
Transmigrated hacker becomes a Solitude painter

Jasmine, an orphan trained since young to become the best hacker, died and was transmigrated into a novel she read. She took over the body of the heroine's younger half-sister after the heroine was already reborn. Jasmine keeps to herself and finally enjoys her long time dream. Painting her emotions . Jasmine always wanted to just paint by herself away from the rest of the world, and imerge herself in her imagination.  Gabriel, the ML most trusted and loyal friend. Who leaders over the strongest mafia with an iron fist. An outgoing guy who is in truth broken and damaged. He soon becomes curious about the sister of his friend’s lover. This solitude girl who ignores what others think and enjoys life to her heart's content. How will these two interact and brighten up the other's life? What will happen when the heroine tries to become a good sister? *This is my first original novel so if you have any advice please tell me

AnimeNyx · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 23: Want

When I arrived home I was confronted right away by Madelyn and the twins behind her, all having annoyed faces.

The servants to the side were sweating nervously and looking at me with pity.

I was about to ignore them and walked passed when Madelyn stepped in front of me and crossed her arms with an angry expression

"Where were you" She demanded 

I stared into her eyes and glanced back at the twins slowly piecing everything together.

'By Cynthia's smug expression I assume they knew I was at the club and told Madelyn. *sigh* I'm so tired.' I thought annoyed and tried to step around her again

All of a sudden my arm was grabbed harshly and I was yanked back and almost stumbled over my feet, but caught myself quickly

All the servants jumped at the sudden action and wanted to help me, but were stopped by Rose's glare

They could only watch on helpless and pray that their madam will come

I slowly lifted my head and my blank eyes bore into Madelyn's. She was taken back but stubbornly stood her ground convincing herself that I can't do anything.

"Where were you Jasmine?" Madelyn repeated with command, " Answer me!"

I stayed quiet and straightened my posture with confidence and narrowed my eyes

"You will listen to what I say!" Madelyn yelled again angrily

'I will not be controlled again' I thought with glowing eyes

Madelyn was angry at her daughters silence and lost control of her emotions because this wasn't going as she thought, and raised her hand

The servants gasped and Cynthia smiled excitedly



There was silence in the hall

Madelyn laid her hand on Jasmine, but what left everyone shocked was that she didn't even flinch. Jasmines dull eyes bore straight into Madelyns and her wrist was grabbed tightly making her wince

Madelyn tried to yank her wrist out of her hold, but Jasmine was too strong. Before anyone could react,




"Wha-" everyone gasped at what just happened

In front of them was the mistress on the floor laying on her back, because Jasmine flipped her over her shoulder

Jasmine smirked to herself and walked away without a word leaving everyone in bewilderment

What she didn't know was that Celia, Alyssa, Amelia, and Oliver witnessed the end and were completely stunned from the action

Amelia couldn't contain it any longer and bursted out laughing using the wall as her support, causing all the servants to look over and see their madam

Oliver was holding back a smile while Celia and Alyssa just stared dumbly at Madelyn on the ground

Rose and Cynthia broke out of their shock and ran over to their mother

" Mother are you alright" Rose asked concerned

"That…that impudent child!" Madelyn yelled and quickly got up blushing from embarrassment 

Celia strode up to Madelyn and glared at her

" Did you just slap your daughter" Celia said fiercely, having seen the red mark on Jasmine's cheek

Alyssa stood beside her mother releasing KI that made everyone flinch

Celia stared surprised at her daughter not knowing when she had become like this

"Did you lay a fucking hand on my sister you piece of disgusting trash" Alyssa gritted out

Meanwhile on the balcony Jasmine was watching the drama down below and leaned her head on her hand crouched down.

'Hm, you know what. I think I know why Aaron and Alyssa were a good match. They both know how to look down on those they don't like' Jasmine absentmindedly thought

I just shrugged and yawned

"I'm gonna paint" I mumbled and stood up and left

Time skip

Two days have passed and I stayed in my room to finish a couple paintings for the fashion show, when I suddenly got a text from an unknown number

?- What did you want to talk to me about the other day

I tilted my head and smirked unknowingly 

J- Ask Alyssa out on a date 

A- ?, when

'Pfft, doesn't even ask why. Guess he's actually that into her' I thought lounging on my bed

J- Two days from now

A- On Saturday, I definitely will

I can feel his smirk through the phone 

'Still has his arrogant personality' I rolled my eyes, 'guess it's more moderate'

I threw my phone to the side and turned my head to the opened balcony. The cold wind flowed in blowing the curtains softly. I stared at the sparkling stars and slowly smiled and sighed contently falling asleep.


"Jas-Jasmine" Kiki shouted frustrated

I opened my eyes sleepily and turned the other way when I saw it was Kiki

"Don't turn your back on me miss. Grace wants to go to the mall with you today"

At the mention of Grace I bolted up and looked at Kiki


" Yes miss" Kiki just sighed at my behavior but smiled warmly

'Hm, I have nothing else. Even if I did, I would make room for Grace' I thought happily getting dressed in a black cropped hoodie and grey sweatpants

When I made my way downstairs Grace was happily chatting with Celia

Celia was enjoying Grace's company and was glad Jasmine had a friend like her.

Grace turned at the presence of Jasmine and smiled energetically 

"Jasmine, I'm happy you're coming. Let's go shopping" Grace said with a bright expression

I groaned internally, but nodded anyway wanting to allow Grace the fun

Once we exited the house I saw Gabriel in the car

"Oh, I'm bringing my brother with us. I hope you don't mind" Grace rubbed her head sheepishly, " I always bring him. He's a great way to forc-*cough*, I mean convince others to give me the product"

I tilted my head confused

" Why would I mind. He's family" I said bluntly

Grace tripped from my statement and laughed awkwardly


Gabriel who heard that just sighed


When we arrived at the mall Grace immediately dragged me to the purse store, and not even a minute in she was already fighting with another woman for a bag

Gabriel and me were just standing on the sidelines with blank expressions

I glanced up at Gabriel and he noticed my gaze and smiled helplessly

"She's very fierce when it comes to purses"

I nodded in understanding

"Do you want one" Gabriel asked all of a sudden with his hands in his pockets casually

"No" I answered automatically 

"No? Why not?"

Still with my eyes in front I answered,

"I don't need"

Gabriel was taken back not by the answer, but how it was said. It was detached and emotionless

I ignored his actions and was pulled into my memories


"Jasmine, what did I tell you about these useless things" My instructor said with a tight grip on my shoulder as he threw away a white purse that was ingrained with a flower

"That I don't need something so worthless" I answered back like a puppet

"Good girl, that's right. You only need to follow our orders and kill. Nothing else"


"So what"

I was snapped back into reality when Gabriel spoke again

"Just because you don't need something, doesn't mean you can't have it. We're all human and all desire the need to want."

I didn't answer and Gabriel and I were left silent as we faced the front and watched Grace being dramatic 

'The need to want' I thought