
Transmigrated in an apocalyptic Novel

The end of the world! world! world! Wanted to wright about senseless killing but I didn't want my beloved MC to kill humans all the time so I destroyed the world with mutant plants and animals...HAHAHAHAHAHa MC is Male MC is gay MC also likes women Not professional writing, author wants to get their gay on so if you don't want to read about it, STAY away. I'm joking read, then complain about the gay thing.

Schooldean · Horror
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 6

Luke has been staying outside the door of the unconscious cat lady so that he is the first one to know when she is up. The day has already gone and it is now 8 in the evening the soldiers and the survivors are getting ready for sleep. Luke doesn't want to sleep in this place where hundreds of other people are cramped in. However he can not move the sleeping beauty to his living space without looking like a kidnapper.

While he is pondering a masked figure shows up infront of him, even with the mask on he can feel the annoyance emanating from her. Apparently the soldiers downstairs did not take kindly to her hiding her face and gave her a lot of security checks to make sure she is not a danger to everyone inside.

Not to mention the mask makes her seem like a criminal. The truth is the Apocalypse has been going on for two months already and people have learned not to underestimate the ladies.

A soldier found Luke and he allowed her to go upstairs. Upon reaching the place she realizes he has been sitting outside the room making her feel relatively better. It would be very bad if her innocent sister is taken advantage of by a stranger while she is unconscious. She stands infront of him with a menacing glare but he can't see it since her mask covers her very well.

"The air of hostility is thich around you." Luke takes out a cigarette and starts smoking it making the female celebrity frown and take a step back.

"Aren't you a little too sensitive for a celebrity? I thought you guys fo a lot of socializing." Luke mummers stunning the woman.

"How did you know me?" She asked taking another step back with caution in her demeanor.

"I'm your stalker." Luke says with a frightening smile.

"Hahah hahaha....You so seem so easy to mess with. Do celebrities realy get stalkers? I thought that only happens in movies." Luke's laughter vibrate all over the hall. He can also feel the past life's little kitten hiding in the stairwell. It seems he has a stalker as well.

"You are not funny." She says with a huff, seemingly unimpressed with his theatrics.

"I think it's pretty funny. Maybe you don't have a good sense of humor. People like that end up alone. Unless they are rich and have good backgrounds. Or an overly pretty face, but being pretty is no longer a good thing nowadays with zombies and convicts running rampant on the street." Luke draws a long whiff into his lungs.

"I'm taking my sister back."

"Can you carry her with those weak noodles for arms? Besides, How do I know you are her sister? With that ugly mask on, You could be my creepy homerun teacher who always drool at my when I sweat." A sound comes out of the lady's throat at the accusation.

"I'm going through that door whether you like it or not!"

"Wait till she wakes up, and stop shouting in the walls like a Banshee. Your would be sister needs rest. Or you want her to suffer from fatigue."

"Me?! I am not the one who let a giant pile of dirt drill through her insides. You just stood there as that damn rat hurt her, You are not worth of my sister."

"We agree on something. I'll let you convince her of that fact. She's up." He opens the door allowing her entery. She rushes in to find her sister trying to sit up on the bed, she tries and push her back down gently.

"Ming ming lay back down."

"Where am I?"

"Inside the city. That Luke guy took you inside am I assume he also took care of your injury since you are not bleeding your innards out. What the hell were you thinking? You almost died!" Mei shouts at her wilful twin sister. Couldn't she be more cautious? A giant earth like went through her stomach.

Ming ming


The survivors seem to be in a better state than before but in fact most are even more hopeless now. The children whose parents have passed are 6 in total and everyone seems to avoid them like the plague. Luke loves children and is aware of this weakness because often in the past people would use the orphanages he build to blackmail him. But what can he do? Become a complete monster?

Luke approached the soldier general who is treating him better than before since he gave water to their men and they miraculously survived the virus. "May I ask if you'll be able to take care of these children when you get to the base?" Luke points at the six children who are haggard and scrawny they seem to have been through too much.

The general seems to understand Luke's meaning and worry, But he can not guarantee such a thing for children who would not benefit the army with strength. "I'm afraid there is nothing I can do for them. The army is not my own personal power but is controlled by a collective group of high level officials and they even told us to prioritize strong individuals when rescuing civilians over old and weak children who can not increase the armys strength."

This general is cut throat and feels very little regret for what he said because it is not in his control. The world has made it so everyone has a hard time surviving. He is not the savior. "Children, the future is truly bleak when children are dying off and it seems like an acceptable thing to happen." Luke sighs. The men in the room look at him in surprise, this is probably the first time they saw him sad. The man who claimed to hate humans is sad about the children dying off. What a contradiction.

"There's not enough resources to go around. We want to keep children safe too, but we can barely keep ourselves safe." The general took off his military cap and sat down with his shoulders slightly slumped but his voice did ot change.

"I don't know about other places, but here children will be under my protection and if any of you know a child out there without a guardian, you can bring them to me." Luke stands up straight and looks at the children, the youngest seems to be 4 while the older is 7 but he could be wrong.

"Little guys and tiny girls. Uncle Luke loves children and will protect you from now on. Don't worry about the monsters outside because soon enough you'll be able to take them down with your own strength. Who wants to come live with uncle Luke and the other beautiful aunties?" Luke gives them a clear smile. The children don't move an inch making Lu Feng chuckle.

A sound of heels on the floor comes from the doorway. Chu Hua comes and stands next to Luke and looks at the children with a blank face. "Luke, let's go home. Leave them be, children are not completely useless. Do you see them refusing your offer? Except for that youngest who can't respond, the rest are confident about their chances out there. So let's take the one child and leave the rest to fend for themselves okay?"

Hua asks Luke in a coaxing tone. Luke nods and reaches out to the sleeping baby, he took his dirty form into his arms without flinching at the terrible smell. He turns and nods at Hua with a relieved smile.

"It's good that they are capable, this way we will have one instead of six. What power do you think he'll awaken?" Luke turns around to leave. The people in the room remember that after Luke fed the soldiers some holy water they gained powers.

The children run after Luke and Hua after overcoming their initial fear of a stranger approaching them. One of the kids is so weak he falls on the ground after running a small distance.

"Mr please wait, we want to stay with mr and the aunties too. Luoi is just very sick." A small girl tries to shout. Luke turns around to find all the children trying to reach him. He is heartbroken at the state of these children but it can't be helped, children are vulnerable. He looks at Hua who goes and picks up the boy on the ground. The 2 people and the 6 little people continue walking towards the building that Luke has been staying in.

The two walk to the building very slowly because the children are struggling to keep up. "So, raising children? What are you thinking? in this isolated place where mutant animals run rampant you want to put weak little children in the mix?" Hua asks.

"Something you may have forgotten about me, I am an orphan without anyone who wants me and these children have lost those who cared for them and now they are seen as inconvenient to have around. Besides, I don't think women will be having more children in this situation. Do you really want a world where the youngest person is you?"

"Be that as it may, we lack the man power to take care of them right now."

"These children have been through a lot in the past weeks, they are mature enough now to take care of themselves, all we need to do is protect them."

Hua drops her head in contemplation. She has seen the children suffer in the last days. They sleep on the street, the perverts take them and imprison them to torture them.

The base doesn't have an orphanage for them to sleep during the cold winter and most of them will die. She saw all this in the past life but like many others she did not lift a helping hand because there were just too many children. But now, she has the means to help all these children and keep them fed and safe.

"Are we really going to take in all the children in the world?"

"Hahaha. Don't worry about that. You need to increase your strength soon, I wish we had more resources to help with increasing our power. The other bases will probably bother us since we will seem weak, but what I am worried about is the hidden families."

Hua drops her head in contemplation, last time the hidden families came she had to flee because she was weak. Now she is at 2nd level of spirit gathering and she had only cultivated for 2 weeks which says a lot about her talent. She saw that she can not see through Luke's cultivation and guessed that he is far more powerful than her.

She remembered why she could cultivate so fast and took out a bright red fruit the size of a matured cherry and showed it to Luke. "These little plants grow in abundant inside my space. I eat them every two days and my cultivation speed increases."

Luke looks at the fruit with apprehension. He smiles at her. "You were very lucky then. Can you give me a few of the samplings I want to try planting in my space. I have been so occupied I never planted anything."

"Alright. I never had time to plant as well. Could you give me some of the seeds?"


"You never told me where my space came from."

"From a piece of jewelry. It's the legendary space from the novels."

"Is that why you made me close my eyes?"


"Then the ring that day."

"Had space. At that time I wasn't sure what it was, I just knew it was special so I did experiments."

"Why are you telling me now?"

"You are a cultivator now, when you encounter something with spiritual energy you should take it back."

"Ow, okay. What about Christina and Yue? I saw them take out swords from seemingly no where."

"I gave them the last two remaining space jade. They need to hunt for meet and eat. I want to have an army of zombies but how do I feed it? That is why I chose to stay here where there are vast forest resources. If we give the mutant meat to the zombies, maybe they won't have the numbers to attack bases in large number. What do you think?"

"Ary you helping humans?"

"Not really. How do you think they will react when they find out about the nature of my army?"

"They will come to hunt them for their nuclei." Hua says without thinking. If There's an army of zombies with powerful zombies it means their nuclei was also beneficial to the humans.

"We should try to give them my fruits and see if they can be cured."

"You want to cure them of the virus?" Luke thinks about it for a while. "Maybe the virus will evolve instead."

"Let's try it on a random zombie first." Hua scalp tingles at the thought of evolving zombies in large scale.

"After we put the children down fist." Luke smiles seeing the look on Hua as she started looking for a zombie.

Soon they arrived. This building used to be a high rise office with many window windows the glass was mostly in tact but the place was full of black blood when they got here.

The windows and the glass doors inside some of the fancier offices were splashed with black and red blood. They found hundreds of human remains some just limbs remained while others where zombies missing a large part of thier bodies.

Luke did not kill any of the zombies he just used his level 6 spiritual force and control them to leave the building. Then he used the cleaning talisman to remove dust, blood stains and other rotten body parts laying around and had then thrown out.

There is a barrier talisman preventing the smell of human flesh from reaching the zombies outside. That is why the zombies don't come inside this building even though it only has a large glass on the front and a single rotating glass door to let people in.

Luke will find a way to change this but for now, there is no need. The large amount of zombies outside serve as guards to deter humans from entering this place. The building has six floors most of the offices are made from simple materials and the people can almost hear what I'd going on in the other room.

That is the lower three floors the upper three floors are high quality offices in both space size and their ability to keep the sound from reaching the other offices. Look had turned four offices into bedrooms, there are three bathrooms in this floor only two has a bathing shower. There is a place with a stove plug, a fridge and a lounge area with luxurious couches.

Luke just put snacks, wine, and food into the cupboards of various areas including soap in the bathrooms. He put nice furniture and carpet on the bedrooms. Luke is trying to learn the defensive barrier so he can just keep the glasses but enforce them with this barrier to make sure they are secured.

The floor here is all tiled with cream white colored tiles and the walls have different paint colors in various offices. Luke initially came for the city plan and structure documents but he decided to stay when he liked the place.

When they both got to the city management building they found Christina and Ming Yue Seated on the lounge. They were both looking at a large book but both their ethereal faces had frowns. They were so focused they didn't even lift their heads when hearing Luke and the rest come in.

Hua is coming inside here for the first time since he had an outsider with her that last time and so she couldn't be invited in. When the saw the clean place she wasn't amazed since her residence also had such a clean appearance. Even the foul rotting smell out side seems to disappear inside which surprised her.

Her residence didn't have that function. She now understands why they didn't invite her in if she couldn't stay. It would be cruel for her to be in a place Luke this but still had to leave.

"What are you guys reading?" Luke asks while the kids looks around in amazement at the clean place. Luke turned to Hua. "Can you wash her? I'd do it myself but I think a pretty auntie is better than a creepy uncle."

Hua just rolls her eyes. "You are just lazy to do it." She took out a small bowl full of the spirit fruits and gave it to Luke while she took the baby in his hand. Luke ignores her comment and take the fruits.

The children have been quiet this entire time. Looking closely there are 4 boys and two little girls, Luke hasn't even asked their names. He turns to look at the two zombies studying the mysterious book with a thick leather cover. "Hey girls, how are your injuries? Do you need healing?" He asked getting ready to heal them if needed.

The two girls look at him with sparkling eyes. They want him to heal them because it always feel warm and comfortable. But they didn't want to tell a lie in order to receive the favor. Seeing them looking at him with the expression of being wronged. He got worried. "We should have just let them die if it hurt you so much. Show me the wounds."

The two girls smile at him and they both hug him. "We were not hurt that much. We are zombies remember that we have very strong regeneration abilities. But we still want to feel your healing energy.

It provides warmth and security that is hard to explain, it must be because our bodies are colder than normal people's and when you heal us we fell warm. The most important part is that it relieves us of the hunger for human flesh." This information startled Luke he didn't ask much and just spent power wrapped them both while he looked at the book they were studying.

"What is this book?"

"It was in my space. There is a small old hut in there with tens of this type of books but they only have these weird symbols and I think this is ancient Chinese language or I may be mistaken."

Ming Yue said with a bit of curiosity at the mysterious language Luke narrowed his eyes and took the book to take a look. His heartbeat quickened at what he is looking at.

These are runes to practice magical powers. If cultivation technique is suitable for those with single type spirit root, this book says the more number of types of elements a candidate can use the better their talents since they can use more runes and cast more magic spells.

Luke tells this to the girls and that what they really need is to have in abundance is mental strength. "With a sturdy mental strength a person can learn to conduct the runes faster inside their mental space. This way they will compile numerous runes, upon possessing a rune in their mental space they can just cover a rune with their mental energy to instantly cast a spell.

Luke is aware that this is position but was not expecting to come a cross this information here. During the second part of his third life he encountered a manual to the path of mechanism. He was then able to create the extremely secure metal base.

The mechanism method was too hard and required extreme concentration but Luke knew most of the useful mental strengthening plants he was successful in a relatively short period of time. He would like to get the manual again but it is on the other side of the world. While he is still contemplating Christina asked with an excited voice. "Can we use them?"

"Maybe, we should see what happens because it says here that to test the affinity with the elements should be tested with some sort of crystal." Luke said while frowning. Ming Yue took out a crystal ball the size of a baby's head and gave it to Luke who took it to have a look. He turned to Ming Yue with a raised eyebrow.

"There are a lot of these piled on the vast land in my space, I can't even tell the amount maybe a few thousand at most tens of thousands." Ming Yue explained herself. She has wondered if this space had belonged to a being who had a fetish of collecting crystals.

"These things are used to record the individual runes. The book says it is easier to transfer a rune from the crystal to a wizard's mental space." As he spoke he was clearly excited. He already possessed mental energy even though it is without strong mental space. The moment the mental energy came in contact with the crystal, a bright beam of six colors illuminated the entire room blinding the people inside and shooting to the sky. Luke became happy again.

"That means my talent is unparalleled in magic. This is great! I can just use the space runes to enclose the base to keep out unwanted guests this is the most important thing to happen to us in a while. You girls did good." Luke lost control of himself and jumped up shouting in excitement.

The two girls have learnt to control their connection with Luke and will no longer get excited went he gets excited. However this wave of happiness is a bit out of control so the two girls end up squirming on the couch wanting to jump up along with Luke but they are holding themselves.

They have been learning to control themselves especially with the enticing human smell lingering all the time. They want to eat humans just like any other zombies but they are able to ignore it and it is not painful at all. When they had just been turned they felt a gut wrenching pain in a form of starvation. However, when they were later healed by Luke they felt relatively normal but now also has humans as food even though they don't need to eat them but if they want to they can do it.

Luke finally came down and sat down, he turned to the girls. "Thank you I'll teach you how to use it." The two girls agreed with sparkling eyes. "Later, for now come with me for an exciting experiment. The two went stiff for a while but then they got up and followed.

Luke pulled a random zombie wearing a security guard security and he stuffed a bright red fruit inside his mouth. The zombie convulsed and fell on the floor and roared at the top of his throat.

The two girls took a battle stance and road bad. To Luke it looked like they are suppressing the miserable zombie on the ground. The rotten flesh on the zombie started peeling off it's black bones, falling on the ground turning it black.

The zombie stopped roaring as it lost the mouth, soon most of its jade like black bones are exposed to the outside world. The zombie had stopped struggling on the floor and lay down flat. The peculiar thing is that even though it's zombie core is inside the skull it can still be seen through the black bones as its green color shines through. Luke narrowed his eyes "The crystal nuclei is getting brighter as time goes by. It is even the rare plant type crystal nuclei."

"Not just that, the previous feeble power is gradually becoming a mountain pressing down on my chest. This is the unique power that zombies use to control each other. If we let it grow any more powerful it will be able to order us." Christina says with a frown as she take several steps toward the zombie with a clear intent to kill.

Luke studies the glowing crystal nuclei with an expression that shows his interest has been piqued. He doesn't make any move, the two girls can feel his reluctance. The looked at each other but made no further movements. Luke reached out, using the metal power he turned his hand into heavy metal and severed the skull from the neck bones. He took out the crystal nuclei and stored it inside his space.

He pulled another zombie, this time it is a tall man in a suit, the suit is dirty and tendered but the badge that says his credentials is still on his pocket. Luke takes the badge and reads it "Li Bingping CEO of the Jiang's Wholesale." Luke takes out a small bowl and crush the spirit fruit inside and mixed with a single drop of his mutated blood then he fed this to the zombie.

This time the skin didn't fall off but the zombie started roaring in pain. It didn't take long to quiet down and starts looking around in what seemed to be confusion. "He seems conscious but the body didn't repair itself." Luke says and extends his fingers to touch the rotten flesh on the zombie.

The flesh just fell off into the ground leaving behind smooth white skin. It seems the body did repair itself but unlike that time with Christina and Ming Yue it grew fresh muscle tissue. "Stand up." The zombie complies and all the rotten skin peels off his face and fell on the ground making Luke's stomach churn.

After wrenching for a while he tells the zombie to take off its clothes. The zombie looks at the girls with hesitation. Luke is amused by this, this zombie is shy. He takes out a large jam suite for construction workers and hand it over to him. Luke drags him into an abandoned store.

"Use this bathing water to was yourself clean, then you can come to me after you put on the clothes. I almost forgot underwear, shoes and socks. Here, you can use all the soap if necessary." Luke cleans the hand he used just now and exits the room with the girls.

"You only used a drop..." Ming Yue mummered softly.

Luke nods lightly. "There is too much vitality and spiritual power in the fruit. I didn't want any accidents this time. My blood is just to upgrade the virus in the zombie so it can handle the fruit's potency." Luke said and she nodded.

"He seems lost." Christina said when they got outside.

"He seems sad to me." Luke said and the two zombies look at him.

"I have seen that look in his eyes. Sometimes I see it in my own reflection. That crushing despair, when a wonderful feeling is twisted and turned into a sharp knife to stab you in the chest." Luke takes out a cigarette and starts smoking. The girls kept their silence. After a while when he is done smoking he gives them the fruits and a small vile of his blood to repeat the process elsewhere. He is then left alone to ponder about that man's eyes. That familiar look.

It's....funny how he recognized the look on that zombie's eyes the moment it was completely healed. It's a sense of comradeship that only those with similar experiences can understand. Once he loved someone dearly, not a romantic relationship but a brotherhood.

His mother understood this and sought to destroy this relationship the same way shedestroyed everything he had a sliver of affection for. The next thing his homosexuality was plastered all over the school boards and websites by the very person he had turned to when his life at home got too difficult.

He was not surprised when the main character of his novel turned out to have the same face as his beloved childhood friend whom he had loved as a blood brother. When he wrote the story of the male lead he had given him many challenges.

From not caring about the female lead that much to being curious about her secrets to loving her and then having to watch her suffer from the attacks of various side characters to ultimately failing miserably to find ways to heal her of her mental plight. Then finding out the one thing he wanted in this world would never come to be.

Of all the people who hurt him deeply, his dear friend's betrayal was the most surprising. This included this lives in this world.

After more than half an hour the door opened and a handsome scholar walked out. "Can you speak?" Luke asked him.

"Yes. What is going on?" The man asked.

"What do you remember?" Christina asked with a kind expression.

"I walked out of my apartment from the North district and just like every day I walked to work as the sun rises but then a fast shadow came for me I couldn't dodge at all. There was a searing pain at the back of my head as I was knocked down and fell backwards. After that I felt like I was in hell."

"I woke up from the pain of something biting off my flesh, it was excruciating. I somehow got up and ran into my work building but I was later than normal so my partner and son were already there discussing how to get rid of me. I was slowly loosing consciousness so I couldn't make a sound as I drew near them."

"The closer I got the more clear their voices were, it turned out they are father and son, my wife was also on the phone with them at that time as they made their arrangements. I passed out after that then I remember the pain from my injuries disappear. Then I..." The man trembled as he remembered how he felt hunger like never before, "I ate people."

Seeing his deflated form, Luke just pat his shoulder and gives him a cigarette. The man with his trembling hands takes it and lights it up. They sit like this for a few minutes without saying a word to each other.

"All these years I have been breaking my back working hard for the brighter future of our children, only to find out that the son I have raised all these years is not my own but my good brother's child with my wife. The three of them were working together to take my company from me." The voice is flat, the tone has no emotions on it.

"My daughter has always been very sick and frail, her twin brother is as scheming as his mother, I guess she is dead now too. Seeing as she was with that woman and her current husband when the world ended she would suffer greatly." Even with a flat tone Luke can detect a hint of melancholy and hope.

"There are survivors who made it out alive. I am sure you can smell their scent in that direction, why don't you go and see if your daughter is still there?" Luke has a feeling this man's daughter is the girl he saved that night but he can't be sure.

The man lifts his head and looks in that direction, his eyes flash a golden color for a split second and then they go back to tranquil black. Zombie's eyes would bleed white and a color of their super power if they have powers above level 3. While humans would show this color when they use powers excessively or when their emotions get the better of them.

Noticing the intensity of this stare in that direction Luke stops him. "Are you feeling peckish? Do you want to eat people by any chance." The man looks at Luke with white and deep golden pupils. Luke sighs in exasperation. This man is hungry maybe if he used his healing powers on him he'll be better.

Without wasting time Luke bath him in his healing white glow eliciting a groan of comfort from the man. Luke spends nearly a minute on healing him and then let be. The man looks at Luke with surprise as he touches his stomach, the pain of hunger that had been there is gone. The pain had been considerably less than when he was a mindless zombie but it had still been there nonetheless. Now however, he feels like he doesn't have to devour everything with a heartbeat. He look to Luke and extends his hand. Luke just looks at his hand with long zombie claws.

The fact that the metal nails have a golden luster on the tip making them look deep black and glossy golden which should have made them beautiful but it just makes them very scary. The man looks at his hands and closes his eyes.

"They can be retracted." It is just the two of them out here and Luke doesn't know how to teach him this but soon enough the man is able to do it all on his own but now his hand are dirty where they had claws so Luke gives him water. After the dries them they shake hands. "I am called Li Bingping you saved me."

"Luke." He nods and points to direction of the human survivors. "There is a pair of twins there one girl and one boy, maybe you know them. The girl is not with the rest of them but you will be able to easily find her."

"Why did you save me?....How did you do it?"

"I used something precious."


"I need an army and I don't want it to be humans. Zombies are better, stronger and most importantly they will be loyal to a certain extent."

"I do feel like I can't hurt or go against you. Why is that?"

"It's instincts isn't it?" Luke asks and the man named Bingping nods.

"Rest assured that I will not hurt or abuse this connection. We will build a home here for ourselves and you can have anyone live with you as long as they pull their weight." Luke says looking straight at him.

Mr Li is tall maybe 6'3 his body is also very thick with muscles black eyes and deep brown hair, no matter how you look this is not a man who would be cuckold and not do anything about it. He gives a scholarly image but his massive body and large arms makes people take a second look at him. "Were you always this strong looking?" Luke asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Not to this extent but my height was always been tall, I have a large father..." Speaking up to here the man just stops and stands up. He goes towards the place where humans are. Luke doesn't impose on his private matter.


"Dad?" Li Bao couldn't believe it. His father's large form walks in and stands infront of him and pulls him up checking his body and notices traces of abuse on his child. The zombie wants to cry but his face remains still. He takes his son out of this place, when they get outside he hugs his son. He takes the bag and with one arm lifts up his son and the other hand he puts the bag on the other arm. He walks with his sobbing son towards the place where his daughter is said to be.

When they get there the place has been cleaned up and the previous unpleasant smell is gone but the occasional painful groans coming from upstairs can be heard. Bing goes straight toward a door and knocks on it lightly after putting down his son. The door remains closed a minute later. "Ruo open the door." A slight sound of a locker clicks from the inside then a head full of confusion pops out. When she saw the man her eyes went wide.

"Dad?" She ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Where is that woman?" His eyes darken.

"She and uncle Mo stayed and stalled the zombies for us so we can escape." Ruo sobbed thinking about her mother.

"Oh? What about the husband? Where is your step siblings?" His previous dark aura dissipated a little but he asked again making Bao's body stiffen as he looks as his sister with wide eyes. Ruo seeing this just looks down.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me, I was hoping to take care of them now that their father helped you. If you can tell me where you last saw them you can tell me I'll go and take them back." He is grateful to the rich man for helping his children.

"The Mo siblings had gone to a party the night before and were going to stay in the Marman hotel in F city. They must still be there, or have already died but the last time we saw them was the morning before when they had been going to that 'committee gathering' or was it charity committee gathering?" Ruo says with a deep frown.

"Out of town?" Bing frowns and just decides to let this go for now. He has to take care of his children for now. "Alright we will be staying here with the group that is in charge here, we will be making this place our safe place. Are you two willing to stay here with me?"

"I'll stay." Bao is the first to agree. Hearing him say this Ruo scoffs.

"I'll stay with you dad, but I won't move on with you I'll stay in my own place."

"You are not a child anymore, you can live wherever you want. How did you recover? You seem healthy even." Bing looks at his daughter, he remembers how his wife used her sickness as a way to have them move in with her and her new family. He didn't want to make a mistake so he agreed but now he knows she had cuckold him and her first child is not his.

The twins though, he knows they are his without a doubt since they look like his petite mother, even the boy. He also knows his son is usually picked on for his frail demeanor but his height of 5'8 is normal so it was not so much as it was on himself.

"I was on the verge of death one night but someone poured something in my mouth and a few minutes later I was as good as new. Bao says he knows who did it."

"I understand." Bing remembers Luke's magical juice and concludes it was him. He looks at his children realizing they are not speaking to each other. "What happened between you two?"

Ruo just looks away and Bao does the same. "I'll lock the two of you in a room together if you don't speak." He says with a flat tone. The authority in his voice is unmistakable. Ruo looks at him.

"I'm angry because I was about to commit Slaughter under his command." She points an accusatory finger to her brother who just shrugs.

"I see. I suppose it's as good a time as any to discuss this with you." Bing takes a deep breath and says something that shocks both his children. "Bao is a psychopath." The two looked at him in shock. Bao soon regains his bearings and just sits there with no visible expression he looks at his father with slightly narrowed eyes.

"When did you find out?" His voice has no emotions or ripples it's as if he is talking about the weather. Ruo takes a step back from them, Bao catches this action but he says nothing about it. He just looks at his father for an answer.

His father saw the slight flash of hurt in his eyes when he saw his sister afraid of him, but he also doesn't say anything and answers him honestly. "When you were 4. I also know you are a genius with an IQ of over 189."

Bao chuckles lightly. "I thought you are a simple man but it seems I was wrong. How did you find out?"

"I was looking for signs of it from any of my children. Mother told me to be thorough with my investigation. At first I thought she was just being an alarmist but then I saw you handle those kids who were pushing your sister into the pool that year."

Bao had a realization and smiles beautifully at this statement from his father. "I thought I handled that outburst beautifully but it seems you still caught me."

"What happened? Why don't I know about this? wait, dad you said you were an orphan." Ruo blinked her large eyes.

"Mother I'd in jail serving a life sentence for men Slaughter." Both children are surprised at this answer. Bao smiles.

"I got it from her?" He asks his father but he already has the answer.

"Yes. She told me this when I said my wife is pregnant, she told me everything and what to look out for. She told me she got it from her father."

"Are you saying my brother is a bad person? No sympathy for others and is prone to committing crimes?"

"He is your brother, he is my son. I am telling you this so you will be aware of it because now the world is without laws so your brother's repressed behavior may come out and you shouldn't expect him to be simple in how he deals with situations."

"I understand. I may have over reacted before because I was horrified about my own actions, I guess blaming him is easier. I will not however, live with him under the same room but I won't reject him now that I know all this."

"That is good because I want bot my children to be near me." What he didn't say is that Ruo is the key to keeping Bao from completely loosing his humanity.

"Tell me about grandma." Bao asks cutting through his sister's rambling.

"She is in prison in K city. The country doesn't have too many female prison facilities so she ended up in the only maximum security prison for female convicts." Bing says flatly. The twins looks at him in wonder.

"Is that why you said she is dead?" Bao asks straightforward.

"Yeah. If it became public knowledge that your grandmother, my mother killed over 11 people in one night. Our lives will be very hard, not to mention my business will suffer. Your school lives wouldn't be easy either."

"She killed people?"

"How did she get caught?

They asked at the same time. "I was a very fat child, my father was a big man, he was strong but also very fat. People were confused how he got together with mother who was small and delicate. So when I got to secondary school I was relentlessly bullied because of my weight."

"I ofcourse started exercising and got better but the bullying got worse as it became apparent I had very good features now that they were no longer barried under layers of fat. They almost killed me one time, I had to go through surgery because one of my rib bones was broken and lodged into my organs."

The room got quite, Ruo had tears in her eyes but Bao seems calm, too calm as if a lake is about to boil over anytime.

"Mother borrowed money from her parents who had disinherited her when she chose to marry an fat man looding all their faces."

"After making sure the surgery would be fine, she called my father's family to take care of me untill I reach adulthood. She went drugged the teenagers who were responsible for my injuries. There were seven. She then put their parents in the same room tied all of them in a chair and gagged their mouths."

"She tortured them in many ways infront of their parents, then she took them away that was the last time they saw each other.There was also the school principal and the teachers she had reported my abuse to and they always ignored her because we were not rich like the parents of some of the kids. She made sure to kill those parents after the kids were gone."

"She did this for over a month without anyone realizing people are missing. The children's bodies were never found, what she went to prison for was the parents and the teachers kidnaping torture and man slaughter. There was no evidence but she admitted it to the judge and told them those children are being bullied somewhere like they like bullying others. Till now, no one knows where they are."

"My father's family changed my name and appearance as I got more and more fit and handsome it became hard to recognize me. I use disguise when I go to see her. But since she killed all those rich people who may have troubled me."

"She did all that because you were bullied? Isn't that abit much?" Ruo asks with wide eyes.

"His rib bone was poking his organs. How is that simple bullying?" Bao countered with a calm voice.

"I have answered your questions now tell me what happened to you my son?" Bing asks with clenched fists.

"It's taken care of, you don't worry about it. Let's go to our new home." Bao says.

"Yes dad, let's go home." Ruo echoed.

"There is something I need to tell you two. I was a bitten and turned into a zombie at the start of the apocalypse." He stopped talking as he can hear someone coming this his way from outside. The footsteps grew closer until they are outside the door. A nock sound came.

"You are?"

"Lu Feng, may I have a word?" The voice is strong and pleasant making Bao shudder. He stood up and opened the door before his father can say anything. Father and daughter look at each other and shrug. Who knows what that little beast is scheming.

"May we help you with anything?"

Lu Feng looks at this young man who is delicate and harmless to animals and humans. He tries to smile so the young man will not be scared off by his domineering aura.

"The army is planning to leave early tomorrow, are you staying here with your father?"

"Yes, father's boss is here and has allowed us to stay here under his protection." Bao says with visible excitement in his expression.

"I see, may I speak with your dad for a while?"

"Okay." Bao closes the door and faces his father's narrowed eyes and his sister who just looks at him.

"Well, he looks good and seems to have a powerful military background, we might end up needing his help in the future. He wants to talk with dad." Bao seats on the chair as his father goes to talk with Lu Feng.

"Hello, something of the matter?" He looks at this person and wonders what he wants from him. They don't know each other.

"I was wondering if you may help me with some information."

"Information about what exactly?"

"About Luke, I was hoping to get him to come to the capital with me but he is adamant about staying here. Isolated from society and other humans. You have children, do you really want them to be living here under the constant threat of mutant animals and plants?" The way he said it sounds like he cares about them and living here is dangerous.

Luckily Bing has seen countless people in the business world where all sort of means are employed to achieve whatever goals people have. It would take more than honeyed words to sway him.

"Our family is waiting for a few more members to join us so it will be better to stay here and wait for them." Lu Feng can see this man is just saying this to get him to back down. It appears he is not a simple man at all.

"In that case, I can't take you away from your family. All the best with meeting the rest of your family members." Lu Feng is a bit dejected he will not be taking Hua or the others with him. He wonders if he will ever see them again. He walks to the hall when he hears multiple roars of zombies from the direction of the city management building.

He stop walking forward and look at the direction of Hua's house. Then he remembers how her eyes turned cold when he said they were not romantically involved. She seemed angry but then she dismissed it like it nothing. He won't admit it out loud but that bothered him.

As the most desirable bachelor of the capital Lu family younger generation, he has been confessed to many times and he had rejected many prominent women from powerful backgrounds. When was it his turn to be dismissed as if he doesn't matte?

He can feel his interest in her increase day by day. The more she ignores him and locks herself in her room the more he wants to know what makes her tick, what is her secret and how can he use it for himself. Lu Feng was taught from a young age that his family comes first but he knew the truth, only his interest comes first everything else is a ladder.

He wants to go back to that house and see if she is thinking about him? Does she wonder what he is currently doing as much as he thinks about her? Does she remember his voice as vividly as he remembers hers? He wants to know if she knows what his lips look like as well as he knows the shape of hers.

He wants her. He wants to possess her in every way possible. However he knows there is a wall between himself and his goal named Luke. He had decided that he will take over the base in the capital and when he is done consolidatinghis power there, he will come to take her back. Perhaps she would have suffered immensely from the mutant animals and plants by that time, he would be a hero saving the beauty.

The night passed by quickly.

"How many of these fruits do you have?" Luke asks Hua with sparkling eyes. He had taken a few more of his blood and gave the girls more fruits from Hua to repeat the same thing they had done with Li Bingping to other zombies since they don't need to sleep. Luke would go lend his power of healing every once in a while.

"I already gave you many saplings to grow in you own space. Don't think about robbing me blind."

"Haha...don't worry the hundred or so that you have given me are enough for now. Since we could dilute it with your healing water, the effect of the fruit is so good that their blood is even red. Can you believe it? All that's left is their appetite for humans. They are practically cured now."

"Yes, but your blood is still the key. When we use the fruit and water from my space they only increase their strength, they don't even gain awareness, their bodies don't heal and the rotten smell gets worsened."

"Yes well, we can't ask for too much. The important thing is that now I can get my massive zombie army." Luke is really excited about that. Even in the end times, human resources is undoubtedly the most important for a base to exist.

"It's a little freaky the way they follow your every command like it's their nature."

"It is their nature, they follow me because they were born again from my blood. My blood has the healing and upgrading effect on them but it also has the power to suppress them."

"Is that a good thing?"

"If not I wouldn't bother curing them, who wants followers who would choose not to follow you someday?"

"You are paranoid." She says with a laugh.

"Are you not?"

"I am."

"To paranoia and zombie army."

"To zombie army."

They bring their beer bottles together making a clinking sound. They are seated on the roof of the management building. The kids are already sleeping after eating their supper. The girls have a room to themselves with a bunk bed for each child. The boys also have their own room that used to be a conference office. There is a large glass window on the side but it is not broken or cracked.

The place was changed into a bedroom by Luke in a hurry after Bingping left to look for him children. He was glad the large window came with blinds all the had to do is to put the beds and the bedding along with the wardrobes with clothes for each child. He didn't even forget the small things like the pillow cases, socks, shoes for outside and morning shoes.

Their clothes included sleeping pajamas and gowns, and sportswear for outside. He was still going to ask the girls to help him sort out more clothes for the children. He put a large TV and play station for games and comfortable couches and small tables for putting things such as tea or fruits. He even put a large carpet on the tiled floor to make the rooms more comfortable and homey.

"How many do you think they have turned now?" Hua asks curious.

"I think the number is large since they get more helpers as the time goes on." Luke smirked imagining what he will do first thing tomorrow. Right now all the new members have to do is wash themselves and change into a new set of clothes provided by Luke. The clothes are in the store racks so they can choose nicely what they want to wear.

"Let's go check." Luke lavitate to the ground from the roof. Hua just rolls her eyes knowing he is showing off because she is still behind him on the cultivation level. She smirks and use the lightning under her feet and run fron the roof to the ground using the building stairs.

Luke is gobsmacked at the sight. "What the hell was that?"

"Just a little trick I learned from watching someone fight." She says with a proud smile.

It is Luke's turn to roll his eyes. They walk towards the girls. The process it fairly smooth, someone feeds them the juice solution, the roar in pain and get up to bath and get to the building where the many others who were cured live. It is residential building with many apartments. It is only halfway full with a few hundred men and women in each bedroom. They are sharing the flats.

"Ming Yue, Christina. I was about to complement the two of you on the job well done but here you are the two of you eating....fruits? Since when can you enjoy fruits? I'm so confused right now."

"Luke, we got curious and drank the juice with your blood and we can enjoy all the food now even though it doesn't make us fool it is no longer disgusting to swallow. Look, even our blood is deep red too. We just need more meet to sustain our energies now." Christina says with happiness.

"That is a lot of information. I am glad you are happy though. What else is different?" Luke is still surprised by the many changes the concoction brought to the zombies.

"We can feel pain now. That is the down side but we can also feel pleasure and are ticklish again. But don't be fooled we are zombies. Our bodies are stronger than before, the zombie nails can still be taken out we can still understand the zombie roars and we can roar if we want." Ming Yue adds.

"The hunger is worsening too. It is like since we are stronger, We need more sustenance." Christina says as she eats the fruits in the plate.

"We got these from outside during out hunts. I'll share some with you and the kids. There are a lot in our space. Ming Yue used to love eating fruits before so she couldn't help but get them whe we went out. Now we can enjoy them."

"That's good. Can you tell me the numbers we have so far?" Luke asks about his army. Ming Yue takes a booklet on the fruit table an open it.

"So far it is only about 800 females and 1457 males. We didn't include children for now."

"Good. We need to get on with building the wall around the city as soon as tomorrow morning, There won't be any down time, the process will continue during the night. I want this city secured in less than three months because winter is coming and these people will want to go get their families as well."

"Mmm I wanted to inform you that now when we run out of energy we can fall asleep but if we have a steady flow of in coming energy we can go on for ever. The body can last for more than a week of constant work after a fulfilling meal. But if we are using the ability then it will only lat for two days. This is not much but it is still levels above what humans can do." Ming Yue says.

"I want the wall to be built from all sides at once since we have man power. This way it will be done sooner and then we can focus on the inside of the city. Mean time we will be repairing the electricity and water supply inside the city. These are the plans I have made." Luke gives the blue print of the city plans he had drawn up in the past few weeks.

"This." Christina can immediately see the full picture of the design.

"Is ambitious, I know but if we have an army of the undyingthat works day and night. We might pull it off."


"Do you prefer ghouls?"

"Zombie is fine."

"Whatever. Where are the materials going to come from?" Christina asks.

"I have liberated a few construction sites from before, you guys were there and you should remember what I took from those places."

"You took everything. Even the dirt...ow..I see now where the materials would come from."

"Yes. So if what I have is not enough I will allow all the buildings to be demolished and their materials used for the wall.Christina you already know how to make the solution these are the measurements for mixture when in the construction site. I want the two of you on this as soon as the sun comes out and untill the wall is completely built."

"The two of you will organize shifts and teach the workers what should be done I am sure we have expirienced construction workers. Get more supervisors, I need this done as soon as possible."

"En, but you'll have to supervise here. Don't worry there are many others doing the actual job all that is needed from you is to record the numbers, but even that can be done by one of them it just that they are abit disoriented when they first come too so it is easier to make mistakes." Ming Yue says making Luke frown.

He doesn't want to stay here counting the number of bodies. He wants to go get the mental fruits and other resources. Luke decided to stay here for a while while more zombie are turned into normal functioning abled people. Ming Yue had written what the people on the list used to do before and what power did they get. So far only about 200 and some change did not get abilities but Luke thinks it's only amater of time.

Those who used to do construction work are notified to meet the girls tomorrow morning at a specific location after they have met with Luke for an introduction.

"I want to go sleep or cultivate its 3 am in the morning are we not going to rest?" Hua yawns while looking at the watch.

"You can go sleep so it's easier to take care of the kids in the morning."

"Why should I?" Hua whines.

"Do you want it to be me?" He then lowers his voice "Or the zombies?"

Hua widens her eyes in realization that it can only be her for now. "Fine, but when someone else comes it will be their turn."

"Sure." Luke affirmed.

Hua goes to sleep after taking a shower.

Luke is actually very excited to have so many people under his direct control. However he is worried that they might resent him if he doesn't give them a chance to go look for their families now that they are no longer wondering mindless zombies. But if he does that his work will be slowed down by a factor.

This is not to mention that some of these people will die out there. They might be zombies but they are not above guns in the head. However all of them have upgraded their level from the fourth level upward depending on their talent. The highest so far is level seven. At this level the power reserve is abundant the people don't run out of stamina easily. Luke took aside those with metal, gold and earth powers.

These are the people he will depend on for the upcoming undertaking. Luke continued to record the people's names, previous occupation and current powers and their levels after that they will be guided to a living apartment where they can start their lives. These are for single people, when they find their families they can apply for another family apartment.

In the morning around 7 o'clock the sun rays came up, although they have changed from the golden color to a ghastly red. It is morning either way and as gotten tired of this repetitive process of recording information down.

He is lucky it is time to attend the meeting in the city hall. Lucky for him that hall can accommodate them all otherwise they would have to go to the ones where graduations are usually held. That place is further up the city and that part of the city is not yet under their control. Not to mention the police department around there crawling with mutant dogs and powerful zombies.

Before long, Luke is standing inside the city hall on a podium facing around 3800 people. Some seem clear headed but most are confused still and some even seem scared. Luke released his spiritual power and attached his healing power making them comfortable. Some even moan out loud.

"Good morning. Welcome back to the land of the conscious. I know this is not easy to adjust to after what you have been through, after what you have done. Some of you have eaten your fellow colleagues, some have killed their families and children and they have even eaten them up. I am here to tell you that it wasn't your fault. It wasn't their fault either it is nature that is cruel and decisive."

The hall got quite and the people started getting agitated again, Luke enveloped them with his white healing light. The entire hall became silent again as they calm down once more.

"The truth is I can never tell you to go on living if the memories in your head are too much for you. You have my permission to ask your comrades next to you to kill you. If you find that your guilt is too much to bare you can go ahead and rest."

The silence ensued again. The many people remained still. "You have been through something many would never understand. This is your second chance at life. The earth had upgraded itself that night. It released gases into the atmosphere that were ment to upgrade all living beings."

"From animals, humans and plants. Those who pass the test will gain power and abilities to survive and strive in this new world. Those who fail will be used at a tool to further test and eliminate the weak. You were the ones used as a way to eliminate and horn the skills of those who passed the test. Nature had decided that you are not worthy to continue living."

"But I disagree. I say you will live, not as humans but as a new species that was born from the rejection of the world. If it really wanted you dead it should have killed you completely bit it didn't, it gave you a chance. Zombies will gain awareness as they get stronger which means you had a chance. But rather than being another person with no memory of who you are you get to be yourself."

"I know that some of you would want to forget what you have done. There is this option, I have medicine here that will wipe away all your memories and you can start living a new life, one without guilt. I don't recommend it if you still have people you want to protect out there. You yourself knows how dire the situation is out there, if you forget them you will be condemning them to a terrible fate."

"Alternatively it is your choice. As you can feel my healing will allow you to curve your desire for human flesh. Unless you roar and take out your zombie claws no body can tell what you are so I need to enforce this command. Do not eat humans." Luke used the power he has over them to ensure they follow his instructions.

"Are there any questions?" A number of hands went up the questions varied from 'what is your purpose?' to 'can I go to find my family?' Luke ofcourse had already thought of these so he allowed them to do as they please as long as they don't expose what they are to any one. He also drew a few pictures of the fruits and plants to take back if they come across.

Over 600 people had families to go look for so Luke told them that the base will be separated into two parts. The inner region and the outer region. Those with families will live in the outer region.

"The reason is simple. I don't trust humans and I only trust you because you can not betray me. Humans will live out only those without any human families can live inside the inner region. Don't worry there will be no unfair treatment regardless of race. They will have houses and the standard of living is 10 times that of other places."

"I only saved you because you will be stronger, I gave you your memories back so you can find your families if you still have them. Ofcourse some of you are like me, you have those you are related to by blood but you couldn't be bothered. I welcome those as well. I also chose to save you because now, you will have nothing to fear with the virus. It will not affect you anymore. This is important because I need a strong army that is invulnerable to the virus, this also means you can use the contaminated water in the system."

Luke has talked about all that is important, he then sent them to organize themselves according to their powers and experience so they can start with the construction of the wall.

For now they will focus on a single wall one that will cover the entire city, 30 000.15²meters wide with 11 small gates and 5 large gates. The foundation will go 100meters deep, this also because there are underground mutant animals to watch out for.

The materials were put inside the Christina's large space. Luke sent more than ten powerful level 6 zombies to fetch the valuable plants. He did not forget to give them weapons to protect themselves. Luke also wants to train them on how to use their powers better. For now he just has to see the twins if the cat lady is still there and thank her.

After making sure all the work has been assigned he went to see his friends from city B. While on the way he remembered that large gentleman who may or may not be his past life's little lover's father. In any case if they are family he can't force him to leave their father.

"Mr Luke, Good morning." He turned his head to see Bao and his sister sitting by the steps leading to the supermarket. They seem to be listening to soft music from inside, and by soft music it is realy the wailing of a dying man. Luke just nods and continues going towards the building with the survivors.

The place is buzzing with activity. The soldiers are checking the materials and weapons while the civilians are making food, careful not to bring rats again. Luke puts on an amiable smile as he come near the commander.

"Beautiful morning isn't it?"

The commander looks at him. He doesn't like this man who always has a smile on his face. But, it is a fact that this man saved them by first battling the mutant mice and then by healing the wounded. It will be impolite to not give him some face. The commander smiles in return.

"Mr Luke, I don't know about a beautiful morning but I'll take what I can get."

"That is all we can do now." Luke notices the slight discomfort from the man but he only just wants to make sure they are leaving as promised.

"I saw a large number of people going to all sides of the city in a hurry, do you know them?"

"Yes, Don't mind them. They are completing a task."

"So you had that many people under your command. We could have used some of them in the battle yesterday." Lu Feng's cold voice came from the building door.

"Hahaha...I see, because I didn't send civilians to battle an army of bloodthirsty mutants zombie animals, I must be evil." Luke mocked. The soldiers all turn to Lu Feng.

He is making an accusation to someone who helped immensely in the battle and not to mention the healing water he provided to the wounded. The action that Lu Feng just made him look bitter and obvious that he holds a grudge against Luke.

"You mean to say, all these people are civilians? I suppose all those gleaming weapons they are carrying are only for show." Now that he said it, those people were all carrying weapons. They could have used them yesterday.

"Zombies are rampant out there, ofcourse they should defend themselves should something happen. But why would I have them come out to fight against mutant mice when they can stay inside their homes safely?" Luke took out a cigarette and started smoking.

"Besides do my people owe you anything? Take a look around mr hero, this is not the era of heros. Those who play hero die in the attempt. This way of speaking, trying to make me seem like a selfish villain so that these soldiers and civilians whose lives I saved along with miss cat upstairs yesterday will condemn me is why I don't want you people to stay here. Always scheming some sort of angle."

"Let me help you with your goal of making me seem like a villain. They didn't come because I told them to, why should they come here to die for a bunch of cowards who have never even tried to kill zombies even once? These people would rather eat each other than take a risk outside to find food."

"The government will save them because they want such cowards who would be forever inside the walls of the base to do menial jobs like construction or just to have more women to give birth so humans don't go extinct."

But me? I simply don't care. Even a construction worker here is not come cowering person who would push others yo save themselves. So yes, I am a villain and you all should leave here as soon as possible."

The place quiet down and most people stopped moving and looked at Luke. "What? Am I wrong about them? Go ahead and ask them how many zombies have they killed? Also, they will be the ones responsible for your death on your journey back, they will scream loud everytime they see something. More and more zombies will come your way because of the sound. Take a good look at your comrades because they will be pushed to cover for them into the zombies soon."

The soldiers clenched their fists looking at the group of civilians with red eyes. The truth is this is not the first group of civilians they have rescued. The scenes of their brothers being pushed by the civilians have occurred more then three times.

"Commander." One soldier tried to say something but the commander stopped him.

"Soldiers hear my command, if you see any one push aanother person to a group of zombies, shoot them in the head. If they scream making noise that will bring more zombies to our side, shoot them in the head. Are we clear?"

"Clear!" All the soldiers shouted with one voice.

"Hahaha, decisive enough." Luke continued smoking without a care in the world. "How many of you got metal powers and gold power?"

The commander looked at Luke with narrowed eyes "Three." He answered.

"That's good, have them fashion bullets so you guys don't run out of ammunition." The soldiers eyes sparkled and the commander smiled.

"The base is already doing this we just completely forgot about it. Thank you mr Luke."

"You are welcome." Luke turns to face Lu Feng.

"Did you get the results you were hoping for?" Luke asks him as he stood there with a stiff expression.

"You are not simple. Luke."

"Then again, who is? Your problem is that you walk around as if other people owe you something, You must be from a place where all means are allowed as long as you get what you want. People like you are everywhere in the capital, that is why I wouldn't live there, snakes everywhere. Even now, you just couldn't help yourself could you?" Luke smirked at his growing discomfort.

"Why did you come? Since you are not going with us." Commander seeing the growing tension butts in with a question.

"I have guests upstairs, or have you lot forgotten who killed the rat king?" He asked as he entered the building going straight upstairs to the room where the twins are.