

"No, my wife will make clothes for me. Why would I need to pay?"

Yong-ge's heart bloomed instantly, and a smile appeared on his lips, but then he remembered to maintain some dignity. He had intended to retort with, "Who's your wife?" But he was afraid that if he said it, Cheng Duo would think he didn't want to be his wife…

He was willing to give up his life, waiting for these words. He was willing, willing to die!

Forget it, let's leave it at that. He decided not to say anything.

Seeing Yong-ge so happy, Cheng Duo didn't want to spoil the mood. Although he was still worried about their future and concerned about his own health…

Speaking of his health, Cheng Duo realized that it seemed he hadn't had a seizure for three days? After falling into the sinkhole, he couldn't move his limbs, but except for the night of the fall, he hadn't spat out any blood since.

Was there still hope for his body?

Because of Cheng Duo's use of the term "wife," Yong-ge immediately perked up as if energized. He didn't care about Cheng Duo's claim that he had eaten already and forcefully fed him half of the wolf meat.

"Eaten already?" What a joke! His stomach had been growling the entire time he was holding Cheng Duo!

"Let's go, let's continue on our way!" Yong-ge declared, full of spirit.

Perhaps they were simply fated to survive. After walking for half an hour on their journey, they heard the sound of an underground river.

"There's water!" Yong-ge's eyes lit up. "Cheng Duo, did you hear that? The sound of water!"

"Mmm." Cheng Duo carefully determined, "It's in the left direction… a bit further that way, yes."

The two of them continued their back-and-forth conversation and stumbled their way to the edge of the underground river.

Yong-ge placed Cheng Duo on a stone by the river, then eagerly scooped up a handful of the cool underground river water. The long-dried lips immediately savored the refreshing sensation.

"It's really clean water!"

Yong-ge didn't forget Cheng Duo either. Cupping his hands, he brought a handful of water to Cheng Duo, who directly drank from his palm. Although the water quickly flowed away, Cheng Duo didn't forget to take a small sip from Yong-ge's cupped hands.

Yong-ge's palm was tickled by Cheng Duo's touch, and he smiled with wide eyes. Then, restraining his shyness, he asked Cheng Duo, "Shall we continue along this river? Maybe we'll find a way out?"

"Let's walk for a while and see." Cheng Duo knew it wasn't as simple as Yong-ge thought. Many underground rivers originated deep underground, so if they just followed the river, they would only go deeper.

Despite having water now, Yong-ge felt more exhausted than the previous day due to the excessive exertion. Cheng Duo noticed this and decided to stop and let him rest earlier. Throughout the day, the two of them barely ate any wolf meat and sustained themselves by drinking water.

Due to their proximity to the underground river, the nighttime temperature was even colder than the previous day. Cheng Duo embraced Yong-ge, and Yong-ge assured him, "I'll sleep early today, and tomorrow we'll be able to go even farther. Don't worry."

"Silly boy, go to sleep," Cheng Duo said, gently caressing Yong-ge's face with one hand while holding him tightly in his arms. Once Yong-ge fell asleep, Cheng Duo got up and fed him some blood.

There wasn't much wolf meat left, and he didn't eat it, nor did Yong-ge want to eat it. Regardless, he had Yong-ge carry him without exerting himself, hoping that his blood, as a supernatural ability holder, would have some effect, even if it only provided some salt…