
Transmigrated Hood Princess: Master Wu's Wife is not Weak

When sassy, street-smart Amber from Chicago's roughest neighborhood finds herself transmigrated into Song Yanyan's curvy form, she's in for a rude awakening. Trapped in the gilded cage of Wuhan's snobby elite society, Amber must quickly adapt her gangster wit and tough spirit to this new, foreign world. However, Amber is no wilting flower. With her brave hood mentality and sharp tongue, she turns Master Wu's mission upside down. As she unravels the dark secrets behind her new identity, Amber goes toe-to-toe with the arrogant young master, their flames of rivalry soon sparking an unexpected passion. In this world of decadence and deceit, Amber must fight to replace Song Yanyan's meek persona with her bold, unapologetic flair. From intense clashes to wild romantic entanglements, she'll deliver scorching face-slaps to any who dare underestimate the transmigrated hood princess. Brimming with drama, action, laughter, and jaw-dropping revelations, one thing is certain - Master Wu's wife is no shrinking violet. Can this fish-out-of-water hood princess rise as the elite world's feistiest new queen?

FlameWitch · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Chapter 10

Song Yanyan's POV:

I could practically taste the potent miasma of shock and terror wafting off them in waves. Good - the depraved vermin were finally getting their first tantalizing glimpse of the unrestrained demon they'd awoken.

Eventually, Donkey Dong managed to unstick his slack jaw enough to warble out a pitiful attempt at snide dismissal.

"W-What an absolute freak show that disgusting tub of lard is," he blustered, visibly struggling to project his usual infuriating bravado. "She's clearly lost what little remained of her barren, broken mind!"

"I don't know, bro..." Song Fangfang offered with a tremulous squeak, seeming to shrink back against the far wall. "That unhinged side-piece gave me some serious psychokinetic killer vibes out of nowhere. Like...Carrie at the prom massacre status."

She shuddered violently at the very notion, apparently spooked straight down to her cheap wig's roots. Beside her, Uncle Jackass and Auntie Skank exchanged an brief, unmistakably terrified look before snapping to dote on my enraged mother.

"Ch-Chenxinyi, darling, are you quite alright?" Zhao Yujie simpered, practically in her blustering husband's lap like a frightened child. "Th-That horrible outburst from your...base-born certainly was alarming! We should never have egged her unstable mind on!"

But Chen Xinyi seemed to have retreated into her own static world of impotent rage, fists clenched so tightly I could see her claw-like nails drawing blood from her palms. Her chest heaved with ragged, hateful breaths as spittle frothed at the corners of her trembling lips.

"...M-Mother?" Song Yangyao ventured meekly, real fear clouding her features as she tentatively reached out to touch the woman's forearm. "Mother, please say som--"

"GET OUT!!!"

The volcanic eruption of Chen Xinyi's banshee shriek sent the entire craven lot flinching back as if struck. Her eyes were wild, rolling with undisguised mania as she unleashed her fury upon them in a relentless torrent.

"All of you worthless, simpering leeches! Out of my sight this instant before I summon the guards to hurl you bodily from this estate! You pathetic, sniveling ingrates have provided enough torment and headache for one evening!"

To their credit, the terrified assembly didn't hesitate to scramble for the dining room's exits despite her hailstorm of indiscriminate abuse continuing to pelt them relentlessly.

Within moments, only Chen Xinyi and her beloved Yangyao remained behind, the echoes of the former's rage still reverberating through the cavernous chamber. I watched from the doorway as my mother slowly crumpled into a nearby chair, glazed eyes staring at nothing as fresh folds of impotent fury etched themselves across her withered features.

"...How could this happen..." she rasped in a dry, haunted whisper. "How did that gutterborn, filthy thing from the depths become so...so..."

She trailed off, seeming utterly lost to the world around her. Song Yangyao tentatively took a step closer, hand outstretched in a placating gesture.

"Mother...darling, you must calm yours--"

"DON'T PRESUME TO INSTRUCT ME, WRETCH!" Chen Xinyi exploded with a suddenness that made her daughter flinch back violently. "You've been an accomplice to enabling that monstrous, uncontrollable side of the beast all along! Simpering and playing games while she steadily unraveled from her bounds!"

Song Yangyao seemed to undergo a visible transformation at her mother's verbal lashing, the flicker of familiar haughty defiance flaring back to life in her eyes.

"Well what would you have me do, Mother?" she spat back, all pretenses abandoned as her anger reached an apparent boiling point. "I'm not the one irresponsibly dosing and suppressing her into submission like some rabid animal you're too cowardly to just--"

The sound of Chen Xinyi's open palm cracking across her daughter's cheek ricocheted like a gunshot in the cavernous space. Yangyao crumpled to the floor, clutching her already swelling face and emitting pitiful, keening whimpers. But her mother simply loomed over her, utterly devoid of empathy or warmth.

"Do not speak on matters you are too childish and simple to comprehend, you impertinent whelp," she hissed with acid disdain. "I alone will determine the appropriate contingencies to neutralize this new...development before she unravels everything we've schemed and sacrificed to build."

With that, Chen Xinyi seemed to collect herself, smoothing imaginary wrinkles from her flowing robes as she turned on her heel and stalked toward the exit, leaving her sniveling daughter huddled behind.

As she reached the archway where I stood in shadow, the woman finally paused, her burning eyes locking onto me in the darkness with unmistakable loathing.

"You would be wise to disappear for the day and keep that hideous, hateful presence of yours far from my sight," she spat with venomous contempt. "Because if you insist on lingering to infectiously spread more chaos, even your pathetic life will not be beyond sacrificing to maintain order."

With that chilling promise hanging in the air, Chen Xinyi swept past without a second look, abandoning the dining room and her blubbering heir behind.

I stood there for several long moments, soaking in the weighty, toxic atmosphere of our confrontation. Then, a slow, uncannily serene smile spread across my features as I turned and headed for the estate's front doors.

Pausing in the entranceway, I favored the decimated interior with one final, appraising look, committing every ravaged detail to memory before exhaling a single phrase with tranquil finality:

"Enjoy the evening while it lasts, vipers...because this is just the opening salvo."

With those chilling words, I stepped out into the crisp morning air, adjusting my uniform and preparing to brave the chaos that would undoubtedly await at school.

One thing was indisputably clear after today's eruptions - the reckoning foretold had been irreversibly set into irrepressible motion. The real war was only just beginning.

A satisfied smirk slowly spread across my lips as I replayed the scene I had just witnessed in the dining room. The look of pure terror on those pathetic sycophants' faces as I unleashed my unrestrained fury upon them was truly a sight to behold. 

Those sniveling leeches had the audacity to doubt and mock me, to treat me as nothing more than a mindless brute. But oh, how the tables had turned. I relished the way they cowered and stumbled over themselves to flee, scurrying away like the worthless vermin they were.

And Chen Xinyi, that wretched harpy of a mother - the way her composure had crumbled, her eyes wild with impotent rage, was simply delicious. To see that icy façade crack and shatter so spectacularly was the sweetest vindication. Her pathetic attempts to regain control, to assert her dominance, only served to further highlight her weakness.

I chuckled darkly, picturing the woman's trembling form as she spewed her venomous threats. As if she could ever hope to contain the force of nature that I had become. This was merely the opening salvo, as I had so boldly declared. The real battle was only just beginning, and I couldn't wait to see the look of utter terror and despair on their faces when I truly let loose.

Settling back onto the plush cushions of my bed, I closed my eyes and allowed the euphoria of my triumph to wash over me. The thrill of asserting my dominance, of shattering their pathetic illusions of power, was intoxicating. They had awakened a beast, and now they would reap the consequences of their foolishness.

Let them cower and scheme all they liked. I was no longer the meek, docile Song Yanyan they had once known. I was a force to be reckoned with, a whirlwind of unbridled fury and unapologetic ambition. And I would not rest until I had remade this world in my own image, crushing anyone who dared to stand in my way.

The winds of change were blowing, and the elite of Wuhan would soon learn to fear the wrath of the transmigrated hood princess. This was only the beginning.